Political Retributions


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Political Retributions are the type of stuff that Political Cults do.
It is the kind of greed for power that Despots do.
It's the stuff that happens in Banana Republics.

Is the Democratic Party a dangerous Political Cult?
Is America entering a dark period?

A Harvard Student petition is circulating seeking to ban Trump administration officials from teaching, speaking, or attending the Ivy League school.

AOC, Leftists Call for “Lists” of Trump Supporters, Want Them to “Burn”

Political Retributions are the type of stuff that Political Cults do.
And Trump spends his life doing exactly that, causing you to love him more. By your own standards, you and all of the Trump cultists are dangerous anti-American cult fanatics.

In stark contrast, Biden has stated outright that his admin will not be involved with any investigations or prosecutions. He's going to be hands-off, and just let DoJ and FBI operate with no influence or interference. That's what any moral administration should do. It's not what Republicans do. The Republican corruption goes back before Trump to Bush, when the Bush admin ordered DoJ prosecutors to make up fake crimes to charge democrats with.

The two sides are total opposites. Republicans take the openly Stalinist position that government should prosecute political opponents, while the Democrats categorically reject such Stalinism.

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