Plucked from the rubble: The moment Syrian children were saved after Assad airstrike on rebel-held s


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Thank goodness these children were saved.

Plucked from the rubble: The moment Syrian children were saved after Assad airstrike on rebel-held suburb of Damascus
  • Shocking pictures show Syrian children being rescued from burning rubble
  • Parents carried terrified toddlers as they ran through dust-covered streets
  • Attacks hit the Duma suburb of the capital Damascus, killing at least one
  • Activists say airstrikes were carried out by forces loyal to President Assad
  • Around 200,000 people have been killed in the conflict since 2011

PUBLISHED: 13:23 EST, 27 December 2014 | UPDATED: 17:31 EST, 27 December 2014

These shocking pictures show men rescuing young children from burning rubble near Damascus after Syrian airstrikes on a rebel-held town.

Horrifying images from the scene showed that the attacks, on the Duma suburb of the Syrian capital, killed at least one person.

Men were seen clutching terrified toddlers as they ran through the dust-covered neighbourhood to safety.


Two Syrian men hold on to toddlers rescued from burning rubble as they make their way to safety after an airstrike on Duma, Damascus


Parents run through their dust-covered neighbourhood moments after bombs were dropped on the rebel-held town


A man carries an injured child to a motorcycle after the attack, which rebels blamed on forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Activists say the airstrikes were carried out by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who remains in power after more than three years of violence in the country.

Around 200,000 people have been killed in the conflict between Assad's forces and the rebels, with millions more fleeing to neighbouring nations.

Today's attacks came as the Syrian government announced that it was willing to begin 'preliminary consultations' in Moscow aimed at restarting peace talks, but the rebels dismissed the initiative

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Syrian children saved after Assad airstrike on rebel-held suburb of Damascus Daily Mail Online
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
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thanks captain blei-----of course your dear leader ASSAD---
is MANKIND's HOPE----reminds me of so many other
GREAT HOPES for mankind-----from adolf to achmadinejad--
and for that matter-----big bad bagdaddy
thanks captain blei-----of course your dear leader ASSAD---
is MANKIND's HOPE----reminds me of so many other
GREAT HOPES for mankind-----from adolf to achmadinejad--
and for that matter-----big bad bagdaddy
You deny that if the Islamists would oust the govt, endless suffering for millions would be the result?

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
At the end of the civil war in Syria Assad will be gang raped by the Syrian people and goats and his head will be dumped in the sewer after it is used as a soccer ball.
At the end of the civil war in Syria Assad will be gang raped by the Syrian people and goats and his head will be dumped in the sewer after it is used as a soccer ball.
Was it the CIA or ISIS that told you to say that?

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
If Assad returned to power-----endless millions will suffer. If Islamists attain power----endless millions will suffer------there ar many "sides" in the current conflict-----those that stink the most are the Baathists and the Islamists A suggestion that
one is better than the other is like comparing Bolsheviks and
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My, my, the kid is getting annoyed by articles regarding his idol. As for his mention of "fat stinky ass" (which reminds me of some five-year old thinking he is saying something funny) perhaps he can get his idol to send him a few rolls of toilet paper since it appears he is in short supply of them. Now, little pipsqueak, are you denying that I post articles about many things happening in the Middle East, or are you demented enough to think I am only posting about your idol and his gang? The readers are on the ball and naturally do notice that you are posting nothing about other Middle East countries even though this is the Middle East forum. Nothing about Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, etc. that has gotten on your radar screen?

I wonder if the pipsqueak will have a problem with this article.

