Pocahontas Warren says she is troubled by Obama getting $400k/speech

Sounds like someone is making a run at the 2020 nomination. Oh what a happy day if Old Paleface runs :dance::dance::dance:!!!!

She wont, but she is a few years younger than Trump. She would tell Trump where to go, maybe she will run for 4 years.

Your signature is spot on though. They know he's guilty of pay for play, guilty of collusion with Russia, knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and that he is stealing them blind every single day and they love it.


Can you imagine if Trump was Hillary doing the stuff he is doing. OMG. They'd be marching in DC with their guns drawn.

No I can't imagine if Hillary had won and nominated a conservative to the supreme court, cut regulations, fought to repeal Obama are, fought for tax cuts, and fought to stop illegal immigration.

Her trying to help the American people is unthinkable.

Penelope is correct.

If a Dem pulled this shit, you fools would scream bloody murder, and rightly so.

And yes, the Repub party most certain IS the party of redistribution of wealth - from your pocket to theirs.
Obama is 100% about Obama, which is why he had his DOJ ask federal crime victims if they supported him, because if they did not, there was not a prosecution. Only crime victims who were Obama supporters had any rights at all.
Sounds like someone is making a run at the 2020 nomination. Oh what a happy day if Old Paleface runs :dance::dance::dance:!!!!

She wont, but she is a few years younger than Trump. She would tell Trump where to go, maybe she will run for 4 years.

Your signature is spot on though. They know he's guilty of pay for play, guilty of collusion with Russia, knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and that he is stealing them blind every single day and they love it.


Can you imagine if Trump was Hillary doing the stuff he is doing. OMG. They'd be marching in DC with their guns drawn.

No I can't imagine if Hillary had won and nominated a conservative to the supreme court, cut regulations, fought to repeal Obama are, fought for tax cuts, and fought to stop illegal immigration.

Her trying to help the American people is unthinkable.

Penelope is correct.

If a Dem pulled this shit, you fools would scream bloody murder, and rightly so.

And yes, the Repub party most certain IS the party of redistribution of wealth - from your pocket to theirs.

Which thing specifically would we be complaining about? Why would I complain about hillary doing any of things trump is doing that I mentioned?

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Not to be rude.

Elizabeth Warren is one of the 1%.

She is worth millions

It makes it hard to believe she has the working class in her best interests.

I am far from right wing.

Please do elaborate.
She's no better than Obama. They are basically of the same philosophy - Socialism for us, Capitalism for them. All Democrats are hypocrites.
You poor thing, if you think that breaks along party lines you are the problem, no one else.
Nice try, but nobody buys that crap. The Republican Party is not the party of wealth redistribution. Democrats like to complain about income inequality and the rich not paying their fair share, but it was Obama who nominated a series of rich tax cheats to his cabinet. Then there's Hillary Clinton who demonized Trump for being rich while she was selling access and influence to countries who sponsor terrorism against the U.S. Remember Charlie Rangel who was evading taxes while writing the tax code aimed at making the rich pay their fair share?
Capitalism for them, Socialism for everyone else.

Actually your system runs thusly:

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

You can preach your partisanshit till the cows return bub, the system relies upon you buying into this fiction, but the objective reality is otherwise. The rerigging and redistribution of societal wealth began during the Reagan administration and has continued onward ever since in an utterly bipartisan fashion. No matter who you vote for/elect, Goldman Sachs is always all up in the administration and the white house. The Wall Street bailouts were carried out first under a “conservative” “Republican” administration and then a “liberal” “Democratic” administration, with the same “economic advisement team” presiding over the charade. Only in 2012 did it become "illegal" for congressional twits to engage in insider trading for personal gain; and folks like both Hastert and Pelosi indulged. The redistribution of societal wealth has been under way for half a century now and we’ve changed parties all along with no inflection in the trajectory. Cling to your party identity if you like, but it’s utterly bogus regardless of which party you leverage like a security blanket because you cannot face reality.

Alternaltively, perhaps Don will at last drain the swamp?

Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied


Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’
Last edited:

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.


Does the working class know that? Cause they all voted for trump
They all voted for Don, amazing, share your data with us?

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Not to be rude.

Elizabeth Warren is one of the 1%.

She is worth millions

It makes it hard to believe she has the working class in her best interests.

I am far from right wing.

Please do elaborate.

Anyone else articulating anything in this regard?

But of course, your point stands, in our system, only the wealthy have a voice in this society.
Pocha doesn't seem to "get it."

The Dems make noises against Wall Street and then stick their hands out and take all the $$$$$$$$$$ they can.
Pocha doesn't seem to "get it."

The Dems make noises against Wall Street and then stick their hands out and take all the $$$$$$$$$$ they can.
They indeed do, Goldman Sachs is always in the white house regardless. Makes partisanshitheads the dumbest folk on the planet.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.


Does the working class know that? Cause they all voted for trump
They all voted for Don, amazing, share your data with us?

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