Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

I have yet to hear a reasonable excuse for a criminal charge since the cause of death was neither choking or strangulation. Anything other than an acquittal is a miscarriage of justice.

The officers are CPR certified. And it's their duty to perform CPR on anyone that needs it. Regardless of why Floyd stopped breathing, they failed to do that part of their duty.
In the eyes of the law and the medical profession, that's as bad as murdering someone.
He was murdered. The knee on the neck putting pressure on the Carotid artery that carried blood to the brain was cut off resulting in his death. No bruising and the windpipe was not affected because it would have to be crushed. The brain receives blood which carries oxygen also from two sources: the internal carotid arteries, which arise at the point in the neck where the common carotid arteries are. The evil racist cop knew what he was doing and his intention was to kill George. I am surprised that no one in the prosecution has not mentioned the carotid artery. Because they are not doctors and I know because I have had a blockage in the carotid artery. Analogy.... Arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in some instances, block it altogether. Like knee on the neck. Clogged arteries greatly increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and even death
Floyd may not be the best example citizen, but it is unavoidable because we have so much video of deliberate murder.
If not intentional murder, then training has to be so entirely reversed that then the whole police concept comes into question.

And by the way, since drugs harm no one else, there really is no basis for them even being illegal.
Drugs should not be an issue. Wealthy people kill themselves with risky stunts all the time, like Sonny Bono killing himself skiing. Drugs are just the poor man's ski trip.

Take a look at a couple of threads I started in the clean debate zone. One is Chaos by the bay. And the other one is "chaos by the bay on steroids.

I used to believe in legalizing all drugs. And that's what Seattle and San Francisco has essentially done. And it's destroying those cities. As well as a lot of cities where small amounts are still illegal.
Drugs are a cancer on our society. The adverse affect of them may only be our tax dollars going to house and feed these druggies. Or it could be shutting down blocks of businesses because of the homeless druggies that have invaded their area's and running shoppers off because of the filth they bring with them.
He was murdered. The knee on the neck putting pressure on the Carotid artery that carried blood to the brain was cut off resulting in his death. No bruising and the windpipe was not affected because it would have to be crushed. The brain receives blood which carries oxygen also from two sources: the internal carotid arteries, which arise at the point in the neck where the common carotid arteries are. The evil racist cop knew what he was doing and his intention was to kill George. I am surprised that no one in the prosecution has not mentioned the carotid artery. Because they are not doctors and I know because I have had a blockage in the carotid artery. Analogy.... Arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in some instances, block it altogether. Like knee on the neck. Clogged arteries greatly increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and even death

You lost me at "racist cop." He may have hated druggy thieves. He may have even hated black druggy thieves. But it wasn't because they were black. But because they were druggy thieves.

Do you like druggy thieves?
It is becoming obvious to all objective, honest observers that liberal media outlets and activists rushed to a severely flawed premature judgment about Floyd's death, and that the facts prove that Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid the whole confrontation in the first place, that Floyd ingested huge amounts of two drugs that inhibit breathing, and that the combination of these drugs and his serious heart condition led to his death, not the knee of a 140-pound man leaning on his should blade for 9 minutes.
The knee is clearly on the neck for 9 mins. Overdose of drugs would have killed him in a matter of minutes and he was in the custody of the cops for almost an hour. Matter of fact he was probably coming down for a high.


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The knee is clearly on the neck for 9 mins. Overdose of drugs would have killed him in a matter of minutes and he was in the custody of the cops for almost an hour. Matter of fact he was probably coming down for a high.

WRONG!!!!!!! His knee was not putting pressure on Floyds neck for the entire 9 minutes. There are many MANY times where you can see Chauvin raising his knee enough to allow Floyd to breathe. Enough room to raise his head, his neck and the right side of his chest.
He was murdered. The knee on the neck putting pressure on the Carotid artery that carried blood to the brain was cut off resulting in his death. No bruising and the windpipe was not affected because it would have to be crushed. The brain receives blood which carries oxygen also from two sources: the internal carotid arteries, which arise at the point in the neck where the common carotid arteries are. The evil racist cop knew what he was doing and his intention was to kill George. I am surprised that no one in the prosecution has not mentioned the carotid artery. Because they are not doctors and I know because I have had a blockage in the carotid artery. Analogy.... Arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in some instances, block it altogether. Like knee on the neck. Clogged arteries greatly increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and even death

You lost me at "racist cop." He may have hated druggy thieves. He may have even hated black druggy thieves. But it wasn't because they were black. But because they were druggy thieves.