No more Aleppos Arab News?
If Assad returned to power-----endless millions will suffer. If Islamists attain power----endless millions will suffer------there ar many "sides" in the current conflict-----those that stink the most are the Baathists and the Islamists A suggestion that
one is better than the other is like comparing Bolsheviks and
The Syrians are lucky that it is up to them to decide who governs and not people like you. And their decision is clear.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My, my, the kid is getting annoyed by articles regarding his idol. As for his mention of "fat stinky ass" (which reminds me of some five-year old thinking he is saying something funny) perhaps he can get his idol to send him a few rolls of toilet paper since it appears he is in short supply of them. Now, little pipsqueak, are you denying that I post articles about many things happening in the Middle East, or are you demented enough to think I am only posting about your idol and his gang? The readers are on the ball and naturally do notice that you are posting nothing about other Middle East countries even though this is the Middle East forum. Nothing about Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, etc. that has gotten on your radar screen?

I wonder if the pipsqueak will have a problem with this article.

No more Aleppos Arab News?
I know you have chosen to not to cheer for ISIS but for Al-Nusra/Islamic Front/FSA which you consider lawful rebels but which do not differ from ISIS except for the fact that they want their own Caliphate. You are like a mirror of the US government foreign policy. You are not expressing your opinion but distributing the one of your disgusting govt. This is very clear as you shed bitter tears about the sad fate of some Kurds while you give a shit about the millions of Syrians who would have to face the same horror if Assad would fall. In addition, you call for support for the Syrian refugees in Lebanon but we hear no word from you about the millions of refugees under the protection of Assad. As the vast majority of the Syrians in Lebanon voted Assad, we can see the that you have no idea what you are talking about and are nothing more than a silly bullhorn of an inhuman policy and therewith a great example of a useful idiot. You are a first class hypocrite and what I report about is not to be rated by you.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
More bogus propaganda shit, the drooling Sally is busy to distribute. The situation is well documented for being that dangerous and chaotic. Its probably not even Damascus. Children get abused to make sure the war continues.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My goodness, I thought this pipsqueak would be busy playing with the new XBox or PlayStation sent to him by Assad for Christmas. Many different news media have carried this story, but remember we must not post any articles which appear to be derogatory according to Assad's chief Public Relations guy on this forum, not even if the story is true. Regardless of what the pipsqueak has to say, I am sure that there are readers who are happy about the children who survived.
You did not say anything positive about the Syrian govt so far but claim that unconfirmed accusations of the terrorists are true. Alone by the pictures that you presented clear thinking people can figure out that something is wrong with the story.
As for the Playstation or Xbox Assad sent to me, it did not arrive. I guess, some secret service intercepted it and now the FSA is going to make it the control system of their new tank.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

Yeah, and I don't see you report on what is happening that has nothing to do with Assad and his gang. Have you ever posted anything about the rescue of the immigrants at sea and, of course, those who were unfortunate to drown? Have you ever posted about the Yazidis and the terrible things happening to them? You have been awfully silent about these and other terrible happenings, and only seem to get on your high horse when something is said that your idol and his gang have done. You apparently have no feeling for the Syrian youngsters who were saved in the rubble. By the way, if you think the story is wrong, contact all the media that reported on this incident and give them your views. They them all it is just one big lie because you said so.

The mail is slow during the holidays season. Perhaps your gifts from Assad have been held up in the mail.
If one wants to report, the one has to mention that Al-Nusra claims that this has happened. If you consider the terrorists reports credible, its your problem. But you take any occasion to blame the Syrian government which is the only hope for millions of Syrians. Do you understand? While you sit on your fat stinky ass distributing Islamist propaganda against Assad, the existence and safety of millions of people is dependent on the existence of the govt.
But it is you who wants to teach humanity? Hypocrite! As for news I dont write about, there are others who do. Others I dont attack just because they dont report about the daily battles in Syria.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

My, my, the kid is getting annoyed by articles regarding his idol. As for his mention of "fat stinky ass" (which reminds me of some five-year old thinking he is saying something funny) perhaps he can get his idol to send him a few rolls of toilet paper since it appears he is in short supply of them. Now, little pipsqueak, are you denying that I post articles about many things happening in the Middle East, or are you demented enough to think I am only posting about your idol and his gang? The readers are on the ball and naturally do notice that you are posting nothing about other Middle East countries even though this is the Middle East forum. Nothing about Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, etc. that has gotten on your radar screen?

