Pick up packed with 11 passengers crashes after fleeing border patrol


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A high-speed chase near the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego County ended with three dead and eight injured after a Chevrolet pickup attempted to flee an enforcement stop, hit a spike strip and rolled into an embankment on Interstate 8, authorities said in a statement.
Pickup Packed With 11 Passengers Crashes After Fleeing Border Patrol

Oh isn't so lovely we are starting to look like Europe just think how many more of these we will see since we've taken up those love of illegals and immigrants who like to pray to the ground below them not above them.

Oh and the sheep are so fkn stupid they won't ever notice how the PRESS/MEDIA won't ever say " A MUSLIM" / Illegal Immigrant did it because they must keep their sheep idiots and believe the false information pushed out there by the very assholes who believe what they aren't suppose to trendy liberals are pretty dumb you can't even begin to imagine how dumbed down these a.holes are.

I mean look at all the special times it took place oh and they won't ever tell you they yelled ALLAH AKABAR either........ the only way that gets found out is a witness who heard it oh but ur press won't tell you that.

No one got away. Three are dead. Deport the eight.

We really should be marking the deportees so we know when they come back.
So the illegals commit an illegal act against the border patrol and illegally flee in an illegally overloaded van likely driven by someone with no legal license. Plus it’s all white peoples everywhere fault
Illegality-the libbie gift that never stops giving.

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