Do you like druggy thieves?
No evidence of him being a thief. $20 bills are circulating in the system and anyone can come across one and not recognize it. You have to prove he was printing counterfeit money. According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation,....
Out of the approximately $759 billion in U.S. dollars held in U.S. currency in the form of banknotes (paper currency) in circulation outside the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve at the end of 2005, the Secret Service reported that about $61 million in counterfeit currency was passed on the public worldwide. Of the counterfeit currency passed, the majority, $56.2 million, was passed in the United States, with the remainder passed abroad.
No evidence of him being a thief. $20 bills are circulating in the system and anyone can come across one and not recognize it. You have to prove he was printing counterfeit money. According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation,....

You haven't been watching the trial. Or listen to the clerks testimony, have you? He approached Floyd twice about the bill. The guy that Floyd was with was known at that store for trying to pass those bills.
It wasn't some phenomenon that Floyd had that fake $20.
He knew it was fake. The clerk said so.

BTW, the reason why the clerk had to approach Floyd over this, is because if they take fake money, it comes out of their checks. Floyd refused to give the products back. And refused to give the clerk a real $20.

Do your damn research.
What a bunch of bizarro crap. Floyd being an imperfect person, a "mama's boy" or "whining" did not kill him. Chauvin's knee and 90% of his body weight on his neck for 9 and 1/2 minutes killed him.

I am glad you are not on the jury - But their may be one like you, and I guess that's all the defense needs for a hung jury. You want to put the family and every one else in America through a second trial? I do not.

Floyds past was filled with drug charges, armed robbery, drug usage and at least one OD. The 11 ng/ml of fentanyl is enough to kill at least 3 people. The excited delirium, mixed with the drugs, the struggling he did (twice) over exerted his heart.

BTW, when it comes to protesting the police abuse, I'm with you 100%. At least up to the point of defending druggy criminals. Now if you wanna protest the cops when they abuse non violent, drug free, working class citizens, I'm right there beside you, man. I'm a "good" blue backer. I don't back the bad blue. And I understand there's far too many bad cops out there. And Chauvin may be a bad cop. From what I understand, he's had a few complaints about his actions. I haven't dug into them yet.

But let's get right down to the nitty gritty about police brutality and protesting that. Why is it, that it seems to be that groups like BLM are always fighting for violent druggy thieves, instead of your average hard working Joe, who's actually innocent? If police brutality is such a popular thing with cops, seems they could find plenty of those sort of people who are actually being abused.
Put them into the spot light and actually have a leg to stand on, when protesting bad cops.

Floyd may not be the best example citizen, but it is unavoidable because we have so much video of deliberate murder.
If not intentional murder, then training has to be so entirely reversed that then the whole police concept comes into question.

And by the way, since drugs harm no one else, there really is no basis for them even being illegal.
Drugs should not be an issue. Wealthy people kill themselves with risky stunts all the time, like Sonny Bono killing himself skiing. Drugs are just the poor man's ski trip.
Did you just compare George Floyd with Sonny Bono? Wow...
No evidence of him being a thief. $20 bills are circulating in the system and anyone can come across one and not recognize it. You have to prove he was printing counterfeit money. According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation,....

You haven't been watching the trial. Or listen to the clerks testimony, have you? He approached Floyd twice about the bill. The guy that Floyd was with was known at that store for trying to pass those bills.
It wasn't some phenomenon that Floyd had that fake $20.
He knew it was fake. The clerk said so.

BTW, the reason why the clerk had to approach Floyd over this, is because if they take fake money, it comes out of their checks. Floyd refused to give the products back. And refused to give the clerk a real $20.

