Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

That is merely your racist opinion. There are no evidences in your judgement below, simply your opinion. "the [sic] authors leave it to the audience to infer. . . ." is racist shorthand for "we ain't got nothing".

IanC failed to tell you that he is plagiarizing from The Coleman Report, 1966. Yeah, 1966. The sod is lazy. He must be half white. :lol: Oh, he does not give you the background of Coleman, either. Ask him.

Here is a much better report to consider. You Win Some, You Lose Some: Explaining the Pattern of Success and Failure in the Second Reconstruction | Jennifer L. Hochschild

I skimmed your link. it follows the usual operating procedure. first acknowledge that significant strides have been made to help blacks then point out that blacks are still suffering massive gaps in social traits. the authors leave it to the audience to infer that racism is to blame because there is no other reason left, right? 'power with' and 'power over' gobbledegook.

resources have been made available to blacks. some blacks made use of them and became successful, other blacks did not. I believe intelligence is the key, just as it is the key in whites.
Biased opinion without evidence. Corrected: And three times the success rates for top black businesses is not bad.

OK, we need to ship you back to where you came from. Don't need your kind here. :lol:

America is for all of us, dim wit, even you.

Your kind is dying out, except in the prisons.

I think that web site does a disservice to black inventors. blacks have indeed produced many patents but mostly in the realm of incremental improvements not original idea. when it is shown, time after time after time, that the claims are highly exaggerated it only lessens the actual accomplishments.
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Plagiarizing includes not putting material in quotation marks when you lift it and or not giving a full citation to find the actual documentation. And 1966? Anything more current?

speaking of middle class lifestyles, the Coleman Report studied schools for disparate funding, buildings, teachers and students. it found that funding, buildings, classroom size and teachers were all less important than the quality of the students attending the school. peer attitude makes the biggest difference in actual educational achievement. lower class children did not seem attain success when grouped together, but did significantly better when placed in a school with predominantly middle class children. the M/C children did not seem to have any adverse effects until the school became more than 1/3 L/C. this was the basis for bussing.

how is that plagerizing?

I didnt quote anything from the Coleman Reports. if you are interested in what they have to say, do the research on the first one or the second one a decade later. it is a shame that the politically incorrect findings precluded doing more in kind reports since then. or releasing the data to the public, anyways.
That is merely your racist opinion. There are no evidences in your judgement below, simply your opinion. "the [sic] authors leave it to the audience to infer. . . ." is racist shorthand for "we ain't got nothing".

IanC failed to tell you that he is plagiarizing from The Coleman Report, 1966. Yeah, 1966. The sod is lazy. He must be half white. :lol: Oh, he does not give you the background of Coleman, either. Ask him.

Here is a much better report to consider. You Win Some, You Lose Some: Explaining the Pattern of Success and Failure in the Second Reconstruction | Jennifer L. Hochschild

I skimmed your link. it follows the usual operating procedure. first acknowledge that significant strides have been made to help blacks then point out that blacks are still suffering massive gaps in social traits. the authors leave it to the audience to infer that racism is to blame because there is no other reason left, right? 'power with' and 'power over' gobbledegook.

resources have been made available to blacks. some blacks made use of them and became successful, other blacks did not. I believe intelligence is the key, just as it is the key in whites.

I will leave it to others to read your link and form their own 'opinions' on whether insufficient help from the govt is the reason for disparate outcomes in the black community. my opinion is that the blacks who are capable of making use of the available help have done well for themselves. the blacks who were incapable of improving their position because of low intellect and faulty lower class ethics should not blame the govt for not helping more, or whites for holding them down by racism.
Biased opinion without evidence. And three times the start ups is not a low start up rate.

OK, we need to ship you back to where you came from. Don't need your kind here. :lol:

America is for all of us, dim wit, even you.

Your kind is dying out, except in the prisons.

I think that web site does a disservice to black inventors. blacks have indeed produced many patents but mostly in the realm of incremental improvements not original idea. when it is shown, time after time after time, that the claims are highly exaggerated it only lessens the actual accomplishments.

are you saying that blacks have three times the startup rate for businesses? are you on crack?

my kind is not found in prisons, they are found in churches, schools, charities and local govt. supporting their communities with time, money and expertise. I dont have a problem helping people, I have a problem with being unfairly accused of causing those people in need to be needy in the first place.
Can you read. "The latest U.S. Census report on black-owned businesses shows a growth rate three times the national average. The 10 black-owned companies listed here are excellent models for those who aspire to economic independence." Posted earlier.

