Police at joe biden riots are having their home addresses and their kid's names shouted out by joe biden voters.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In the stupid HBO show "The Watchmen," the police have to hide their identities behind yellow masks...because.....wait for it....White Supremacists are targeting them.

In the real world, it isn't white supremacists...but left wing, joe biden voters who are targeting the police during the joe biden riots......they are stalking the police, finding out where they live and how many children they have....then shouting the information at the police during the joe biden riots...

'Mob Act' would cure it.

2 or more (unarmed) people attack you...deadly force authorized.

Democrat party 2020 lr.jpg
'Mob Act' would cure it.

2 or more (unarmed) people attack you...deadly force authorized.

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It’s funny I was watching a video on the big earthquake San Francisco had in the early 1900’s, where fires ended up doing more damage than the quake. They just nonchalantly commented that orders were given to shoot looters during this time. No one questioned it, and it wasn’t about race, just common sense.
post-election, the image of antifaers and blmers forced to ride around in ventilated automobiles during a snowstorm

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