Photos of Palestine , before israel

Taken by Muhammad on hi iPhone as he flew in from Mecca?

On his winged horse, of course.
With his 9 year old wife riding behind him, don't forget that....

Jasher 25 :
37 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Eliezer, for the sake of his servant Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, brother to Abraham, and Eliezer came to her house.

38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.

39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.

40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

41 And Bethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and Eliezer and his men came and ate and drank and rejoiced there on that night.

Taken by Muhammad on hi iPhone as he flew in from Mecca?

On his winged horse, of course.
With his 9 year old wife riding behind him, don't forget that....

Jasher 25 :
37 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Eliezer, for the sake of his servant Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, brother to Abraham, and Eliezer came to her house.

38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.

39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.

40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

41 And Bethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and Eliezer and his men came and ate and drank and rejoiced there on that night.

Where is the Book of Jasher from? The Apocrypha? First of all, that information isn't from the Bible, so we don't know for sure. Secondly, Muhammed lived closer to modern times, and the practice of child-brides continues in some Muslim countries today, so they learned from his example.

That is your first rough draft, and its mentioned in your OT.
Taken by Muhammad on hi iPhone as he flew in from Mecca?

On his winged horse, of course.
With his 9 year old wife riding behind him, don't forget that....

Jasher 25 :
37 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Eliezer, for the sake of his servant Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, brother to Abraham, and Eliezer came to her house.

38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.

39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.

40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

41 And Bethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and Eliezer and his men came and ate and drank and rejoiced there on that night.
Taken by Muhammad on hi iPhone as he flew in from Mecca?

On his winged horse, of course.
With his 9 year old wife riding behind him, don't forget that....

Jasher 25 :
37 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Eliezer, for the sake of his servant Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, brother to Abraham, and Eliezer came to her house.

38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.

39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.

40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

41 And Bethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and Eliezer and his men came and ate and drank and rejoiced there on that night.

Where is the Book of Jasher from? The Apocrypha? First of all, that information isn't from the Bible, so we don't know for sure. Secondly, Muhammed lived closer to modern times, and the practice of child-brides continues in some Muslim countries today, so they learned from his example.

That is your first rough draft, and its mentioned in your OT.

Haha @ rough draft. That's good, I'm a writer. But Rebecca's age isn't mentioned in the Bible.

Taken by Muhammad on hi iPhone as he flew in from Mecca?

On his winged horse, of course.
With his 9 year old wife riding behind him, don't forget that....

Jasher 25 :
37 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Eliezer, for the sake of his servant Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, brother to Abraham, and Eliezer came to her house.

38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.

39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.

40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

41 And Bethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and Eliezer and his men came and ate and drank and rejoiced there on that night.


Is that a book in the Koran?

It sure isn't in the Bible.

There are several (as many as five) separate works by this title, all composed much later than Biblical times. This particular one is a translation of a Hebrew book printed in 1613. Sepir Ha Yasher, the Hebrew title of this book, means the 'Book of the Upright', or 'the Upright or Correct Record'. This title was misread as 'Jasher', and at some point Jasher was treated as a proper name; however the pronoun 'the' (hebrew 'ha') never precedes proper names.

There is also another spurious Book of Jasher, published 1750, in which Jasher is treated as the name of the author.}

Ah you Muzzie Beasts and your dishonesty......
40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

Oh, so Muhumped's child bride was ten instead of eight or seven years old? That makes it all better.

Oh wait, you're making something up. This "Book of Jasher". In what I find for the Book of Jasher, Chapter 25, it only goes to the 28th verse. Where is this 40th verse? Why not put your money where you mouth is and post a link to this magical made up thing you have posted. I think you and louie888 must be related as easy as it is to blow your arguments away.
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40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

Oh, so Muhumped's child bride was ten instead of eight or seven years old? That makes it all better.

Oh wait, you're making something up. This "Book of Jasher". In what I find for the Book of Jasher, Chapter 25, it only goes to the 28th verse. Where is this 40th verse? Why not put your money where you mouth is and post a link to this magical made up thing you have posted. I think you and louie888 must be related as easy as it is to blow your arguments away.

Read it, its its probably the first rough draft. Benji got married at 10 and again at 18 , and all the others married Canaanite women.
40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days.

Oh, so Muhumped's child bride was ten instead of eight or seven years old? That makes it all better.

Oh wait, you're making something up. This "Book of Jasher". In what I find for the Book of Jasher, Chapter 25, it only goes to the 28th verse. Where is this 40th verse? Why not put your money where you mouth is and post a link to this magical made up thing you have posted. I think you and louie888 must be related as easy as it is to blow your arguments away.