Stayed focused, pay attention. You are not doing well, IanC.
When you use the material and do not clarify the ideas are not yours, yes, that is plagiarism.

You are using jaded material from the sixties and seventies when data decades later contradict your pitiful attempt.

Plagiarizing includes not putting material in quotation marks when you lift it and or not giving a full citation to find the actual documentation. And 1966? Anything more current?

how is that plagerizing?

I didnt quote anything from the Coleman Reports. if you are interested in what they have to say, do the research on the first one or the second one a decade later. it is a shame that the politically incorrect findings precluded doing more in kind reports since then. or releasing the data to the public, anyways.
Simplistic racialist nonsense.

IanC's kind is not found in decent churches, in decent schools, in decent businesses.

They are isolated economically, geographically, and psychologically.

Think of them in dirty white t-shirts, beards, tractor caps out in the fields at night chanting with outstretched arms in front of burning crosses.


That is merely your racist opinion. There are no evidences in your judgement below, simply your opinion. "the [sic] authors leave it to the audience to infer. . . ." is racist shorthand for "we ain't got nothing".

I skimmed your link. it follows the usual operating procedure. first acknowledge that significant strides have been made to help blacks then point out that blacks are still suffering massive gaps in social traits. the authors leave it to the audience to infer that racism is to blame because there is no other reason left, right? 'power with' and 'power over' gobbledegook.

resources have been made available to blacks. some blacks made use of them and became successful, other blacks did not. I believe intelligence is the key, just as it is the key in whites.

I will leave it to others to read your link and form their own 'opinions' on whether insufficient help from the govt is the reason for disparate outcomes in the black community. my opinion is that the blacks who are capable of making use of the available help have done well for themselves. the blacks who were incapable of improving their position because of low intellect and faulty lower class ethics should not blame the govt for not helping more, or whites for holding them down by racism.
Simplistic racialist nonsense.

IanC's kind is not found in decent churches, in decent schools, in decent businesses.

They are isolated economically, geographically, and psychologically.

Think of them in dirty white t-shirts, beards, tractor caps out in the fields at night chanting with outstretched arms in front of burning crosses.


Defending stereotyping with stereotyping - another brilliant response :eusa_doh:
Says the Queen of Stereotypes.

How many teeth do you have left in your head?

Simplistic racialist nonsense.

IanC's kind is not found in decent churches, in decent schools, in decent businesses.

They are isolated economically, geographically, and psychologically.

Think of them in dirty white t-shirts, beards, tractor caps out in the fields at night chanting with outstretched arms in front of burning crosses.


Defending stereotyping with stereotyping - another brilliant response :eusa_doh:
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

I think there is a document out there forget what its called, maybe you could tell me. But it states that all men are created equal. But using your logic and studies then we should all submit to Asians because they are superior to every other race. My view is I dont care what color you are, if your a douchbag... I hate you.

Here's a fact that you cant disprove, it doesn't matter what color you are... there's always going to be someone smarter.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

I think there is a document out there forget what its called, maybe you could tell me. But it states that all men are created equal. But using your logic and studies then we should all submit to Asians because they are superior to every other race. My view is I dont care what color you are, if your a douchbag... I hate you.

Here's a fact that you cant disprove, it doesn't matter what color you are... there's always going to be someone smarter.

Say Matt,everytime you post it proves the Blackman's your equal or has surpassed you.
How come low IQ poor whites start their own businesses.Why cause they are relying on the state govt,to provide their livehood.
Says the Queen of Stereotypes.

How many teeth do you have left in your head?

Simplistic racialist nonsense.

IanC's kind is not found in decent churches, in decent schools, in decent businesses.

They are isolated economically, geographically, and psychologically.

Think of them in dirty white t-shirts, beards, tractor caps out in the fields at night chanting with outstretched arms in front of burning crosses.


Defending stereotyping with stereotyping - another brilliant response :eusa_doh:

I'd love to see a link to a post - ANY post where I have stereotyped someone *Points and laughs*
This thread was about blacks as a people(population), not so much about a certain group of blacks better than another group of whites.

16% of the Black American population has the white avg iq.

Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees.
How come low IQ poor whites start their own businesses.Why cause they are relying on the state govt,to provide their livehood.

...and no successful small business owner will hire them (it goes without saying they can't pass a civil service test or an interview with a fortune 500). Such explains why they are racist; black men and women secure such jobs and do so passing tests and interviews the racists cannot.
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

They are not. Obama is light years smarter than you are. And probably a better man and father. Oh ya..he is president. What have YOU done lately?
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

i've never met a black as stupid as you.

you win.


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