Do your damn research.
Still not something anyone should get a death sentence for. A pack of cigarettes the store clerk offered to pay for. He was murdered over a pack of cigarettes. He did not give him change so he lost nothing but the cost of a pack of cigarettes

The store clerk stated; "I thought that George didn't really know that it was a fake bill," Christopher Martin testified Wednesday about taking the $20 bill. "So I thought I'd be doing him a favor." Your racism is showing loud and clear.
Still not something anyone should get a death sentence for. A pack of cigarettes the store clerk offered to pay for. He was murdered over a pack of cigarettes. He did not give him change so he lost nothing but the cost of a pack of cigarettes

He was not murdered. And he was not murdered for a pack of cigarettes anymore than he allowed himself to get put in that situation for a pack of cigarettes. Is a pack of cigarettes worth going to jail for? Is it worth fighting with the cops over?
Maybe to someone who whacked out on meth and fentanyl.

Your racism is showing loud and clear.

That's some BS. I don't like all druggy thieves. White or black.
Or maybe he was so high he couldn't think that far ahead! There's a reason they call drugs, "dope" and it's not because it makes you smarter, Joey!

Nice attempt at a deflection when I pointed out that only two of the 18 complaints leveled against Chauvin resulted in negative write ups by the Chicago Police Department. That's 2 in 19 years! I'm guessing that's about average for a Police officer doing his or her job on an inner city beat! Care to prove me wrong?

Actually, no, it's usually a small percentage of cops that regularly violate the rights of civilians.

The problem is the unions make it difficult to fire them, and the police culture protects them....
The average dose found in OD victims is 9.6 according to you...Floyd had 11 in his which means he well into the range of an overdose.

That's kind of the point. 11 isn't always fatal. It depends on how much tolerance you have. (Floyd's was probably quite high) and body size (Floyd was a big guy).

We don't measure all the people who don't die, so we don't know what is or isn't a fatal level. Some people have had higher doses, some had lower doses. 9.6 is average.

He was complaining of not being able to breath BEFORE he ever taken to the ground which tells me he was having problems before Chauvin's knee ever touched his neck! Did being held down by those Police officers accelerate those problems? Without question. You've someone with a 90% blockage to one of his heart blood vessels. You've got someone suffering from hypertension. You've got someone who's suffering from Covid 19. That same person has ingested a large amount of drugs like Fentanyl and Crystal Meth. George Floyd was on a collision course with a heart attack because of his own actions. Those Police officers are simply the scapegoats for his death.

Okay, here's the problem with that argument. You've just excused every killer nurse in a hospital who poisons her patients on the theory that "They were going to die, anyway."

Guy. True story. We are all going to EVENTUALLY die of something. A perfectly healthy person might have survived Chauvin choking him for nine minutes, but it was STILL a risk that they wouldn't.

And certainly not justified when the guy was already on the ground and already handcuffed and no longer struggling.
It is becoming obvious to all objective, honest observers that liberal media outlets and activists rushed to a severely flawed premature judgment about Floyd's death, and that the facts prove that Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid the whole confrontation in the first place, that Floyd ingested huge amounts of two drugs that inhibit breathing, and that the combination of these drugs and his serious heart condition led to his death, not the knee of a 140-pound man leaning on his should blade for 9 minutes.

News flash- Members of racist cults like yours justifying the murder of people of color is not honest or objective.

His knee was on his neck.
He killed that guy.
Not sure what a "should blade" is. He shouldn't have had his knee on the guy at all. It's a prohibited manuever. His own superiors said so.

If anything, he's getting more consideration than he deserves
It is becoming obvious to all objective, honest observers that liberal media outlets and activists rushed to a severely flawed premature judgment about Floyd's death, and that the facts prove that Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid the whole confrontation in the first place, that Floyd ingested huge amounts of two drugs that inhibit breathing, and that the combination of these drugs and his serious heart condition led to his death, not the knee of a 140-pound man leaning on his should blade for 9 minutes.

All medical experts say there was no time or evidence of anything other then Chauvin's shin on the neck.
And by the way, Chauving is 5'9" and 160 lbs.
And the images show the shin directly on the throat.

HUH? Just HUH???

One, the autopsy report shows that Floyd took three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl. So Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose anyway, regardless of what Chauvin did to him (unless, perhaps, Floyd had answered truthfully when he was first asked if he was on drugs). It is simply false to say that "Chauvin killed him." No, he did not. Fentanyl killed Floyd after he took three times the lethal dosage.

