Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Say what you will about American Christians...they aren't stoning people to death or cutting their heads off because they don't believe in Jesus!
Nope, but they used to, and will again given a chance, which is why we can't let them have one.

And agnostic, good for you. That is the only rational position.,'s NOT the only rational position! It's simply MY position. If you want to worship trees then knock yourself out! That would be rational for you. You'll have to enlighten me to when it was that American Christians were cutting peoples heads off that didn't believe in Jesus. I must have missed that.
Muslims do the same, it's part of the faith. Islam Guide What Are the Five Pillars of Islam

That doesn't for a second mean they still aren't batfucking crazy eh?

I know several Muslims who are not at all crazy.
If they believe in the faith they are, you just don't know it because you are as irrational as they are.

Are you so irrational to believe that all the worlds problems would disappear without them?
Nope, but it would help greatly. A rational world doesn't fly planes into buildings because God told them to, or believe that homosexuals are dangerous and evil because that's what a holy book says.

You don't need religion to be crazy and evil. You are foolish to believe that. Lanza had no religion when he killed all those children.

Don't bother.. something really wrong has gone on with that one. His positions are not in any way rational ones. It's scary.
Say what you will about American Christians...they aren't stoning people to death or cutting their heads off because they don't believe in Jesus!
Nope, but they used to, and will again given a chance, which is why we can't let them have one.

And agnostic, good for you. That is the only rational position.,'s NOT the only rational position! It's simply MY position.
Yes, it is the only rational position, there are no others.

As for taking heads, that wasn't that long ago here but they called it a Witch Hunt. Drop a bit back from that and you have the Catholics killing the Jews who refused to convert. Religion at work.
I know several Muslims who are not at all crazy.
If they believe in the faith they are, you just don't know it because you are as irrational as they are.

Are you so irrational to believe that all the worlds problems would disappear without them?
Nope, but it would help greatly. A rational world doesn't fly planes into buildings because God told them to, or believe that homosexuals are dangerous and evil because that's what a holy book says.

You don't need religion to be crazy and evil. You are foolish to believe that. Lanza had no religion when he killed all those children.

Don't bother.. something really wrong has gone on with that one. His positions are not in any way rational ones. It's scary.
You believe Jesus is God. It's obviously impossible for you to be rational.
You don't need religion to be crazy and evil. You are foolish to believe that. Lanza had no religion when he killed all those children.
There will always be a few nuts around but without religious nuts in the way they are easier to deal with. That one should have been in a loony bin, and neither around guns nor children.

Nor did the great atheists of the 20th century...stalin, lenin, hitler, pol pot, mao, the castro brothers..........and the 100 million or so dead they created are pretty much forgotten....
Religious versus Atheist slaughters, we could play that game all day, and I'd win. The Children of God love to slaughter each other.

The Mongols killed a whole lot of people. It wasn't for religion, it was for power. Eliminating religion would do nothing to eliminate evil.
It would eliminate a lot of evil people, who don't know it.

I see no reason to believe that.
There will always be a few nuts around but without religious nuts in the way they are easier to deal with. That one should have been in a loony bin, and neither around guns nor children.

Nor did the great atheists of the 20th century...stalin, lenin, hitler, pol pot, mao, the castro brothers..........and the 100 million or so dead they created are pretty much forgotten....
Religious versus Atheist slaughters, we could play that game all day, and I'd win. The Children of God love to slaughter each other.

The Mongols killed a whole lot of people. It wasn't for religion, it was for power. Eliminating religion would do nothing to eliminate evil.
It would eliminate a lot of evil people, who don't know it.

I see no reason to believe that.
Of course you don't, which is my point.
I don't hate you... I pray for people like you... because you are lost beyond repair.
Case in point. Forget any rational response, denounce the nonbeliever and go with prayer, as if that makes up for it, while at the same time rejecting a fundamental tenant of the faith, no one is beyond the reach of God.

One of my best friends in the whole world is an atheist, yet he is one of the nicest people you ever want to meet. He doesn't sit around denouncing people of faith as dangerous and insane or delusional. I have no issue with atheists, people are free to believe what they want and I don't see people who chose not to believe in God as dangerous, insane or delusional. To each his own, and I respect that. You should try it.
People who don't believe in God are rational, and if you don't care what other people believe stop calling yourself a Christian, you aren't one.

You make absolutely no sense, are you a mental patient or something?
I don't hate you... I pray for people like you... because you are lost beyond repair.
Case in point. Forget any rational response, denounce the nonbeliever and go with prayer, as if that makes up for it, while at the same time rejecting a fundamental tenant of the faith, no one is beyond the reach of God.

One of my best friends in the whole world is an atheist, yet he is one of the nicest people you ever want to meet. He doesn't sit around denouncing people of faith as dangerous and insane or delusional. I have no issue with atheists, people are free to believe what they want and I don't see people who chose not to believe in God as dangerous, insane or delusional. To each his own, and I respect that. You should try it.
People who don't believe in God are rational, and if you don't care what other people believe stop calling yourself a Christian, you aren't one.

You make absolutely no sense, are you a mental patient or something?
Learn your faith. It's not, Hey, believe whatever the fuck you like...


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Say what you will about American Christians...they aren't stoning people to death or cutting their heads off because they don't believe in Jesus!
Nope, but they used to, and will again given a chance, which is why we can't let them have one.

And agnostic, good for you. That is the only rational position.,'s NOT the only rational position! It's simply MY position.
Yes, it is the only rational position, there are no others.

As for taking heads, that wasn't that long ago here but they called it a Witch Hunt. Drop a bit back from that and you have the Catholics killing the Jews who refused to convert. Religion at work.

and you had 100 million murdered between 1920 and the 1970s because they wouldn't convert to socialism.....not way back before this country existed as we are now......notice how you whack jobs have to go back hundreds if not thousands of years to point to the bad parts of religion...when it was the primitive existence, and not religion that caused the killing.....

but in modern modern nation had atheists murdering 100 million in the na,e of socialism..........and people still say nice things about Che and Mao....
Far more Muslims in America have been harmed by anti-Muslim violence than have non-Muslim Americans been harmed by anti-cartoon violence.

bullshit.....Muslims are lucky to live here....had they lived in any other country when Muslims killed 3000 of that countries citizens, the blood would have run in have to look hard to find real Muslim discrimination.....Muslims have it better here than anywhere else.......
This thread struck a sour note with me. All the liberals mocking Geller and almost impliying she deserves to be killed. Is this the level that liberals sink to? As if Islam was in need of defence, all the Kool-Aid drinking brainwashed pawns need to be protected....Are you people that ignorant? All the pet issues liberal endorse, Islam is against it. Islam targets gays, and artist and destroys shrines of other sects or religions and is a threat to freedom in general. Yuck it up, pin heads. You are on their hit list too.

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