Politics Free Zone-Jamaica mon


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
20th Anniversary Vacation

Okay...the hotel was absolutely fabulous! (after we got our room changed the second day, but I won't go in to that....)

It was 5 star, even on American standards....I was quite impressed...and I have stayed at 5 star Hotel Resorts across the united states on business occasions such as sales Meetings, or during Market Weeks.

the Hotel was owned by an Italian company and you will see by my pictures, it had a very Mediterranean feel to it...marble and limestone everywhere, and pillars and covered shops and stairways fit for a queen.

What was really cool, is the hotel was GREEN....some really cool features, that took very little money, but made a real difference...

-their toilets had flush buttons for number 1 or number 2.

-their sinks, are set up to plug when running water....when you are done running it and want to drain the sink, you can take this water and use it for other things like watering plants or flushing the toilet....
you have to press a button to drain the sink, not the other way around...

and believe you me, it was a rude awakening to see the sink fill with water as one is brushing their teeth....by the end of the week there were SEVERAL BAD HABITS that I had, that were broken.

the shower had a great head, that was really strong but used little water.

you had to put towels you did not want to reuse in the tub, otherwise they did not replace them...so to save on laundry water.

the room had a ceiling fan along with AC....but you had to use one of the plastic keys for the room in a slot in order to turn the air conditioner on and the electricity too....it was shut off when you left the room, by taking your key out of this slot...so no lights on or tv's running while out of the room...

there was also a huge jetted tub in bath area too, but when the water came on, the plug shut automatically, much like the sink, so no water going to waste.

The hotel was huge, had two grandios lobbies, with shops and sitting areas all around...the place was 98% booked yet it was not crowded at all...lots of areas to hang out...9 different beaches, though we haqd our favorite one....we found it by the 3rd day, lots of pools and pool bars too....

the beach we hung out at, had a lot of water sports stuff going on, kayaks, and paddle boats and snorkeling and their boats would take you out diving too...all inclusive on most all things.

the restaurants were yummy...all different nationality restaurants....but the Italian one was the absolute best and we ended up eating there 3 different times....it was hard not to.

Here is one of the lobby areas with the shops....and plants and ivy and flowers and fish ponds....it was stunning, just stunning!










Pictures from one of the restaurants we ate at for lunch a couple of times that looks down on to the beach area and cliffs on the property.




hotel room, building entrance




they put frsh flowers and housecoats on the bed



our view was pretty nice off the balcony


favored Italian restaurant


I would even make love to Rush Limbaugh in a resort that sexy and decadent.
Did you get a chance to go to Jamaica or were you afraid of being murdered ?
Where you were is NOT Jamaica. Trust me.
Resorts are another distortion of reality.

this was our 20th anniversary....we did not want to leave the resort this time...

but this was our 3rd vacation to jamaica, we had gone to Sandals on our 10th anniversary and then a few years ago we stayed at the wyndham rose hall....the other 2 times there we spent time touring the island...this time, at this resort, we did not want to leave it!

It was relatively cheap too....much lower in price than our Sandals vacation, yet it was an even nicer resort and sandals we only did 5 days and this one for a full 7.

''Jamaica'' is not like this resort, they are very poor....and the Lord knows they are probably paying these workers there a penny on the dollar we paid....

that's why we tipped them, even though they tell us not to, because it is suppose to be all inclusive....anyone that gave us service, we tipped....including leaving our chambermaid a nice little sum...

Jamaicans do not own any of their natural resources anymore....foreigners do....

Blue Mountain coffee is now owned by the japanese, their sugarcane owned by domino i believe, their resorts...coastline and beaches are owned by Americans or Italians.....the rest of the crap is left for jamaicans....quite sad....it's the same with any island in the Caribbean.
no pics of the bud you smoked? lol nice pics....glad you had a good get away

there were 2 couples on the beach, every day just lighting up....not a worry...even with these 2 lady cops hired for security by the hotel...they never stopped anyone....a couple in a room across the way smoked on their balcony....with no worries.

the tourguide/taxi driver told all of us being delivered to the hotel, ''he was the man'' for any of our needs ''wink wink'' so it looks like it is easy to be had....what was funny is that he told the group this, right after he said he was a cop 15 years ago, and for the first part of his working career...but changed to being a tour guide and ''the man'' for your every need! :lol::lol:

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