Photos of Palestine , before israel

Was Palestine granted Statehood in the San Remo Accords? No
Did the Arabs accept a State in 1937? No
Did the Arabs Accept a State in 1947 during the UN Partition? No
Did they accept a State in 2000? No
Did they accept a State in 2008? No
Did San Remo mention Israel or Jewish state? Did it mention the transfer of any land?

The Palestinians never rejected "a state" they rejected the partition of Palestine.
Was Palestine granted Statehood in the San Remo Accords? No
Did the Arabs accept a State in 1937? No
Did the Arabs Accept a State in 1947 during the UN Partition? No
Did they accept a State in 2000? No
Did they accept a State in 2008? No
Did San Remo mention Israel or Jewish state? Did it mention the transfer of any land?

The Palestinians never rejected "a state" they rejected the partition of Palestine.

San Remo Resolution

San Remo Resolution
Published April 25, 1920

San Remo Resolution

This agreement between post-World War I allied powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan) was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Covenant of the League of Nation's Article 22. Britain was charged with establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. Terroritorial boundaries were not decided until four years after.

Please, stop wasting everybody's' time.
Denying or twisting what was written or determined will not change the facts.
The writer keeps referring to "Palestine", and not the Mandate for Palestine.
Palestine is the place. The Mandate was a temporarily assigned administration that left Palestine in 1948.

Yes, Palestine, as a region was the area.
It was a mandate for the recreation of the Jewish national homeland.
The British got finally kicked out, by force as they would not leave, in 1948.
The Arabs were offered a State on the land they occupied.
They refused.
The UN recognized Israel, on the areas occupied by the Jews, as a State in 1947.
Israel declared Statehood and Independence on May 14th, 1948.

Palestine, not a State, but a region and a Mandate.
Israel, a State within the area of Mandate Palestine.
All the Arabs living in that area would have been given an Israeli Nationality, as it is today, once the State was created. Just as the three other Mandates had done, once they were declared States.
According to international law and a requirement of Resolution 181, all Palestinians who normally lived in the territory that became Israel would become citizens of Israel. Israel violated this creating a large refugee population.
All the Arabs living in that area would have been given an Israeli Nationality, as it is today, once the State was created. Just as the three other Mandates had done, once they were declared States.
According to international law and a requirement of Resolution 181, all Palestinians who normally lived in the territory that became Israel would become citizens of Israel. Israel violated this creating a large refugee population.

The Arab leaders told their Arab population to flee while they were walking the Jews and destroying the new State.
The Jordanians on the Judea/Samaria side, did the same.
They all promised a swift victory and a retaking of the land from the Jews.

Considering the number of Arab States which entered, and with the help of British
know how, they lost miserably. They were defeated.
Those who were led by their Arab leaders to leave, or fought against Israel, were not allowed to return.

Blame it on those who wanted it all, and ended up with nothing.

They tried again in 1957, 1967 and 1973.
They lost all wars against Israel, plus land which Israel ended up taking.

Egypt refused to take Gaza back with the Peace treaty.
Jordan gave up "West Bank" in 1988 after the Peace treaty.

Those who want ALL, may end up with nothing but misery.

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

That there were Arab villages and cities from the 7th century on is true.
It is also true that many built over Jewish places, like the Dome of the Rock being built over Solomon's Temple.

The video refers to "Historic Palestine"

It exists nowhere in history, even in Arab writings before WWI.

The filmmakers take all that can be found of Arabs in the area of the Mandate of Palestine to show Arab presence in the area around that time.

No one ever denied that Arabs were in the area. (since the 7th century actually)
They did not call themselves Palestinians, as there was never a Palestinian Nation built and eventually a Palestinian people who identified with that Nation.

There is no record in any Muslim writing for 1300 years, in any Crusader writing, Ottoman writing or British, American, German, or any other early colonies in 19th century Ottoman Empire which connects any of its inhabitants by the name Palestinian, or an ancient country called Palestine.

They were referred to for what they were.

Jews, Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Turks, Bahai, etc

The Jews were always referred to as the Jewish People.

