Planned Parenthood Files For Restraining Order Against Anti-Abortion Group


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

The Hell they won't vote Republican. The majority of woman are pro- life. Next.
The goddamned church ladies are the ones leading the anti-abortion charge. There would be no "pro-life" movement if it were left up to men.
USSC already ruled....Your ghoulish death cult lost.


You don't know anything about the law do you or what is happening in that other case.

The ruling that the Supreme Court allowed to stand was a stay on the law. That means that the law won't go into effect until the court cases are finished if the stay is granted. It wasn't so the law went into effect.

What Planned Parenthood is doing is something very different.

They aren't asking for the law to be put on hold for litigation.

This is something totally different.

But then, I know you aren't smart enough to know this.
Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

Sorry, no more government funded convenience murders in Texas.....
Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

Planned parenthood is screwed until they mount a successful attack on that new law. So an individual anti-abortion group in that state is pointless, except as money making ventures. Texas opened up a bounty hunt from coast to coast (inviting all comers) on people involved in abortion in their state. There is probably going to be people from as far away as Montana, set up doing surveillance on Texas clinics and their staff with a guaranteed $10,000 bounty, guaranteed by the state. One abortion proven could easily cost a clinic and staff $30,000 to $60,000 dollars, as all who aided are good for a $10,000 fine. There are probably aerial drones around the clinics, day and night, now.
Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

I didn't see much of this abuse and harassment of the baby killing factory. Maybe I missed it.

My favorite part of your article was when they were describing how they ramped up the baby killing to get as many babies as possible killed before midnight.

Just like as WW2 was winding down those nazis ramped up the gas chambers/showers and ovens to kill as many people as possible before they were stopped.

I find that fascinating
I didn't see much of this abuse and harassment of the baby killing factory. Maybe I missed it.

My favorite part of your article was when they were describing how they ramped up the baby killing to get as many babies as possible killed before midnight.

Just like as WW2 was winding down those nazis ramped up the gas chambers/showers and ovens to kill as many people as possible before they were stopped.

I find that fascinating
Yeah gotta get back to the nightclubs quick...
You don't know anything about the law do you or what is happening in that other case.

The ruling that the Supreme Court allowed to stand was a stay on the law. That means that the law won't go into effect until the court cases are finished if the stay is granted. It wasn't so the law went into effect.

What Planned Parenthood is doing is something very different.

They aren't asking for the law to be put on hold for litigation.

This is something totally different.

But then, I know you aren't smart enough to know this.
Hahahahahahahahaha the pot calls the kettle black
There is a world war going on and a great reset taking place.

I could care less if demonrats want to kill their offspring.

Let God judge them
Planned parenthood is screwed until they mount a successful attack on that new law. So an individual anti-abortion group in that state is pointless, except as money making ventures. Texas opened up a bounty hunt from coast to coast (inviting all comers) on people involved in abortion in their state. There is probably going to be people from as far away as Montana, set up doing surveillance on Texas clinics and their staff with a guaranteed $10,000 bounty, guaranteed by the state. One abortion proven could easily cost a clinic and staff $30,000 to $60,000 dollars, as all who aided are good for a $10,000 fine. There are probably aerial drones around the clinics, day and night, now.
I thought Texas was broke. Isn't Texas always broke? If they keep this shit up, they soon will be..
Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

In your dreams, baby!
I thought Texas was broke. Isn't Texas always broke? If they keep this shit up, they soon will be..
Financially, I thought they were in pretty good shape, at least if looking at their credit rating.
FYI, a lot of women are anti-abortion.
This is true. About 45 percent of women are against abortion even in the first trimester.

However, women are deeply opposed to cruelty to their gender. My wife is pro-life, extremely so. But when she heard about the Virgina law which required women to be vaginally wanded before an abortion, she was furious. Spitting mad.

This Texas law is cruel. Pro-life women most likely won't vote Democrat, but they may decide not to vote at all.

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