Police Officer Killed in Trump Riot

He died of a STroke moron---------which may or may not have been triggered by being hit by the extinguisher HOURS earlier.

You're an idiot.

You're suggesting that him being hospitalized from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and his death are magically unrelated.

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Thats for a coroner to decide.

Holy shit you’re stupid.

Yea he just magically died after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

Fucking retard.
Are Trump supporters still going to claim that this was a peaceful protest?
An unarmed Air Force veteran who had served 14 years, was murdered by the Capitol police and a member of the Capitol police died. That's one for one. Fair enough.

All five deaths were Trump supporters. That includes the officer.

You happy about that “peaceful protest”?
Let me be honest.

I find it sad that Ashli Babbitt died. I find it sad that she wasted her life doing something so unbelievably stupid with no possible beneficial outcome. She was an idiot. She was inspired by Trump's idiotic rhetoric and ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theories to the point that she breached a barricaded part of the capitol directly in front of armed security. What did she think was going to happen?! Again, she was an idiot. I'm genuinely sad that she wasted her entire life in what I would consider Darwin-award-level stupidity.

All of these people are dead because of Trump's insane rhetoric. But the death of this officer is different. This one hurts.

This officer did nothing wrong. This officer died defending our elected officials from a riot of insane people inspired by Trump. People like her.
She died risking her life in a cause she (and many other Americans) believed in. The officer presumably died doing what he believed was his duty. There is no more honorable way to die. I suspect you slander your betters. If you've never risked everything for what you believe you should STFU.

Officer Sicknick, RIP, died a few hours ago from injuries sustained in the line of duty. This bitch died while rioting and smashing doors down in the Capitol of the United States. You make it sound like she did something heroic, but she was a rioter attacking Congress as its members were in the middle of carrying out the requirements of the Constitution of the United States. Essentially, she died attacking the United States. There is no comparison.
Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window. I saw who I think were cops who look like swat going up the stairs behind where she and the other supposed trump supporters were at----------as they were arriving on scene--the males who were breaking the glass left the broken window which allowed her the space to climb up into the opening--its possible that they saw the cops coming up from behind and she had not or perhaps she was just trying to flee the upcoming cops with those bad looking assault rifles.. She being small may not have seen the undercover killer cop behind the class hiding in a doorway ready and primed by that dumbass coward Rep MarkWarren to shoot any one who look liked a trump supporter who trespassed across the window. The swat looking cops are the ones that you see in the video holding the guns once she goes down and they are saying active shooter in the building---I don't think they realized who shot her at first either.

Who in the hell cares. The bitch died trying to attack the Congress of the United States. She was an active rioter and traitor, not worthy of tears.
You're just upset she wasn't one of your rioters and traitors. And you obviously have an overly inflated opinion of the value of your tears. Feel free to keep them; no one cares.

What tears? The bitch died trying to overthrow the United States Government.
That woman was a veteran and a mother. You are a disgusting pig saying those things. She was a better person than a tramp like you will ever be. Now STFU.
That woman was a veteran and a mother.

She was a mother? That's terrible.

She never should have tried to breach a barricaded door directly in front of armed security.

Hopefully her children have more common sense than that.
gateway pundit reporting the cop is not dead!

Gateway Pundit is now reporting that the cop is dead.

What's your explanation for this?

A) Gateway Pundit is a horrible source for news. They got the story wrong and yo fell for it.

B) Gateway Pundit was correct when they claimed that he didn't die. Then he died shortly afterward.
That woman was a veteran and a mother.

She was a mother? That's terrible.

She never should have tried to breach a barricaded door directly in front of armed security.

Hopefully her children have more common sense than that.
Trespass is not a violent crime. Trespass-especially trespass on public property-does not justify the use of deadly force especially against an unarmed woman. How many "protestors" have we seen in the last couple of years were guilty of trespassing on public property? How many have deliberately vandalized public statues and monuments not to mention stolen or burned private property? Do you also believe shooting all of them would have been justified? Gosh, I've even heard that shooting unarmed violent black criminals is not justified. But you are okay with shooting white women that posed no threat? At best the act was manslaughter.
But you are okay with shooting white women that posed no threat?

Let me ask you a hypothetical question.

Hypothetically speaking let’s suppose that an angry mob breaks into your house.

They hit one of your family members in the head with a fire extinguisher, which he will later die from.

You take the rest of your family to a room and barricade the door with lots of furniture.

You hold your gun on them and tell them to stop. They keep coming. Someone starts to get through.

Do you take the shot? Be honest.
That woman was a veteran and a mother.

She was a mother? That's terrible.

She never should have tried to breach a barricaded door directly in front of armed security.

