Pocahontas Warren says she is troubled by Obama getting $400k/speech


Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Given that half of the nation is living at or below the poverty line, I'd say many americans are incredibly misinformed or have belief systems in place which preclude objective reality. All partisanshit is for is the division of the masses.

It continues to astound me that they despise anyone would works for their good, the good of their family ad the good of the country.

Instead, the line up to applaud and vote for the very people who screwed them over the last time. Why can't they learn?
You say "them, I say "we".

Yabut, we learned not to do it again.
They just can't learn.
Sounds like someone is making a run at the 2020 nomination. Oh what a happy day if Old Paleface runs :dance::dance::dance:!!!!

She wont, but she is a few years younger than Trump. She would tell Trump where to go, maybe she will run for 4 years.

Your signature is spot on though. They know he's guilty of pay for play, guilty of collusion with Russia, knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and that he is stealing them blind every single day and they love it.


Can you imagine if Trump was Hillary doing the stuff he is doing. OMG. They'd be marching in DC with their guns drawn.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Given that half of the nation is living at or below the poverty line, I'd say many americans are incredibly misinformed or have belief systems in place which preclude objective reality. All partisanshit is for is the division of the masses.

It continues to astound me that they despise anyone would works for their good, the good of their family ad the good of the country.

Instead, the line up to applaud and vote for the very people who screwed them over the last time. Why can't they learn?
You say "them, I say "we".

Yabut, we learned not to do it again.
They just can't learn.
So long as the unsubstantial people can be kept quibbling amonst themselves, the power structure is free to do as it has. The unsubstantial people would all do well to quit finger pointing and reassess who potential allies REALLY are. We are already THE most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet. Anything can become "legal" as we've seen here within our past.
She's no better than Obama. They are basically of the same philosophy - Socialism for us, Capitalism for them. All Democrats are hypocrites.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Given that half of the nation is living at or below the poverty line, I'd say many americans are incredibly misinformed or have belief systems in place which preclude objective reality. All partisanshit is for is the division of the masses.

That's not even remotely true.
deny, deny, deny ..... as the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Yeah Yeah yeah...why don't you prove it with a credible source?

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Given that half of the nation is living at or below the poverty line, I'd say many americans are incredibly misinformed or have belief systems in place which preclude objective reality. All partisanshit is for is the division of the masses.

That's not even remotely true.
deny, deny, deny ..... as the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Yeah Yeah yeah...why don't you prove it with a credible source?
Because you cannot face it. Were you concerned at all, you would already know this. If it's not on your corporate state television you don't want to know.
She's no better than Obama. They are basically of the same philosophy - Socialism for us, Capitalism for them. All Democrats are hypocrites.
You poor thing, if you think that breaks along party lines you are the problem, no one else.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

She doesn't work for the working-class.
Her job is simply make everyone feel guilty about their success.

Nonsense. Her "job" is to fight for a level playing field, to give everyone a chance.

You're the one who says its Obama's fault you can't afford a tv set.

You have no clue, you refuse to do for yourself and you've got lots of false blame.
Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

Given that half of the nation is living at or below the poverty line, I'd say many americans are incredibly misinformed or have belief systems in place which preclude objective reality. All partisanshit is for is the division of the masses.

That's not even remotely true.
deny, deny, deny ..... as the societal wealth extraction continues unabated.

Yeah Yeah yeah...why don't you prove it with a credible source?
Because you cannot face it. Were you concerned at all, you would already know this. If it's not on your corporate state television you don't want to know.

Doesn't matter how many factual links are posted. This bunch always says the same thing - If its not some convenient lie from drudge, britebart, fox, its simply not credible. Indeed, they usually say they won't even read them.


Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

She doesn't work for the working-class.
Her job is simply make everyone feel guilty about their success.

Nonsense. Her "job" is to fight for a level playing field, to give everyone a chance.

You're the one who says its Obama's fault you can't afford a tv set.

