Politics, Demographics & Race


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.

I think one of the interesting institutions in the question of race is the black churches vs, the white churches. I was absolutely shocked to learn that many of the black churches are racist in nature. Black theologians often mimmick the teachings of popular black leaders rather than the gospel in the primary religions. Rev. White was an eye opener for me.

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial strife seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
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After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial striff seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
For the white liberals, it's three simple things: A much more authoritarian central government, a way to assuage their White Guilt, and the best way to make America pay for its various transgressions. And look at the damage they've been willing to cause generations of Black Americans to achieve this.

And as I mentioned, they're all too happy to import people who have no understanding of or appreciation for the notion of individualism. They have made the calculation that these people are far more likely to vote for a more authoritarian government, which is the end goal. So it's literally in their best interests to keep minorities isolated and angry and let the demographics play out. Actual racial healing would be counterproductive.

Mac's attempts to prove he's not racist are going about as well as Tom Cruise's attempts to prove he's not gay.

And you posting something worth reading.
He's my favorite Pavlov's Dog here.

Say something he doesn't like, any topic, doesn't matter, and he immediately screams "RACIST! RACIST! AAAUUGHHH!!"


Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

Spoken like a true racist. Mac will be proud to know you. And your attitude goes a long way in showing any blacks who happened to read that you believe 97% of all crime in Ferguson was committed by blacks, that you are one fair, non prejudicial person if there ever was one. I bet you are even offended that I called you a racist? Right? More proof that you aren't a racist in your mind. Because you don't like being called one. You racist you.

How could any one be any more fair and balanced than to put forth the opinion that blacks in Ferguson commit 97% of crime? If that ain't "fair and balanced" then I have never heard of FOX.

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial striff seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
For the white liberals, it's three simple things: A much more authoritarian central government, a way to assuage their White Guilt, and the best way to make America pay for its various transgressions. And look at the damage they've been willing to cause generations of Black Americans to achieve this.

And as I mentioned, they're all too happy to import people who have no understanding of or appreciation for the notion of individualism. They have made the calculation that these people are far more likely to vote for a more authoritarian government, which is the end goal. So it's literally in their best interests to keep minorities isolated and angry and let the demographics play out. Actual racial healing would be counterproductive.


Authoritarian government is a goal, OK, but what is the motive for wanting such a thing in the first place? Really I don't understand, do they think that the pie will be cut differently by the government so they receive a bigger piece? I have to think that is largely what this is all about. But I am also thinking, if that is true, then they are foolish in putting their trust in government. The only government they could trust to do so is the very government they are tearing down. Seems pretty damn self-defeating.

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial striff seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
For the white liberals, it's three simple things: A much more authoritarian central government, a way to assuage their White Guilt, and the best way to make America pay for its various transgressions. And look at the damage they've been willing to cause generations of Black Americans to achieve this.

And as I mentioned, they're all too happy to import people who have no understanding of or appreciation for the notion of individualism. They have made the calculation that these people are far more likely to vote for a more authoritarian government, which is the end goal. So it's literally in their best interests to keep minorities isolated and angry and let the demographics play out. Actual racial healing would be counterproductive.


What damage to black Americans has Medicaid caused?

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.

Who are these people that have no understanding of individualism?

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial striff seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
For the white liberals, it's three simple things: A much more authoritarian central government, a way to assuage their White Guilt, and the best way to make America pay for its various transgressions. And look at the damage they've been willing to cause generations of Black Americans to achieve this.

And as I mentioned, they're all too happy to import people who have no understanding of or appreciation for the notion of individualism. They have made the calculation that these people are far more likely to vote for a more authoritarian government, which is the end goal. So it's literally in their best interests to keep minorities isolated and angry and let the demographics play out. Actual racial healing would be counterproductive.


Authoritarian government is a goal, OK, but what is the motive for wanting such a thing in the first place? Really I don't understand, do they think that the pie will be cut differently by the government so they receive a bigger piece? I have to think that is largely what this is all about. But I am also thinking, if that is true, then they are foolish in putting their trust in government. The only government they could trust to do so is the very government they are tearing down. Seems pretty damn self-defeating.
Well, that's a whole other issue. All this stuff exists on a spectrum, from pure libertarianism to pure communism, neither of which are going to exist. I'm probably to the left of you on that spectrum. Hardcore lefties have a somewhat romantic view of government, and you can see that when they say the "we are the government". That's true to a point, of course, but that romanticism manifests in control and a lack of freedom.

One lefty here recently admitted that he'd prefer a "benevolent dictatorship", his words. Think about that. While you and I might look at "benevolent dictatorship" as a contradiction in terms, many of them do not. A strong central authority is the goal.

Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

Spoken like a true racist. Mac will be proud to know you. And your attitude goes a long way in showing any blacks who happened to read that you believe 97% of all crime in Ferguson was committed by blacks, that you are one fair, non prejudicial person if there ever was one. I bet you are even offended that I called you a racist? Right? More proof that you aren't a racist in your mind. Because you don't like being called one. You racist you.

How could any one be any more fair and balanced than to put forth the opinion that blacks in Ferguson commit 97% of crime? If that ain't "fair and balanced" then I have never heard of FOX.