Hopefully her children have more common sense than that.
Trespass is not a violent crime. Trespass-especially trespass on public property-does not justify the use of deadly force especially against an unarmed woman. How many "protestors" have we seen in the last couple of years were guilty of trespassing on public property? How many have deliberately vandalized public statues and monuments not to mention stolen or burned private property? Do you also believe shooting all of them would have been justified? Gosh, I've even heard that shooting unarmed violent black criminals is not justified. But you are okay with shooting white women that posed no threat? At best the act was manslaughter.
But you are okay with shooting white women that posed no threat?

Let me ask you a hypothetical question.

Hypothetically speaking let’s suppose that an angry mob breaks into your house.

They hit one of your family members in the head with a fire extinguisher, which he will later die from.

You take the rest of your family to a room and barricade the door with lots of furniture.

You hold your gun on them and tell them to stop. They keep coming. Someone starts to get through.

Do you take the shot? Be honest.
Apples and oranges but I'll answer anyway. I would have started shooting when if they began trying to break into my house. I would be entirely justified because they would have given me every reason to believe they intended me and/or my family death or grievous bodily harm. and I have every right to protect myself my family and my property. Unless there was some extreme bad luck that would avoid anyone getting hit with a fire extinguisher or having to throw up additional barricades. But you might want to note that my house is NOT public property and their crime was not simple trespass but home invasion with presumed intent to kill or maim. Now are you going to address my questions to you?
Apples and oranges but I'll answer anyway. I would have started shooting when if they began trying to break into my house. I would be entirely justified because they would have given me every reason to believe they intended me and/or my family death or grievous bodily harm. and I have every right to protect myself my family and my property. Unless there was some extreme bad luck that would avoid anyone getting hit with a fire extinguisher or having to throw up additional barricades. But you might want to note that my house is NOT public property and their crime was not simple trespass but home invasion with presumed intent to kill or maim. Now are you going to address my questions to you?

How is it apples and oranges? That's EXACTLY what happened.

The mob broke in, murdered a police officer, tried to breach a barricaded part of the building, and the woman got shot.

You would shoot and so did the officer. Justified shooting.
public property

Ok then let's change it to match this since you're claiming it makes a difference.

Hypothetically speaking let’s suppose that you and your family are in a library. A big mob smashes the windows and breaks into the building.

They hit one of your family members in the head with a fire extinguisher, which he will later die from.

You take the rest of your family to a room and barricade the door with lots of furniture.

You hold your gun on them and tell them to stop. They keep coming. Someone starts to get through.

Do you take the shot? Be honest.

DOES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW??? Do you sit there and let them come in now????
Read. I just explained. I would be justified because I would have been protecting life in my own home. There is a difference between private and public property. But the officer would not be justified to use deadly force unless the woman posed an actual deadly threat to someone. If she were bashing people with the fire extinguisher he might be justified but I haven't heard that alleged. Have you? If you were charged by a bear you might get away with pleading self defense but if you claimed that a chipmunk was a clear and present danger to life or limb you'll just get laughter.
Read. I just explained. I would be justified because I would have been protecting life in my own home. There is a difference between private and public property.

Read post #93. If the hypothetical situation takes place at the public library, do you sit there and let them come in or do you take the shot?
He died of a STroke moron---------which may or may not have been triggered by being hit by the extinguisher HOURS earlier.

You're an idiot.

You're suggesting that him being hospitalized from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and his death are magically unrelated.

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I am saying that you are an idiot with agenda--who is ignoring facts. The cop was hit by the extinguisher hours earlier and seemed to be ok aftewords---------it wasn't till he showed up at the police "office" later on that he collapsed and was sent to the hospital. He officially died of a stroke and at this point, if the hit to the head is responsible is unknown.

5 victims---1 heart attack, 2 strokes, 1 unknown, and one shot by capital police. As someone else mentioned----perhaps covid is weakening the "survirors" circulator system causing the strokes and heart attacks.
He died of a STroke moron---------which may or may not have been triggered by being hit by the extinguisher HOURS earlier.

You're an idiot.

You're suggesting that him being hospitalized from getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and his death are magically unrelated.

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Thats for a coroner to decide.
Oh brother--they have listed his cause of death as a STROKE-----------the coronary is only deciding if the stroke was caused by the fire extinquisher or something else.
public property

Ok then let's change it to match this since you're claiming it makes a difference.

Hypothetically speaking let’s suppose that you and your family are in a library. A big mob smashes the windows and breaks into the building.

They hit one of your family members in the head with a fire extinguisher, which he will later die from.

You take the rest of your family to a room and barricade the door with lots of furniture.

You hold your gun on them and tell them to stop. They keep coming. Someone starts to get through.

Do you take the shot? Be honest.

DOES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW??? Do you sit there and let them come in now????
The point is that regardless of where you are you can only legally use deadly force to deter a deadly threat. And simple trespass is not a deadly threat. If the officer cannot show that the little unarmed woman posed a serious physical threat to someone his shooting was not justified and he should be held accountable. And you still haven't answered my questions.

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