Zone1 The Left Can't Keep Their Lies In (Bottom)Line


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In their efforts to project that lie about racism existing in clearly doesn't exist.....there is the standard one about business to lend money to make money....the Democrats claim "redlining" is about not lendindg to folks due to their skin color.

(Psst....profits are green, not black or white)

2. " Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didnt lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

In 1986, when the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn) threatened to oppose an acquisition by a southern bank, Louisiana Bancshares, until it agreed to new flexible credit and underwriting standards for minority borrowersfor example, counting public assistance and food stamps as income.

In 1992, the Boston Fed produced an extraordinary 29-page document that codified the new lending wisdom. Conventional mortgage criteria, the report argued, might be unintentionally biased because they didnt take into account the economic culture of urban, lower-income and nontraditional customers. Lenders should thus consider junking the industrys traditional income-to-payments ratio and stop viewing an applicants lack of credit history as a negative factor. Further, if applicants had bad credit, banks should consider extenuating circumstanceseven though a study by mortgage insurance companies would soon show, not surprisingly, that borrowers with no credit rating or a bad one were far more likely to default. If applicants didnt have enough savings for a down payment, the Boston Fed urged, banks should allow loans from nonprofits or government assistance agencies to count toward one. A later study of Freddie Mac mortgages would find that a borrower who made a down payment with third-party funds was four times more likely to default, a reminder that traditional underwriting standards werent arbitrary but based on historical lending patterns."

3. The Dems used the hoax to get votes, never mind it created the mortgage meltdown wnen banks were forced to give NINJA income, no job or assets loans.

4. If the industry hadn't been forced to give loans that they knew wouldn't be mortgage meltdown.
Thank you, Democrats.

5. But wait!!!
Chief Foot-In-Mouth just let the cat out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!

"LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’​


By The First
4 hours ago
Senator Elizabeth Warren raised eyebrows across social media Monday when she suggested “black borrowers” are unable to pay down their “original debt” and owe more than “white borrowers.”
“20 years after taking out their student loans, the typical white borrower owes just 6% of their original debt. But the typical Black borrower? 95% of their original debt. Student debt is a racial justice issue and it’s time for
to #CancelStudentDebt,” posted Warren on Twitter.

So the banks were right......and "REDLINING" isn't's economically correct?????????????
So the banks were right......and "REDLINING" isn't's economically correct?????????????
Paragraph after paragraph of repeated spamming and insults are doing this forum more harm than good.

***Mod Edit - Keep personal attacks out of Zone 1.***
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Paragraph after paragraph of repeated spamming and insults are doing this forum more harm than good.
What’s racist about pointing out that banks’ seeming reluctance to lend to blacks wasn’t based on race, but on ability to repay the loans? The fact that blacks, on average, still owe 95% of their original student loan, 20 years after taking it out, while whites, on average, have paid back all but 6% is indicative of that fact.

And PoliChic is correct. The demand for banks to lend mortgages to people who didn’t qualify, in the Democrats‘ efforts to get more blacks into their own homes, is what set off the mortgage meltdown and led to the 2008 recession.
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What’s racist about pointing out that banks’ seeming reluctance to lend to blacks wasn’t based on race, but on ability to repay the loans? The fact that blacks, on average, still owe 95% of their original student loan, 20 years after taking it out, while whites, on average, have paid back all but 6% is indicative of that fact.

And PoliChic is correct. The demand for banks to lend mortgages to people who didn’t qualify, in the Democrats‘ efforts to get more blacks into their own homes, is what set off the mortgage meltdown and led to the 2008 recession.

Thank you.

Redlining was always about reducing risk, not about skin color.

And Democrat lies are always about increasing their power by any means.

Under the same rubric they authorized over 12 thousand riots, arsons, terrorist acts to shut the economy and remove their political matter how damaging to America.
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Thank you.

Redlining was always about reducing risk, not skin color.

And Democrat lies are always about increasing their power by any means.

Under the same rubric they authorized over 12 thousand riots, arsons, terrorist acts to shut the economy and remove their political matter how damaging to America.
And it’s even more than just the borrower’s inability to repay the loan. These inner-urban, poor areas are often in neglect, and the property values are more likely to decline than a well-maintained middle class area. Thus the lender not only is left with a non-paying borrower, but a stuck with an asset that is likely worth less than the outstanding loan.
And it’s even more than just the borrower’s inability to repay the loan. These inner-urban, poor areas are often in neglect, and the property values are more likely to decline than a well-maintained middle class area. Thus the lender not only is left with a non-paying borrower, but a stuck with an asset that is likely worth less than the outstanding loan.

The Über -Liberal Village Voice had a dynamite expose laying huge slices of blame where it belongs.

