Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

This thread was about blacks as a people(population), not so much about a certain group of blacks better than another group of whites.

16% of the Black American population has the white avg iq.

No, this thread is about you exhibiting your ignorance and hate.

The 14th Amendment proves African Americans are equal to everyone else, and the Constitution requires no tests to determine that fact.
This thread was about blacks as a people(population), not so much about a certain group of blacks better than another group of whites.

16% of the Black American population has the white avg iq.

No, this thread is about you exhibiting your ignorance and hate.

The 14th Amendment proves African Americans are equal to everyone else, and the Constitution requires no tests to determine that fact.

no, it doesn't. in fact, it *proves* nothing. that's like saying the first amendment *proves* i have freedom of speech.

you're not too bright, are you?

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World Wide Technology Inc.

In 2010, revenue rose 45 percent to $3.2 billion as demand from the public and private sectors soared for this Maryland Heights, Mo., firm's technology products and consulting services. David L. Steward, chairman of the board, founded World Wide Technology in 1990. Prior to working at WWT, Steward, who earned a bachelor's degree in business management from Central Missouri State University, was a senior-level manager at Federal Express, Wagner Electric and Missouri Pacific Railroad.
This is just one of successful Black business men.

1 of 10
World Wide Technology Inc.

In 2010, revenue rose 45 percent to $3.2 billion as demand from the public and private sectors soared for this Maryland Heights, Mo., firm's technology products and consulting services. David L. Steward, chairman of the board, founded World Wide Technology in 1990. Prior to working at WWT, Steward, who earned a bachelor's degree in business management from Central Missouri State University, was a senior-level manager at Federal Express, Wagner Electric and Missouri Pacific Railroad.
This is just one of successful Black business men.

for more info go to
insulting him is not proving him wrong. At least attack his source as I did.
He's insulting every American in this country and taking one big shit on our American heritage.

American's believe "all men are created equal", that's part of what made this country great.

It's not a 'belief', it's a principle on which our country was founded. And I completely embrace that principle... but to call it a 'belief' and claim that all Americans have to believe it is moronic. Another principle that this country is founded on is the freedom of the individual to believe as they choose.

Bullshit. If Republicans felt that way, they wouldn't be practicing voter suppression.

Ohio Republican admits voter suppression targets African Americans
This thread was about blacks as a people(population), not so much about a certain group of blacks better than another group of whites.

16% of the Black American population has the white avg iq.

No, this thread is about you exhibiting your ignorance and hate.

The 14th Amendment proves African Americans are equal to everyone else, and the Constitution requires no tests to determine that fact.

Intellectually not so. Of course some area's are off the table for debate.:eusa_shifty: What can I say this area is off limits.

I think what's of more concern is the crime rate within the black community...You can't fucking tell me that 52.2% of all murders being caused by 13% of the population isn't a problem. Seriously??? Official link

If we don't look into this then much of our intercity crime problem is incurable.

IS that ok with you??? I guess you don't give a damn about all that are killed if you don't.

How is the truth= ignorance
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How many successful small business owners are black? Most black inner-city area's don't have many of those.

This is a fact unlike the bull shit you keep whining about.

I bet you, white boy, couldn't own or run a successful business if you tried.
Can someone prove to me, with demonstrable evidence that Matthew is not a moron? ....Please, someone
Hate the situation all you want, but Matthew is correct:

By any measure imaginable, blacks are not the equals of whites. I sometimes think the people most terrified of this fact aren't black. They're white.
Hate the situation all you want, but Matthew is correct:

By any measure imaginable, blacks are not the equals of whites. I sometimes think the people most terrified of this fact aren't black. They're white.

I guess you would prefer to go back to the days when slavery was legal.
I'm closed minded regarding the idea that intelligence has a racial component. Goes for blacks, goes for Orientals.

Do I believe that individuals are born with a varying potential of 'intelligence?' Yes. Given the population on earth at a given moment in time, if accurately measured, likely to reflect a Bell Curve. No surprise there.

Then comes other factors. Culture, parenting, socio-economic forces, history of subcultures within a society, (very important in American hyphen groups), too many additional factors to list.

