Poll: ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Convinces Voters, Including Dems

Well you just admitted to not answering questions so what I said is not bullshit it is accurate. Whether you find them leading or irrelevant is irrelevant. Another failed argument by Lastamender!!
If you think so. I will let you in on a secret, they are going to prove massive fraud with or without me.
Arguments do not fit your agenda? You do not tell me or anyone what they do or what they mean. Understand that?
Ha ha, was that supposed to make sense?

You called my statement bullshit while proving it correct By admitting that you avoid answering questions. That means you lose. Simple
Ha ha, was that supposed to make sense?

You called my statement bullshit while proving it correct By admitting that you avoid answering questions. That means you lose. Simple
Again, you do not make that call. You are going to end up talking to yourself. You more or less are anyway.

Again, you do not make that call. You are going to end up talking to yourself. You more or less are anyway.
I’m not making a call. I’m making an observation of fact. I said that you don’t answer questions. You responded by saying you don’t answer questions. You post for weeks that there is verified proof of a stolen election. Now you say they are going to prove there was a stolen election. Again that’s you just contradicting yourself not me making any calls just observations
I’m not making a call. I’m making an observation of fact. I said that you don’t answer questions. You responded by saying you don’t answer questions. You post for weeks that there is verified proof of a stolen election. Now you say they are going to prove there was a stolen election. Again that’s you just contradicting yourself not me making any calls just observations
Your double talk is doing nothing but making you look like a nit picking old bitch. When you have something worth reading come on back.
Your double talk is doing nothing but making you look like a nit picking old bitch. When you have something worth reading come on back.
Exactly what double talk are you speaking of? I am quite literally restating your statements. If you think I’m in accurately quote you and say so and I’ll show you your own quote
As Jackie Gleason used to say, "How sweet it is!"

'...survey finds that 77% of those Likely U.S. voters who have seen '2000 Mules' say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud..

with 68% of Democrats, 77% of Independents and 85% of Republicans saying just that.

The movie is doing massive damage.....a lot more than I thought it would.
I'm waiting for the DHS department of dis-info to close it down....you know they are going to try.

The movie is doing massive damage.....a lot more than I thought it would.
I'm waiting for the DHS department of dis-info to close it down....you know they are going to try.

Haha, exactly what kind of damage do you think it’s inflicting?
This not old. Are you afraid of digital evidence because that is what they have. It proves that activities of these mules going to non-profits between trips to multiple drop boxes for days and into early AM hours. It is irrefutable unless the data is analysed and found to prove differently. Let me know when the data will be put to that test. Until then it is the truth and fact.
The data onlty proves they went to the general vicinity and it is not evidence of fraud on any way shape or form

You lost

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