Players opting out of the Bowl Games


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2010
Fear of player injury in post season games jeopardizing their status in the NFL Draft has resulted in many of our best players opting out of post season games. This started a few years ago and seems to be increasing each year. When coupled with the transfer protocols that are disqualifies players from the bowl games who are trying to change schools, we are seeing as much as half the starters no longer playing in post seasons games.

I believe the NCAA and other groups that have an interest in the game should act.
Money has completely ruined college football. It's going to be hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
I agree. However there are things we can do to encourage players to participate in bowl games. The voting on the Heisman Trophy, and other awards could be delayed till after the bowl games. This should encourage some of the top players to play in bowl games. Also the change period could begin after the bowl games. Some people have suggested sharing some of the big money brought in by the bowl games with the players. I really don't like that idea but it might help. If we don't make changes to keep our better players in post season bowls, people are going to stop shelling out the big bucks to watch rookies and 2nd string players.
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I won't go to Penn State Bowl games anymore because of that. All teams say they appreciate their fans so much but then opt out of their bowl games the day before the game. That's disrespect, a con job. So when the Penn States and Ohio States end up only selling half their bowl ticket allotments every year, that's when this whole bowl scam will start falling apart. When you add NIL and the transfer portal to the equation, it's an absolute positive that college football will fail. I heard that OSU offered Marvin Harrison 20 million in NIL money to come back for his Sr. year. Not good.
Only way it will is when fans quit showing up and viewership tanks. Will it? 🤷‍♀️
People are not going to waste their time and money watching college ball games being played by second tier players. I noticed some of the early bowl games had really bad attendance this year.
Fear of player injury in post season games jeopardizing their status in the NFL Draft has resulted in many of our best players opting out of post season games. This started a few years ago and seems to be increasing each year. When coupled with the transfer protocols that are disqualifies players from the bowl games who are trying to change schools, we are seeing as much as half the starters no longer playing in post seasons games.

I believe the NCAA and other groups that have an interest in the game should act.
I don't like it. Players who get a scholarship should honor the full year. It's not right when they cost their teams a game by not showing up. A sure-fire #1 pick staying in college another year like Peyton Manning did is unheard of today.
Very hard to get in any real American football game and play not to get hurt. Thats more likely when you will get hurt. I don’t know how you could ever demand someone to play? My back hurts.
I don't like it. Players who get a scholarship should honor the full year. It's not right when they cost their teams a game by not showing up. A sure-fire #1 pick staying in college another year like Peyton Manning did is unheard of today.
For the players that are opting out for fear of injury and players looking to transfer, losing a scholarship does not mean much at all. There are ways to entice players to play in post session games such as delaying the voting on all awards like the Heisman Trophy until after the bowl games. The transfer period which begins on Dec 1 is the major reason for players not playing in post season games. This can be solved by moving the beginning date of the transfer period to Jan 1 or reducing the length of the period.

However, the basic problem is team loyalty which is just not what it use to be. For nearly all the best players, college ball is seen as a stepping stone to the NFL if they are concerned about being injured in post season games, they opt out. There is not much you do about that.

Although nearly ever college ball player dreams or is planning a career in the NFL, the odds of getting there are very slim. Only about 1 in 200 college players will make it to the NFL. For many of those that don't make it, their college education is a joke, crip courses in the easiest curriculums. And red shirting which allows players to carry the minimum load required to be a full time student.
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Yep...the inevitable decline of the system is clear now.
Progs want to get rid of football. They have to sell it. It is violent and reeks of machismo. One reason soccer was slowly introduced and promoted as a major sport in the United States.

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