Since the topic of this thread is 'prove to me, (a white American, I'm surmising), that blacks (meaning black Americans, again surmising), are our equals, a few observations.

Before the Civil War, pretty hard to tell. After the Civil War, during early Reconstruction, those blacks that could read and write, quickly rose to positions of power in the South. Some went North and West, starting businesses and getting involved in politics also. They succeeded, but both in South and North lost when Jim Crow and segregation became the norms. Many did better in the West, where the need for labor was greater.

Then there is the post-Reconstruction. Economically blacks struggled. Jim Crow ruled the South, leaving huge gaps in both education and opportunities, but black families were strong. Children thrived and learned what they could at school, worked hard to help the families in any way they could. In the North, black families also thrived, often all members working multiple jobs, but the schools they were able to attend were below standards even in the South.

WWI found blacks exposed to more opportunities, even more leaving for the North at the end. This is when the now 'rust belt' cities were populated by many fleeing Jim Crow laws, not realizing that it may have been out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The 20's gave blacks in the North their first true impact on greater America, the Harlem Renaissance. For the first time, the culture of black Americans hit the rest of America. Then the Depression. As with all economic calamities, the poor are hit worse. In the West, the Dust Bowl hit all, but blacks had less resources and family to come to their aid. Their relatives in both the North and South were no better off.

WWII saw conscription, without opportunities until the last years. Yet the commitment of those that served in so many ways, became the stuff of legends, indeed history.

it also brought the GI Bill which many black GI's availed themselves to. That was a great boost, educated black Americans from humble beginnings, with a knowledge of prejudiced in the armed services, meeting up with civil rights movement.

Brown v Bd of Ed was the impetus, then MLK and Malcolm X. Different messages in some ways, certainly different solutions offered, but the bottom line was that things had to change. From the 50's on, they were.

Then came the 'War on Poverty' which was late 60's and 70's. It seems to me that history should rename it, 'The War on the Black Family,' which it was, no matter how unintentional. That it overlapped with the 'free love' and the widespread acclaim of 'the birth control pill' was an unfortunate coincidence. Then Roe v Wade in 1973. Many broader cultural actions were in force over the same period.

The breakdown of the black family, marriage, fatherhood began with the War on Poverty. It encouraged pregnancy without a man at home. Food and housing provided, but no man allowed. There were stories in the MSM about women who were on 'benefits', but 'good women' who had only one man and she him, but he had to leave to make sure the gov't workers wouldn't find a man there in the morning.

Shockingly, young men started to realize, they didn't have to 'provide' the government would. Women realized that the more babies they had, the more the government would pay them. That it wasn't enough to successfully raise the child, especially if the father refused to contribute, was learned too late. A cycle had begun.
I'm closed minded regarding the idea that intelligence has a racial component. Goes for blacks, goes for Orientals.

Do I believe that individuals are born with a varying potential of 'intelligence?' Yes. Given the population on earth at a given moment in time, if accurately measured, likely to reflect a Bell Curve. No surprise there.

Then comes other factors. Culture, parenting, socio-economic forces, history of subcultures within a society, (very important in American hyphen groups), too many additional factors to list.

Since the topic of this thread is 'prove to me, (a white American, I'm surmising), that blacks (meaning black Americans, again surmising), are our equals, a few observations.

Before the Civil War, pretty hard to tell. After the Civil War, during early Reconstruction, those blacks that could read and write, quickly rose to positions of power in the South. Some went North and West, starting businesses and getting involved in politics also. They succeeded, but both in South and North lost when Jim Crow and segregation became the norms. Many did better in the West, where the need for labor was greater.

Then there is the post-Reconstruction. Economically blacks struggled. Jim Crow ruled the South, leaving huge gaps in both education and opportunities, but black families were strong. Children thrived and learned what they could at school, worked hard to help the families in any way they could. In the North, black families also thrived, often all members working multiple jobs, but the schools they were able to attend were below standards even in the South.

WWI found blacks exposed to more opportunities, even more leaving for the North at the end. This is when the now 'rust belt' cities were populated by many fleeing Jim Crow laws, not realizing that it may have been out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The 20's gave blacks in the North their first true impact on greater America, the Harlem Renaissance. For the first time, the culture of black Americans hit the rest of America. Then the Depression. As with all economic calamities, the poor are hit worse. In the West, the Dust Bowl hit all, but blacks had less resources and family to come to their aid. Their relatives in both the North and South were no better off.