1. "There are as many starting points for the mortgage meltdown as there are fears about how far it has yet to go, but one decisive point of departure is the final years of the Clinton administration, when a kid from Queens without any real banking or real-estate experience was the only man in Washington with the power to regulate the giants of home finance, theFederal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), better known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

a. Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis.

2. [Democrat Cuomo] helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments. He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded "kickbacks" to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans.

a. .... Cuomo, who did more to set these forces of unregulated expansion in motion than any other secretary and then boasted about it, presenting his initiatives as crusades for racial and social justice.

4. In 2000, Cuomo required a quantum leap in the number of affordable, low-to-moderate-income loans that the two mortgage banks—known collectively as Government Sponsored Enterprises—would have to buy. ... The 1992 law required HUD's secretary to make sure housing goals were being met and, every four years, set new goals for Fannie and Freddie. Cuomo's predecessor, [Democrat] Henry Cisneros, did that for the first time in December 1995, taking a cautious approach and moving the GSEs toward a requirement that 42 percent of their mortgages serve low- and moderate-income families. Cuomo raised that number to 50 percent and dramatically hiked GSE mandates to buy mortgages in underserved neighborhoods and for the "very-low-income." Part of the pitch was racial, with Cuomo contending that Fannie and Freddie weren't granting mortgages to minorities at the same rate as the private market.

.... Fannie also developed a "flexible" product line, providing up to 100 percent financing and requiring borrowers to make as little as a $500 contribution,...

8. ..... Cuomo... was also being pushed to commit the GSEs to more affordable and, in some cases, riskier loans by consumer organizations—groups like ACORN, which has considerable clout in New York elections. The housing advocates were happy with Cuomo's goal-setting at HUD, but the lax reporting requirements and predatory-lending loopholes suggest who was actually driving his agenda."
Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie - The Village Voice

So.....lots of folks made beaucoup bucks in the run-up to the Mortgage Meltdown....but at the heart of it....

...Democrat policies.
What’s racist about pointing out that banks’ seeming reluctance to lend to blacks wasn’t based on race, but on ability to repay the loans? The fact that blacks, on average, still owe 95% of their original student loan, 20 years after taking it out, while whites, on average, have paid back all but 6% is indicative of that fact.

And PoliChic is correct. The demand for banks to lend mortgages to people who didn’t qualify, in the Democrats‘ efforts to get more blacks into their own homes, is what set off the mortgage meltdown and led to the 2008 recession.
The point 'again' as is always the point, she and most others can be said to be racists because it's about painting all blacks with the same brush.

That is undeniably racism and those that do it need to be reminded that they're racists first, and their feigned concerns are a distant second.

Watch for it, she isn't going to change!

And I'm sorry to say that you are guilty of the same thing.

The fact that blacks, on average, still owe 95% of their original student loan, 20 years after taking it out, while whites, on average, have paid back all but 6% is indicative of that fact.

You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! And PoliChic certainly can't talk about blacks specifically, as she always does.
The point 'again' as is always the point, she and most others can be said to be racists because it's about painting all blacks with the same brush.

That is undeniably racism and those that do it need to be reminded that they're racists first, and their feigned concerns are a distant second.

Watch for it, she isn't going to change!

And I'm sorry to say that you are guilty of the same thing.

You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! And PoliChic certainly can't talk about blacks specifically, as she always does.

Democrats and you Fascists brougth race into it by claiming that redlining is racist.

Is it racist, or risk management?
The point 'again' as is always the point, she and most others can be said to be racists because it's about painting all blacks with the same brush.

That is undeniably racism and those that do it need to be reminded that they're racists first, and their feigned concerns are a distant second.

Watch for it, she isn't going to change!

And I'm sorry to say that you are guilty of the same thing.

You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! And PoliChic certainly can't talk about blacks specifically, as she always does.
You don’t understand the concept of statistics. If whites have paid back all but 6% of their student loans after 20 years, and blacks srill have 95% outstanding, then yes, blacks in general are less likely to pay back their loans. It doesn’t mean that ALL blacks aren’t keeping to the schedule, but more are falling behind, proportionate to their numbers, than are whites.

It‘s the same thing as saying blacks are more likely to have babies out of wedlock. That doesn’t mean they all do. But when 72% of blaxk babies are illegitimate, and whites only about 20-something percent, then yes….blacks are more likely to have a baby out of wedlock.

You liberals really need to understand that by calling everybody racist who brings out factual information, you minimize true racism.
Democrats and you Fascists brougth race into it by claiming that redlining is racist.

Is it racist, or risk management?
Oh, you’re right….that leftist got me totally off-track!

Yes, the point is that redlining around poor, inner-city areas was never about race, but simply a smart business decision to 1) lend money to those most likely to have the means to pay it back, and 2) not collateralize a loan with what is likely to be a depreciating asset.
It‘s the same thing as saying blacks are more likely to have babies out of wedlock.
There again, your purpose is racism and nothing else. It's meant to offend black people.

