Poll: Biden Approval Drops to Lowest Level After Taliban Takeover


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level so far as the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsed over the weekend in an upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military advisers fleeing for their safety, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.


it will continue to spiral downward as his policies take affect

so far the most historic election sweep was in 2010 where the GOP was able to take hold ans slow down ans in some case reverse the horror of nancy p, obama, xiden and the dems….i can only hope that happens again
That is actually a testament to how divided we are as a country in that one of the worst blunders by a President in modern history... and it only affected his ratings this little.
Agreed - after a f*-up this huge, this epic, this historical - no matter who the president is, the drop should have been far more than just 7 Points. The snowflakes are holding on for dear life, doing everything they can to keep Biden afloat.

President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level so far as the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsed over the weekend in an upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military advisers fleeing for their safety, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.


As you have noticed--only 1 poll matters. But his makes sense...We look like shit--as far as Afghanistan is concerned, and the President takes the hit.
Will it matter a year from now..almost certainly not.
BTW...I'm enjoying the newfound love for the Islamic residents of Afghanistan by the American Right, who knew? . Many here went from' f'kin ragheads'--to 'innocent victims of Biden's heartless actions' with a quickness eh?
We all know how it REALLY is though, right?
We'll see that come out as these 22,000 Afghani refugees are settled.
President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level so far as the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsed over the weekend in an upheaval that sent thousands of civilians and Afghan military advisers fleeing for their safety, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.


Wait until the American citizens he abandoned in Afghanistan start coming home in boxes.
BTW...I'm enjoying the newfound love for the Islamic residents of Afghanistan by the American Right, who knew? . Many here went from' f'kin ragheads'--to 'innocent victims of Biden's heartless actions' with a quickness eh?

Newfound love of the Taliban by the American RIGHT? What the hell are you talking about?

So far it has been Biden , his failed administration, and board snowflakes expressing warmth, trust, confidence, and gratitude towards the terrorists, claiming they have protectively created checkpoints around the airport to provide for Americans' protection and safety, how they will 'roll out the red carpet' for Americans trying to get to the airport for them to leave, and that Americans left behind by Biden have nothing to fear because the Taliban are proving to be excellent protectors and hosts until someone comes to get them....

Of course, the Taliban should treat our people nice, considering the BILLIONS in weapons, vehicles, tanks, helicopters, etc... we left them as a gift.

The Taliban are still terrorists.
That is actually a testament to how divided we are as a country in that one of the worst blunders by a President in modern history... and it only affected his ratings this little.

it will continue to spiral downward as his policies take affect

so far the most historic election sweep was in 2010 where the GOP was able to take hold ans slow down ans in some case reverse the horror of nancy p, obama, xiden and the dems….i can only hope that happens again
Hmmm...so you guys want to invoke history here?

One of the worst blunders? Worse than the decision to invade Iraq? Worse than withdrawing from the Kyoto Accord? Worse than the collective Ike/JFK/Johnson fuck-up that was Vietnam? Worse than Carter's decision to NOT go in and get our hostages? Worse than allowing Russia to occupy East Germany?
..and on...and on...and on. As decisions go..this one is relatively small potatoes..especially as everyone knew what was going to occur..and all have played their roles well---sucks for the Afghani people..but how many Americans really care about that?
I suspect the price of heroin is going to take a dive~

There seems this exaggerated tendency towards hyperbole, these social media days. Cities in flames....destroyed by race riots--except..not really. I used to watch America every Summer....for almost a decade. Nothing, with the exception of the Jan. 6th circus, begins to rise to that level.

As for the midterms...the script is out..and so are the Dems..but, judging by Trumps first 2 years...the R's have no idea of how to handle winning...and will totally fuck it up...again.
And that will surely hurt his presidency from not doing anything.


Biden shows an extreme lack of leadership.... He created the border crisis and now the Afghanistan crisis...
Newfound love of the Taliban by the American RIGHT? What the hell are you talking about?

So far it has been Biden , his failed administration, and board snowflakes expressing warmth, trust, confidence, and gratitude towards the terrorists, claiming they have protectively created checkpoints around the airport to provide for Americans' protection and safety, how they will 'roll out the red carpet' for Americans trying to get to the airport for them to leave, and that Americans left behind by Biden have nothing to fear because the Taliban are proving to be excellent protectors and hosts until someone comes to get them....

Of course, the Taliban should treat our people nice, considering the BILLIONS in weapons, vehicles, tanks, helicopters, etc... we left them as a gift.

The Taliban are still terrorists.
I did not, dufus, say Taliban...now did I?
We always leave gifts for the terrorists, it's tradition, don't ya know?
Ask ISIS...or if yer old school...the Vietnamese.

Biden shows an extreme lack of leadership.... He created the border crisis and now the Afghanistan crisis...

And the Left continues it's denial and Trump blaming

NEVER admitting how incredibly stupid they have been all along.

"We have no partners left in Afghanistan to safely get Americans in-country to Kabul."

Biden had no plan to get Americans out of Afghanistan.

Showing he still has such little concern for American citizens he took the military out 1st and left thousands of Americans stranded, having to fend for themselves.

He has told those trapped in Afghanistan:
- We have no plan for rescuing US citizens outside / away from the Kabul airport
- Shelter in -place until you hear from us again
- 'Your only hope is to make it to the Kabul airport, no matter the distance, on your own, through Taliban checkpoints...we're not going to help, you are on your own.'

He screwed all of the Afghans who helped us over the last nearly 20 years, so no way they will help the Americans left behind.

He's not taking calls from other world leaders...

Yeah, dropping only 7 points after this is a BLESSING for Biden.

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