Political Correctness Run Amuck


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."
Consider also the willful ignorance of many conservatives, where they know they're propagating lies but do so anyway for some perceived partisan gain – such as the recent lie that the president was going to 'ban' ammunition with an EO.
As there is only one race, human, what more 'racial' detail could be added?
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters
Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

No university police department in this country has the autonomy to circumvent any local or state police agency when a public crime is committed.

They can sure as hell obstruct justice by putting out incomplete descriptions of the suspects.
Now the University of Minnesota has taken steps to eliminate the race of a suspect in "Be on the look out broadcast" and community warnings. I saw an interview with the Milwaukee Sheriff who said it just proves the University in more interested in political correctness than public safety.

The administration reverses course and now views a suspect's race as "too general" of a descriptive characteristic to be useful to provide to its community; gender descriptions, however, will remain.

University of Minnesota to Stop Using Race in Crime Alert Suspect Descriptions - Smart Politics

Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
My guess is you saw the name Megan Kelly and went no further......... that would be typical.
Or maybe it's because you view Sheriff Clarke as an Uncle Tom because he"s not a leftist Progressive. :dunno:
Worked with law enforcement myself and (yes I read the article) Kaler caved to student pressure, making a bad decision even with the supposed caveats he included. More so because local, county and state police have no jurisdiction on the vast majority of collage and university campuses in this nation including the U of M which means the campus police, under direction form the university administration, will make the determination. Never a good idea because, as has been seen over and over again, universities are generally more concerned with their public image than the safety of their students.
Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
My guess is you saw the name Megan Kelly and went no further......... that would be typical.
Or maybe it's because you view Sheriff Clarke as an Uncle Tom because he"s not a leftist Progressive. :dunno:
Worked with law enforcement myself and (yes I read the article) Kaler caved to student pressure, making a bad decision even with the supposed caveats he included. More so because local, county and state police have no jurisdiction on the vast majority of collage and university campuses in this nation including the U of M which means the campus police, under direction form the university administration, will make the determination. Never a good idea because, as has been seen over and over again, universities are generally more concerned with their public image than the safety of their students.

And since when do students get input on law enforcement decisions? Are the inmates running the asylum?

Well, we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

The victim can just suck it up. And if the perp victimizes someone else, they can just suck it up too.

Would "mammal" be offensive?


Let's see if we can agree on what is CORRECT, not politically, but just plain correct.

If a crime is committed, and the race of the suspect is identified, then it should be reported in the description.

But, if the race is unknown, it should not be ASSumed, implied or reported.

I know how much the right loathes the democratic values and tenets of freedom and liberty this nation was founded on that are absolutely paramount to America being a truly free nation, like the presumption of innocence, not violating the rights of ANY individual, even if they are black, Muslim, immigrant, native American or poor. They are just so inconvenient. It is much simpler to be judge, jury and executioner.

There is no such thing as a 'perp' until all that democratic crap is followed. After a crime is committed they are 'suspects' until proven otherwise, and they deserve the full protection of those rights you people loathe.

It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own.
Thomas Jefferson

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.
Thomas Jefferson

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

No university police department in this country has the autonomy to circumvent any local or state police agency when a public crime is committed.

They can sure as hell obstruct justice by putting out incomplete descriptions of the suspects.
And they won't be in sync with other LEO agencies they work with who don't see anything racist about describing a suspect's skin color.
I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

No university police department in this country has the autonomy to circumvent any local or state police agency when a public crime is committed.

They can sure as hell obstruct justice by putting out incomplete descriptions of the suspects.
And they won't be in sync with other LEO agencies they work with who don't see anything racist about describing a suspect's skin color.
Good points - the university police can play their little PC games to placate the university.

The serious cops can use strategies that actually work. At least they can use them for now.

Last edited:
Maybe you should READ before you spew your ignorance.

From YOUR link:

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

And the college will make that determination, not the police, I wonder which way they will go? Suddenly a description of two young black males will become two young humans, that's where their going. Remember, you commiecrats do this shit incrementally.

I read the article, but I guess I missed the part that when a crime is committed Minnesota police will turn the investigation over to the University...

The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
My guess is you saw the name Megan Kelly and went no further......... that would be typical.
Or maybe it's because you view Sheriff Clarke as an Uncle Tom because he"s not a leftist Progressive. :dunno:
Worked with law enforcement myself and (yes I read the article) Kaler caved to student pressure, making a bad decision even with the supposed caveats he included. More so because local, county and state police have no jurisdiction on the vast majority of collage and university campuses in this nation including the U of M which means the campus police, under direction form the university administration, will make the determination. Never a good idea because, as has been seen over and over again, universities are generally more concerned with their public image than the safety of their students.

That's very true about universities that have lately come under fire for how they suppress rape reports. But in this case I suspect the money strings have something to do with it. The fact that they receive government funding has been instrumental in many of their political correctness schemes. But that's just a theory because I'm also sure they can come up with something silly like this all on their own.
The University has it's own police department, the school determines their policies.

Try reading this and watching the video of the local sheriff and see what he has to say about it.

Megyn Kelly Sheriff David Clarke slams PC crime alerts A criminal s race matters

OHHHH...NOW I get it.


My Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

No university police department in this country has the autonomy to circumvent any local or state police agency when a public crime is committed.

They can sure as hell obstruct justice by putting out incomplete descriptions of the suspects.
And they won't be in sync with other LEO agencies they work with who don't see anything racist about describing a suspect's skin color.
Good points - the university police can play their little PC games to placate the university.

The serious cops can use strategies that actually work. At least they can use them for now.


What part do you need help understanding?

"Vice President Wheelock is announcing a change that will reduce the use of suspect descriptions in Crime Alerts when there is insufficient detail to reasonably aid in individual identification."

To be clear: Where there is sufficient information to aid our community in identifying a suspect who presents risk, we will continue to include that information. Where the information is too general to advance that goal, we will note that only a limited description of the suspect(s) is available."

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