As always with you zeke you resort to insult, do you know any other way to discuss things you disagree with?

There is absolutely nothing in what I posted which is not true. Are you saying that 97 percent of the crime is NOT committed by blacks, if so on what do you base such an assumption? And what is the solution to such a situation? Ignore crime? Charge more whites?

Are you really that big of a racist to believe that police, anywhere, go out of their way to unfairly or without merit give blacks citations? It is unfortunate that most of the crime is committed by blacks but it is even a bigger crime to ignore facts and not offer solutions.

After reading through several race-based political threads the last couple of days, I think I'm now understanding why the hardcore lefties demonstrate zero (0) interest in healing racial wounds in this country, why the PC Police don't care if their behavior inflames and exacerbates racial tensions. All along, I've been trying to figure out how the hell they thought constantly screaming "racist" and shoving skin color into every conversation was going to make anything better.

It doesn't matter. They're not trying to make anything better. They're just waiting for demographics to do their work for them.

Look at the non-stop string of celebratory threads about "the browning of America". Rather than motivating minorities to improve their own lives (thereby keeping the country a free, prosperous and dynamic leader), they'll just sit back and allow standards to deteriorate, along with the country.

That's why they're so motivated to flood the country with people who have no understanding of individualism. That's why they keep making excuses and deflecting for any bad behavior of (certain) minority groups. That's why they don't have to worry about healing racial wounds. That's why they're so happy about "the browning of America".

What a terrible shame, a waste. Intelligence, capability and ability are not dependent upon skin color. Minorities could have handled keeping standards and expectations high as well as anyone else.


While I largely agree with what you posted, you speak of motivated. Yes, I agree it appears that racial striff seems to be their tool to achieve some sort of goal. That goal is what interests me. What exactly is the motive?

Is it all about power? The liberals are not rich and for the most part neither are minorities. So they can't buy influence they must use other means to influence power, at least that is what I am thinking. That is why you hear them deride the Koch brothers meanwhile ignoring Sharpton and his corruption.

The next question is, have they already arrived and are just fermenting hate and division to achieve some other goal? Like financial gain from race baiting? Take the Furgenson situation. I saw on the tube where they said that the population was 67 percent black. Yet 97 percent of the citations were issued to blacks. Two ways to look at that situation. The cops targets blacks or blacks are indeed responsible for 97 percent of the crime. It is easy to believe the former but I think that latter is more correct.

So, what is your opinion to goal or motive and is there ever going to be an end game? And while we are at it, what is the end game for the white liberals that seem to think that by tearing down whites they are doing a service to the country? My opinion about them is that they hate goodness and decency and will do whatever they can to reform the country into their twisted image.
For the white liberals, it's three simple things: A much more authoritarian central government, a way to assuage their White Guilt, and the best way to make America pay for its various transgressions. And look at the damage they've been willing to cause generations of Black Americans to achieve this.

And as I mentioned, they're all too happy to import people who have no understanding of or appreciation for the notion of individualism. They have made the calculation that these people are far more likely to vote for a more authoritarian government, which is the end goal. So it's literally in their best interests to keep minorities isolated and angry and let the demographics play out. Actual racial healing would be counterproductive.


Authoritarian government is a goal, OK, but what is the motive for wanting such a thing in the first place? Really I don't understand, do they think that the pie will be cut differently by the government so they receive a bigger piece? I have to think that is largely what this is all about. But I am also thinking, if that is true, then they are foolish in putting their trust in government. The only government they could trust to do so is the very government they are tearing down. Seems pretty damn self-defeating.
Well, that's a whole other issue. All this stuff exists on a spectrum, from pure libertarianism to pure communism, neither of which are going to exist. I'm probably to the left of you on that spectrum. Hardcore lefties have a somewhat romantic view of government, and you can see that when they say the "we are the government". That's true to a point, of course, but that romanticism manifests in control and a lack of freedom.

One lefty here recently admitted that he'd prefer a "benevolent dictatorship", his words. Think about that. While you and I might look at "benevolent dictatorship" as a contradiction in terms, many of them do not. A strong central authority is the goal.


Which is funny when you consider there once was a president that just said "it would be easier if I were a dictator" and for that the left excoriated him. Now they truly have a president acting as a dictator and they see how easy it is.
One of the reasons I can't identify as a Democrat is because I don't want to associate with the largest racist hate group in America. That's honest not a joke.

There is no party in America that uses minorities like the Democrat party, and I mean uses them. There is no other party that openly hates on a race on the scale of the Democrat party. Not everything liberals believe in is wrong or bad, but they are a scary bunch... Anti science, racist, economically ignorant and believe they should/do have the power to force others to live. They also very much believe in a dictator/king, the idea that 1 great being will do great things rather than individual success.
One of the reasons I can't identify as a Democrat is because I don't want to associate with the largest racist hate group in America. That's honest not a joke.

I won't vote GOP for several reasons, but there's no way I can vote Democrat (nationally, anyway) because of this one.

Webb is the only exception for me, but many Democrats hate him because he has admitted the party does what you're referring to.

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