Read it, its its probably the first rough draft. Benji got married at 10 and again at 18 , and all the others married Canaanite women.
Again, post a link to your source.
BUT Teddy.....this idiot Anda overlooked the fact that the Canaanites,Moabites and others were in this Land ages before the Jews originated....You know this,STOP encouraging fools like this ..... otherwise I'll have to put you over my knee and give You a Bloody Good Spanking(LOL):flameth:

Now now Steve-o, I'm not too drunk to find and wield my weapon now, hehe. :Boom2:

As far as the Canaanites and others, they were conquered and/or assimilated three thousand years ago into Israel. They were to ancient Israel what the Chaldeans were to the Babylonians. So, basically, the ship you're trying to float has sailed thousands of years ago.
BUT Teddy.....this idiot Anda overlooked the fact that the Canaanites,Moabites and others were in this Land ages before the Jews originated....You know this,STOP encouraging fools like this ..... otherwise I'll have to put you over my knee and give You a Bloody Good Spanking(LOL):flameth:

Now now Steve-o, I'm not too drunk to find and wield my weapon now, hehe. :Boom2:

As far as the Canaanites and others, they were conquered and/or assimilated three thousand years ago into Israel. They were to ancient Israel what the Chaldeans were to the Babylonians. So, basically, the ship you're trying to float has sailed thousands of years ago.

Does that mean they are still there but have lost their identity?

Does that mean they are still there but have lost their identity?
Need help?
verb (used without object), assimilated, assimilating. be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like:
Link: the definition of assimilate

As I said, like the Mesopotanians became Chaldeans became Babylonians became Iraqis; so the Canaanites and the others became Israelites.

Does that mean they are still there but have lost their identity?
Need help?
verb (used without object), assimilated, assimilating. be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like:
Link: the definition of assimilate

As I said, like the Mesopotanians became Chaldeans became Babylonians became Iraqis; so the Canaanites and the others became Israelites.
Indeed, that is the point that myself and others have been making. Palestine has been invaded and conquered many times. It was the center of trade routs for thousand of years. Many people have come and gone. However, there is a core group of people who stayed and put down roots. Those were the people who became Palestinian citizen after WWI.

Does that mean they are still there but have lost their identity?
Need help?
verb (used without object), assimilated, assimilating. be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like:
Link: the definition of assimilate

As I said, like the Mesopotanians became Chaldeans became Babylonians became Iraqis; so the Canaanites and the others became Israelites.
Indeed, that is the point that myself and others have been making. Palestine has been invaded and conquered many times. It was the center of trade routs for thousand of years. Many people have come and gone. However, there is a core group of people who stayed and put down roots. Those were the people who became Palestinian citizen after WWI.

NO ONE became a Palestinian citizen after WWI because there was no country to become a citizen of !!

The British used the name Palestine for their Mandate. For the creation of a sovereign Jewish State. Israel.

Until ANY State was approved and declared in that Mandate, NO ONE was a citizen of anywhere.
They were all under the Mandate for Palestine to create Israel. The Jewish State.
While all of the three other Mandates were to create three separate Arab/Muslim
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq.
The British used the name Palestine for their Mandate. For the creation of a sovereign Jewish State. Israel.

What makes you believe that "Palestine" was a country and not simply a region, as it was?

Why is it so difficult for you to understand the difference between a region and a country?

The Appalachians is a region. Not a country.
The Iberian Peninsula is a region. Not a country.
The Arabian Peninsula is a region. Not a country.

Palestine was NEVER a country, a Nation for any people, with a capital anywhere in it. It is not mentioned as a nation/country ANYWHERE in History.

Understand the difference between what is considered a region, and what truly is a country.
While all of the three other Mandates were to create three separate Arab/Muslim
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq.

Now, you are doing it on purpose.

Ignorance is no excuse.

All you have to do is look online. It is all there.

Four Mandates were created at the end of WWI with what had been the Ottoman Empire.

The world is at your fingertips. Use them.
BUT Teddy.....this idiot Anda overlooked the fact that the Canaanites,Moabites and others were in this Land ages before the Jews originated....You know this,STOP encouraging fools like this ..... otherwise I'll have to put you over my knee and give You a Bloody Good Spanking(LOL):flameth:

Now now Steve-o, I'm not too drunk to find and wield my weapon now, hehe. :Boom2:

As far as the Canaanites and others, they were conquered and/or assimilated three thousand years ago into Israel. They were to ancient Israel what the Chaldeans were to the Babylonians. So, basically, the ship you're trying to float has sailed thousands of years ago.
There was no need to use heavy weaponry on me Teddy my friend....steve

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