Two, fentanyl can slow or stop a person's breathing. Since Floyd took three times the lethal dosage of the drug, it is no surprise that he began to claim he could not breathe long before he was pinned on the ground. The officers apparently did not believe him because they could hear him breathing, and because he was talking, but they might have reacted differently if Floyd had been honest when they repeatedly asked him if he was on drugs.

Three, court records say that Chauvin (not "Chauving") is 5'9" and 140 pounds, not 160 pounds. Even if he were 160 pounds, that would still be rather light. Tests have shown that putting 200 pounds of weight on top of the back of a healthy person does not hinder their breathing, as the medical examiner noted to the MN AG.

Four, even the bitterly anti-Chauvin Minneapolis police chief admitted under cross-examination that Kueng's bodycam footage shows that Chauvin's knee was on Floyd's shoulder blade, not on his neck. Did you miss that news? Oh, let me guess: Your news sources didn't tell you about this crucial development, right? If Chauvin had his knee of Floyd's neck for the 5-plus minutes that Floyd was moving and talking while being pinned, why did the medical examiner find no bruising whatsoever of the neck--neither on the skin nor on the tissue beneath the skin?
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No evidence of him being a thief. $20 bills are circulating in the system and anyone can come across one and not recognize it. You have to prove he was printing counterfeit money. According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation,....

You haven't been watching the trial. Or listen to the clerks testimony, have you? He approached Floyd twice about the bill. The guy that Floyd was with was known at that store for trying to pass those bills.
It wasn't some phenomenon that Floyd had that fake $20.
He knew it was fake. The clerk said so.

BTW, the reason why the clerk had to approach Floyd over this, is because if they take fake money, it comes out of their checks. Floyd refused to give the products back. And refused to give the clerk a real $20.

Do your damn research.
Still not something anyone should get a death sentence for. A pack of cigarettes the store clerk offered to pay for. He was murdered over a pack of cigarettes. He did not give him change so he lost nothing but the cost of a pack of cigarettes

The store clerk stated; "I thought that George didn't really know that it was a fake bill," Christopher Martin testified Wednesday about taking the $20 bill. "So I thought I'd be doing him a favor." Your racism is showing loud and clear.
With all due respect, Lil Lady? You're clueless to how this dynamic is playing out. Christopher Martin has to LIVE in that neighborhood! He's a young black guy. He's not going to say something bad about George Floyd because to do so would put a target on HIS back! The same goes for the owner of the store. He's not going to say anything bad about George Floyd because he doesn't want his store torched if riots break out over the verdict.

You honestly think that store clerk was happy to pay for Floyd's cigarettes? Why do you think he went out to the car not once but twice to try to get Floyd to give them back? He knew he was going to get stuck paying for them because he took a counterfeit bill.
The average dose found in OD victims is 9.6 according to you...Floyd had 11 in his which means he well into the range of an overdose.

That's kind of the point. 11 isn't always fatal. It depends on how much tolerance you have. (Floyd's was probably quite high) and body size (Floyd was a big guy).

We don't measure all the people who don't die, so we don't know what is or isn't a fatal level. Some people have had higher doses, some had lower doses. 9.6 is average.

He was complaining of not being able to breath BEFORE he ever taken to the ground which tells me he was having problems before Chauvin's knee ever touched his neck! Did being held down by those Police officers accelerate those problems? Without question. You've someone with a 90% blockage to one of his heart blood vessels. You've got someone suffering from hypertension. You've got someone who's suffering from Covid 19. That same person has ingested a large amount of drugs like Fentanyl and Crystal Meth. George Floyd was on a collision course with a heart attack because of his own actions. Those Police officers are simply the scapegoats for his death.

Okay, here's the problem with that argument. You've just excused every killer nurse in a hospital who poisons her patients on the theory that "They were going to die, anyway."

Guy. True story. We are all going to EVENTUALLY die of something. A perfectly healthy person might have survived Chauvin choking him for nine minutes, but it was STILL a risk that they wouldn't.

And certainly not justified when the guy was already on the ground and already handcuffed and no longer struggling.
There's only one reason that George Floyd was on the ground and not sitting in the back of that Police cruiser, Joey and that's George Floyd himself!

Nobody "poisoned" George Floyd but George Floyd himself! The Police didn't give him drugs. HE TOOK THEM!!!

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