You're a racist.

And your argument requires you to keep repeating the same insults toward black people. Why do you find it necessary to do that. Can you claim you have some constructive motive that would better some black people? Nobody is hearing any positive motive in it!

Try another example but this time include some indication that you're being positive and constructive! Prove to us that you can bear to do that.
Democrats and you Fascists brougth race into it by claiming that redlining is racist.

Is it racist, or risk management?
All of your comments are about demeaning black people. I think you can't find any source of pleasure or satisfaction in anything but hating.

Neither political party in America bears the guilt exclusively.

We can discuss race and racism but you're crossing the line by calling me a fascist.
All of your comments are about demeaning black people. I think you can't find any source of pleasure or satisfaction in anything but hating.

Neither political party in America bears the guilt exclusively.

We can discuss race and racism but you're crossing the line by calling me a fascist.

I call as my first witness, Chief High Cheekbones:

Chief Foot-In-Mouth just let the cat out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!

"LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’


By The First
4 hours ago
Senator Elizabeth Warren raised eyebrows across social media Monday when she suggested “black borrowers” are unable to pay down their “original debt” and owe more than “white borrowers.”
“20 years after taking out their student loans, the typical white borrower owes just 6% of their original debt. But the typical Black borrower? 95% of their original debt. Student debt is a racial justice issue and it’s time for
to #CancelStudentDebt,” posted Warren on Twitter.

LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’

LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’

So the banks were right......and "REDLINING" isn't's economically correct?????????????
There again, your purpose is racism and nothing else. It's meant to offend black people.

You're a racist.

And your argument requires you to keep repeating the same insults toward black people. Why do you find it necessary to do that. Can you claim you have some constructive motive that would better some black people? Nobody is hearing any positive motive in it!

Try another example but this time include some indication that you're being positive and constructive! Prove to us that you can bear to do that.
And there again you go with wrongly accusing people of racism. And these aren’t insults. They are facts.

And I don’t need to prove anything to YOU. This is Zone 1, which is supposed to be free of people throwing insults like “you’re a racist“ around.

And you’re not even American! You come onto an American website and starting making false accusations against people who aren’t liberals.
The point 'again' as is always the point, she and most others can be said to be racists because it's about painting all blacks with the same brush.

That is undeniably racism and those that do it need to be reminded that they're racists first, and their feigned concerns are a distant second.

Watch for it, she isn't going to change!

And I'm sorry to say that you are guilty of the same thing.

You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! And PoliChic certainly can't talk about blacks specifically, as she always does.
"You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! "
Is that supposed to make sense?
Or are statistics now "racist"?
"You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! "
Is that supposed to make sense?
Or are statistics now "racist"?
The whole intention of this thread was to spew racism, and it never should have been posted in Zone 1 where the intention is to prevent trolling for a response with the voicing of hate.

I'll leave it with that.
The whole intention of this thread was to spew racism, and it never should have been posted in Zone 1 where the intention is to prevent trolling for a response with the voicing of hate.

I'll leave it with that.
Just the opposite. The purpose was to show that redlining was a business decision and had nothing to do with racism. What I’ve learned from this forum is that anytime a conservative refutes the “it’s the fault of racists” narrative, he or she is called a racist.

Banks were all about making profitable, well-collateralized loans to people who had the character, capability, and credit history that would indicate they would repay.
The point 'again' as is always the point, she and most others can be said to be racists because it's about painting all blacks with the same brush.

That is undeniably racism and those that do it need to be reminded that they're racists first, and their feigned concerns are a distant second.

Watch for it, she isn't going to change!

And I'm sorry to say that you are guilty of the same thing.

You can't talk about black people on average and then claim to not be a racist! And PoliChic certainly can't talk about blacks specifically, as she always does.
So, you can't talk about food, housing or fuel prices ON AVERAGE either? Average like Mean or Per Capita are ways of comparing things.
There again, your purpose is racism and nothing else. It's meant to offend black people.

You're a racist.

And your argument requires you to keep repeating the same insults toward black people. Why do you find it necessary to do that. Can you claim you have some constructive motive that would better some black people? Nobody is hearing any positive motive in it!

Try another example but this time include some indication that you're being positive and constructive! Prove to us that you can bear to do that.
There is nothing racist about pointing out that the reason for blacks’ higher poverty rates is the extraordinarily out-of-wedlock birthrate, which has been correlated with both poverty and crime.

The way you libs want it is that NOTHING negative can be said about blacks, while you cheer on anti-white racism and are very tolerant toward antisemitism - even looking for ways to criticize Jews.

Why are blacks such a protected group among your ilk, while you excuse and even promote bigotry against other groups?

And you really are the epitome of an arrogant liberal - a foreigner coming onto an American site and falsely accusing Americans of racism.

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