I wonder if the pipsqueak will have a problem with this article.

No more Aleppos Arab News?
The article is bullshit. It is Assad and the UN who offered a cease-fire in Aleppo and it was rejected by the US-fed terrorists. My thread about it is still there. How is it possible you forget so quickly? Is it because you are a bogus propaganda drone that doesnt care for what really happens?

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2
If Assad returned to power-----endless millions will suffer. If Islamists attain power----endless millions will suffer------there ar many "sides" in the current conflict-----those that stink the most are the Baathists and the Islamists A suggestion that
one is better than the other is like comparing Bolsheviks and
The Syrians are lucky that it is up to them to decide who governs and not people like you. And their decision is clear.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

right---the Iranian people decided on the Ayatoilet Khomeini and the German people decided on your fascist hero --adolf
a little aside-----Aleppo is a very important city since ancient times----very ancient-----like 5 millennia. It is kinda---sorta
NINEVEH-------the subject of the bibilical book JONAH -----
A very interesting factoid is----the book JONAH is a big deal on
the jewish holiday YOM KIPPUR. One day----not long ago---when I had become old (and not so beautiful)----I was
snoozing in a synagogue on a Yom Kippur----and some young
visiting rabbi from the mystical city of Safed-----started to talk----unfortunately for me, he spoke in Hebrew, but I did understand this one question he posed ---"where is Nineveh" ? ---I thought "who the hell cares" An eager guy answered
"ARAM V'NAHARYIM" ------<<< that one I could figure out---
Aram is the place were Abraham was born or lived----
and "naharyim" means----'two shore lines"-------to wit---the
tigris euphates thing------sorta ALEPPO and MOSUL. The issue that Jonah had in not wanting to go to Nineveh was-----Nineveh was a city which was and "IN THE FUTURE"
would be an enemy to Israel--------is that not interesting???
It came to me from the mystical city of Safed
If Assad returned to power-----endless millions will suffer. If Islamists attain power----endless millions will suffer------there ar many "sides" in the current conflict-----those that stink the most are the Baathists and the Islamists A suggestion that
one is better than the other is like comparing Bolsheviks and
The Syrians are lucky that it is up to them to decide who governs and not people like you. And their decision is clear.

Gesendet von meinem MSM mit Tapatalk 2

right---the Iranian people decided on the Ayatoilet Khomeini and the German people decided on your fascist hero --adolf
The Versailles treaty was Hitlers biggest helper. The people of back then felt opressed by the harsh conditions the treaty imposed on them and Hitler represented the solution. His biggest backer was Henry Ford, whose world view was Hitlers inspiration as he once said. Ford was awarded with one of the Third Reichs highest awards.
Syria lost a number of soldiers when a tunnel they were in blew up. Assad is going to run out of soldiers
ISIS might be being pushed out of kurd land but they are operating near Israel. Trying to change the enemy by turning towards Israel.
The pilot's fate might rest with those on the internet, not looking good for him. ISIS is taking a poll.
...and russia wants to host talks with syrian opposition government to talk some sort of settlement
Syria lost a number of soldiers when a tunnel they were in blew up. Assad is going to run out of soldiers
ISIS might be being pushed out of kurd land but they are operating near Israel. Trying to change the enemy by turning towards Israel.
The pilot's fate might rest with those on the internet, not looking good for him. ISIS is taking a poll.
...and russia wants to host talks with syrian opposition government to talk some sort of settlement
2014 brought new huge waves of terrorists from every side to the government controlled territory. 8500 terrorist offensive from Turkey to Lakatia, 5000 at the Lebanese border, Thousands at the Golan. Now thousands in Idlib. Isis. Aleppo. The mountains of dead jihadists grow but there cannot be endless replacement for them. Remember that Assad anounced victory this year and how quickly the things changed then as there is no victory in sight. But after years of zombie survival few soldiers beat many terrorists. I am sure, in 2015 the things will change again.

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