You have no clue, you refuse to do for yourself and you've got lots of false blame.
I have every clue. She is a liar.
All she does is try to convince people they're getting screwed over.
Here entire existence is based off of fear and envy.
She tries to convince voters that the only way they can get what they want is by screwing someone else over.
Her goal is to get as much power and money as she can while she can.
Obama just did it faster than she did.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

She doesn't work for the working-class.
Her job is simply make everyone feel guilty about their success.

Nonsense. Her "job" is to fight for a level playing field, to give everyone a chance.

You're the one who says its Obama's fault you can't afford a tv set.

You have no clue, you refuse to do for yourself and you've got lots of false blame.
I have every clue. She is a liar.
All she does is try to convince people they're getting screwed over.
Here entire existence is based off of fear and envy.
Sorry pard, but that is american as apple pie and violence. Don just "won" on it.
She's no better than Obama. They are basically of the same philosophy - Socialism for us, Capitalism for them. All Democrats are hypocrites.
You poor thing, if you think that breaks along party lines you are the problem, no one else.
Nice try, but nobody buys that crap. The Republican Party is not the party of wealth redistribution. Democrats like to complain about income inequality and the rich not paying their fair share, but it was Obama who nominated a series of rich tax cheats to his cabinet. Then there's Hillary Clinton who demonized Trump for being rich while she was selling access and influence to countries who sponsor terrorism against the U.S. Remember Charlie Rangel who was evading taxes while writing the tax code aimed at making the rich pay their fair share?
Capitalism for them, Socialism for everyone else.
Sounds like someone is making a run at the 2020 nomination. Oh what a happy day if Old Paleface runs :dance::dance::dance:!!!!

She wont, but she is a few years younger than Trump. She would tell Trump where to go, maybe she will run for 4 years.

Your signature is spot on though. They know he's guilty of pay for play, guilty of collusion with Russia, knows he lies every time he opens his mouth and that he is stealing them blind every single day and they love it.


Can you imagine if Trump was Hillary doing the stuff he is doing. OMG. They'd be marching in DC with their guns drawn.

No I can't imagine if Hillary had won and nominated a conservative to the supreme court, cut regulations, fought to repeal Obama are, fought for tax cuts, and fought to stop illegal immigration.

Her trying to help the American people is unthinkable.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

She doesn't work for the working-class.
Her job is simply make everyone feel guilty about their success.

Nonsense. Her "job" is to fight for a level playing field, to give everyone a chance.

You're the one who says its Obama's fault you can't afford a tv set.

You have no clue, you refuse to do for yourself and you've got lots of false blame.
I have every clue. She is a liar.
All she does is try to convince people they're getting screwed over.
Here entire existence is based off of fear and envy.
She tries to convince voters that the only way they can get what they want is by screwing someone else over.
Her goal is to get as much power and money as she can while she can.
Obama just did it faster than she did.

My man. This is 100% spot on.

Funny that they actually think that's an insult.

And a certain cabal of misfits shats themsleves everytime they hear Warren's name.

Because she works for the working class instead of the 1%.

RWNJs are all incredibly wealthy. Or really really stupid.

She doesn't work for the working-class.
Her job is simply make everyone feel guilty about their success.

Nonsense. Her "job" is to fight for a level playing field, to give everyone a chance.

You're the one who says its Obama's fault you can't afford a tv set.

You have no clue, you refuse to do for yourself and you've got lots of false blame.
I have every clue. She is a liar.
All she does is try to convince people they're getting screwed over.
Here entire existence is based off of fear and envy.
She tries to convince voters that the only way they can get what they want is by screwing someone else over.
Her goal is to get as much power and money as she can while she can.
Obama just did it faster than she did.

My man. This is 100% spot on.

Your photo sig says it all.

Three failures, have-beens, wannabe, quitter, pedophile, poacher, sat in his own shit, anti-American as you can get and all posed under the photo of one of the most successful women in our history. Like it or not, they're never gonna be successful or any better than they are now. And that's not much.

Also says a lot about dump - He can't get A-listers of any kind.

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