Political Suicide: Hillary At Ohio Rally Talks Of Raising Taxes On Middle Class

The last candidate who said he would raise taxes was Walter Mondale.
Actually, it was Donald Trump.

Trump: You Bet I Support Raising Taxes on the Rich

he'll walk that back and say it was only a suggestion, then pretend he never said it, and his Trumpbots will suck his dick.

I'm not going to not say I won't not raise taxes on the rich. Maybe. Believe me.
Obama: Borrow $2.4 Trillion—Roughly What We Borrowed During WWII

Yet Obama doesn’t just want his $2.4 trillion. He wants this on his own terms. He has threatened to veto Republican legislation to cut, cap, and balance spending in exchange for raising the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion, because he claims that “setting arbitrary spending levels” is not “necessary to restore fiscal responsibility.” This, from a president under whom the federal government is spending a little over $7 this year for every $4 it takes in, and a president who has refused to reform entitlements even though (according to his own budget) mandatory spending alone will exceed total federal revenues this year (and that’s before Obamacare has really even kicked in), and under whom annual deficit spending has been more than twice as high as a percentage of the gross domestic product than under any other recent president.

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