The Arabs as Arabs.

"Ancient Palestine" and its culture. (From out of thin air)
What Did Herman Melville Find on His 1857 Trip to Jerusalem? Dust, Flies, and Piles of Rocks.

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

Find any mention of the country of Palestine (not just the region) or the mention of any one as Palestinians, and not as Arabs or Bedouins .

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

That there were Arab villages and cities from the 7th century on is true.
It is also true that many built over Jewish places, like the Dome of the Rock being built over Solomon's Temple.

The video refers to "Historic Palestine"

It exists nowhere in history, even in Arab writings before WWI.

The filmmakers take all that can be found of Arabs in the area of the Mandate of Palestine to show Arab presence in the area around that time.

No one ever denied that Arabs were in the area. (since the 7th century actually)
They did not call themselves Palestinians, as there was never a Palestinian Nation built and eventually a Palestinian people who identified with that Nation.

There is no record in any Muslim writing for 1300 years, in any Crusader writing, Ottoman writing or British, American, German, or any other early colonies in 19th century Ottoman Empire which connects any of its inhabitants by the name Palestinian, or an ancient country called Palestine.

They were referred to for what they were.

Jews, Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Turks, Bahai, etc

The Jews were always referred to as the Jewish People.

The Arabs as Arabs.

"Ancient Palestine" and its culture. (From out of thin air)

OK, and?
What Did Herman Melville Find on His 1857 Trip to Jerusalem? Dust, Flies, and Piles of Rocks.

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

Find any mention of the country of Palestine (not just the region) or the mention of any one as Palestinians, and not as Arabs or Bedouins .

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

More Israeli talking points.

How many people called themselves US citizens before 1776?

Does that mean that they were not the same people who were there for the last couple hundred years?
What Did Herman Melville Find on His 1857 Trip to Jerusalem? Dust, Flies, and Piles of Rocks.

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

Find any mention of the country of Palestine (not just the region) or the mention of any one as Palestinians, and not as Arabs or Bedouins .

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

More Israeli talking points.

How many people called themselves US citizens before 1776?

Does that mean that they were not the same people who were there for the last couple hundred years?

The First nations were not considered Americans. They were not given citizenship or the right to vote until the 19th or 20th century.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

The Europeans in America wanted to break from Britain. They fought against for Independence.

The Arabs never fought the Ottomans for an independent country in that area.

The indigenous Jews were the ones who eventually had to fight the Arabs, not the Ottoman Turks, post WWI to recreate their Nation on the land which had been their ancient homeland.

Apples and Oranges
What Did Herman Melville Find on His 1857 Trip to Jerusalem? Dust, Flies, and Piles of Rocks.

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

Find any mention of the country of Palestine (not just the region) or the mention of any one as Palestinians, and not as Arabs or Bedouins .

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

Very good articles. monte has said that Twain, a humorist, was the only one who said he witnessed a wasteland in the area of Palestine. Here we see many other eyewitness accounts of that wasteland.
What Did Herman Melville Find on His 1857 Trip to Jerusalem? Dust, Flies, and Piles of Rocks.

A source from al_Jazeera! Ha Ha! How about something more neutral, not the mouthpiece of the huge Arab world?

Typical propaganda ploy. Criticize the source. Just ignore all of the evidence presented.

Find any mention of the country of Palestine (not just the region) or the mention of any one as Palestinians, and not as Arabs or Bedouins .

Palestine a Land virtually laid waste with little population

More Israeli talking points.

How many people called themselves US citizens before 1776?

Does that mean that they were not the same people who were there for the last couple hundred years?

The First nations were not considered Americans. They were not given citizenship or the right to vote until the 19th or 20th century.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

The Europeans in America wanted to break from Britain. They fought against for Independence.

The Arabs never fought the Ottomans for an independent country in that area.

The indigenous Jews were the ones who eventually had to fight the Arabs, not the Ottoman Turks, post WWI to recreate their Nation on the land which had been their ancient homeland.

Apples and Oranges


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