WWII saw conscription, without opportunities until the last years. Yet the commitment of those that served in so many ways, became the stuff of legends, indeed history.

it also brought the GI Bill which many black GI's availed themselves to. That was a great boost, educated black Americans from humble beginnings, with a knowledge of prejudiced in the armed services, meeting up with civil rights movement.

Brown v Bd of Ed was the impetus, then MLK and Malcolm X. Different messages in some ways, certainly different solutions offered, but the bottom line was that things had to change. From the 50's on, they were.

Then came the 'War on Poverty' which was late 60's and 70's. It seems to me that history should rename it, 'The War on the Black Family,' which it was, no matter how unintentional. That it overlapped with the 'free love' and the widespread acclaim of 'the birth control pill' was an unfortunate coincidence. Then Roe v Wade in 1973. Many broader cultural actions were in force over the same period.

The breakdown of the black family, marriage, fatherhood began with the War on Poverty. It encouraged pregnancy without a man at home. Food and housing provided, but no man allowed. There were stories in the MSM about women who were on 'benefits', but 'good women' who had only one man and she him, but he had to leave to make sure the gov't workers wouldn't find a man there in the morning.

Shockingly, young men started to realize, they didn't have to 'provide' the government would. Women realized that the more babies they had, the more the government would pay them. That it wasn't enough to successfully raise the child, especially if the father refused to contribute, was learned too late. A cycle had begun.

In the above response, I lost my way regarding addressing the core point, I'm sorry. The blacks in the North were mostly confined to segregated areas that had traditionally bad public schools. Look at the Westside of Chicago, 'Cabrini Green' in the era of Great Society. Those were bad schools in the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's... They didn't get better with the push for teachers that 'looked like' their students. Yes, that was the push.

Things weren't better in the South, though they did start to look up by the late 70's and 80's. Not so in the North, not so today.
So assuming that we agree that proformance on intelligence tests is important factor to doing well, and assuming that we think we ought to abandon those who are not up to whatever benchmark for intelligence we think is enough?

Then what?

Do we herd the stupid into pens and kill them or what?

Gonna be a whole lotta White boys and girls in those death-for-the-stupid camps, kiddies.

You down wid dat?
Anybody can read your posts and find your stereotyping with ease.

That's what racists have to do.

Now back to your field and burning crosses.
Says the Queen of Stereotypes.

How many teeth do you have left in your head?

Defending stereotyping with stereotyping - another brilliant response :eusa_doh:

I'd love to see a link to a post - ANY post where I have stereotyped someone *Points and laughs*
Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

It would be better for all concerned that you figure out that your question is ignorant.
This thread was about blacks as a people(population), not so much about a certain group of blacks better than another group of whites.

16% of the Black American population has the white avg iq.

No, this thread is about you exhibiting your ignorance and hate.

The 14th Amendment proves African Americans are equal to everyone else, and the Constitution requires no tests to determine that fact.

so if we pass a law it must be true? quick, pass a law that no one can be sick or criminal or careless. while you're at it legislate that everyone be as smart as Einstein and as compassionate as Mother Theresa.

the point of this thread, in my opinion, is that society has decided that racism must be the reason why blacks as a group are deficient in the traits necessary to be successful, notably intelligence. many blacks do have those traits and are successful but a much higher percentage do not, and are angry that they dont have a 'fair' share of the pie. well, dull whites dont have a fair share either but no one is worried about them. it is OK to blame trailer trash for their shortcomings but it isnt OK to blame ghetto blacks.

there is no mechanism that shows how lower living conditions can decrease black IQ so uniformly across the board, only genetics can explain it. else why would white children from poor families outscore black children from wealthy familes?

I am willing to judge individuals on their own unique set of skills and abilities. are blacks willing to give up group privileges such as AA, and to forgo the easy excuse of blaming white racism for any deficit of ability or character?

the reason why it is necessary to bring up lower black average intelligence is because that is the largest factor in why blacks as a group find it hard to compete in a technological society.

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