FBI keeps getting burned badly by reliance on liberal sources


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

FBI keeps getting burned badly by reliance on liberal sources

Latest blunder involving Catholics has many questioning why the bureau keeps falling prey to political influence from the left.
12 Feb 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

A dossier alleging Russian collusion funded by a Democrat presidential candidate. A suggestion that school parents were domestic terrorists from a left-leaning school board group. A list suggesting old-fashioned Catholics were extremists from a liberal watchdog on hate speech.
Three triggers for investigation. Three blunders that left America's premier law enforcement agency reeling with a black eye. The FBI's repeated reliance on liberal political and advocacy groups has proven costly in recent years, resulting in high-profile reversals and whispers the bureau has created a two-tier system of justice.
"They need to have an understanding that there are folks out there that are looking to manipulate them for political purposes and every time they fall for it, they're damaging the reputation of the FBI in a way that is fundamentally harmful to not only the FBI, but to the country," said Jason Foster, who investigated FBI wrongdoing for two decades as a U.S. Senate investigator and now represents FBI whistleblowers at the Empower Oversight whistleblower center.
The FBI's latest misstep came last week when it was forced to retract an intelligence bulletin issued by its Richmond office that suggested Catholics who prefer the traditional Latin language Mass pose a risk as white supremacists and extremists. That memo derived some of its information from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-leaning group in Georgia that tracks hate activity in the United States, as well as articles from overtly liberal magazines.
The Richmond memo urged agents to begin infiltrating Catholic groups, looking for such extremists. Its liberal bias showed through in a footnote where the author referred to a woman having a baby as a "pregnant person" rather than a mother.
Foster is currently advising FBI whistleblower George Hill, a retired analyst who says the Boston FBI was pressured to try to open criminal investigations against 140 Trump supporters for simply taking a bus to Washington D.C. on January 6.
He said the need to stamp out political influence and bias inside the FBI is essential not only for the bureau, but for the entire criminal justice system.
"We need a functioning FBI that people can trust and are willing to talk to," he said. "They need cooperation of the citizenry. They need cooperation of local state and local law enforcement. And the further they go down this road of seeming to not care that half the country thinks that they have their thumb on the scale for one political side over the other, the worse the problem gets."

Unfortunately, the FBI has lost it’s ability to serve and protect the people. It is now a political activist group that is armed and has the authority to detain, imprison or execute people at their own will. We have lost all control of the federal government and are now under tyranny.
Its really hard to believe the proposition that the US Government’s main investigative and counter-intel agency relies on public media and political-advocacy groups as evidence and “source-material.”
In fact, it sounds like total Bull Scat.
It's not just a matter of the FBI getting burned at all. It doesn't account for 30-agent SWAT teams raiding the homes of Democrat political opponents at 3 AM over matters that could have been addressed with a knock on the door. It doesn't account for a network of agents provocateur infiltrating political organizations and turning them to violence. These aren't aberrations that got by the scrutiny of otherwise honest management, they've become the new normal.

FBI keeps getting burned badly by reliance on liberal sources

Latest blunder involving Catholics has many questioning why the bureau keeps falling prey to political influence from the left.
12 Feb 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

A dossier alleging Russian collusion funded by a Democrat presidential candidate. A suggestion that school parents were domestic terrorists from a left-leaning school board group. A list suggesting old-fashioned Catholics were extremists from a liberal watchdog on hate speech.
Three triggers for investigation. Three blunders that left America's premier law enforcement agency reeling with a black eye. The FBI's repeated reliance on liberal political and advocacy groups has proven costly in recent years, resulting in high-profile reversals and whispers the bureau has created a two-tier system of justice.
"They need to have an understanding that there are folks out there that are looking to manipulate them for political purposes and every time they fall for it, they're damaging the reputation of the FBI in a way that is fundamentally harmful to not only the FBI, but to the country," said Jason Foster, who investigated FBI wrongdoing for two decades as a U.S. Senate investigator and now represents FBI whistleblowers at the Empower Oversight whistleblower center.
The FBI's latest misstep came last week when it was forced to retract an intelligence bulletin issued by its Richmond office that suggested Catholics who prefer the traditional Latin language Mass pose a risk as white supremacists and extremists. That memo derived some of its information from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-leaning group in Georgia that tracks hate activity in the United States, as well as articles from overtly liberal magazines.
The Richmond memo urged agents to begin infiltrating Catholic groups, looking for such extremists. Its liberal bias showed through in a footnote where the author referred to a woman having a baby as a "pregnant person" rather than a mother.
Foster is currently advising FBI whistleblower George Hill, a retired analyst who says the Boston FBI was pressured to try to open criminal investigations against 140 Trump supporters for simply taking a bus to Washington D.C. on January 6.
He said the need to stamp out political influence and bias inside the FBI is essential not only for the bureau, but for the entire criminal justice system.
"We need a functioning FBI that people can trust and are willing to talk to," he said. "They need cooperation of the citizenry. They need cooperation of local state and local law enforcement. And the further they go down this road of seeming to not care that half the country thinks that they have their thumb on the scale for one political side over the other, the worse the problem gets."

Unfortunately, the FBI has lost it’s ability to serve and protect the people. It is now a political activist group that is armed and has the authority to detain, imprison or execute people at their own will. We have lost all control of the federal government and are now under tyranny.
Its really hard to believe the proposition that the US Government’s main investigative and counter-intel agency relies on public media and political-advocacy groups as evidence and “source-material.”
In fact, it sounds like total Bull Scat.
It's not just a matter of the FBI getting burned at all. It doesn't account for 30-agent SWAT teams raiding the homes of Democrat political opponents at 3 AM over matters that could have been addressed with a knock on the door. It doesn't account for a network of agents provocateur infiltrating political organizations and turning them to violence. These aren't aberrations that got by the scrutiny of otherwise honest management, they've become the new normal.
Except this particular memo never saw the light of day in the public domain. It was circulated within one office. And didn't have the stamp of approval from FBI HQ. It was removed. End of story.
For you to extend a behavior for something that the public never viewed to the FBI just doing its job is a bit disingenuous.

Oh, and by my looking, about 60% of the information in the Steele Dossier...has been verified. :)

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