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BREAKING: Melania Trump's former right-hand woman Stephanie Winston Wolkoff drops a massive bombshell and reveals that investigators need to look into Melania's text messages and Signals because the former First Lady is "very well aware of everything" that Donald has done.

But it gets worse...

During a podcast appearance, Wolkoff said that she prays that Americans come to realize that the Trumps are consumed by "corruption" and "deceit" and "deception" and "they want nothing good for you at all."

She then issued a direct warning to Melania herself—

"I want Melania Trump to know that she will be held accountable and she will have to answer certain questions at a certain point in time because her talking points meaning nothing, absolutely nothing," she said.

Walkoff then dropped the real bombshell.

She said that she hopes that Special Counsel Jack Smmth has Melania's text messages, Signals, and "every email that was written on a non-government email address because those emails show Melania is very well aware of everything."

If Smith doesn't already have the messages — which seems unlikely given his thorough approach to investigating — he must get a hold of them immediately.

It turns out that Donald might not be the only Trump going to prison.

May be an image of 2 people, blonde hair and text


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