Perth Muslim praises extremists


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's a shame there couldn't be a Reformation in Islam where all these radical preachers are thrown out. Then perhaps there could truly be peace in the Muslim world and those living there, whatever their religion, could breathe a sign of relief knowing that they could practice their beliefs in peace without fear of being harmed.

Perth Muslim praises extremists
GRANT TAYLOR The West Australian
June 28, 2014, 12:46 pm

Junaid Thorne has praise for militants responsible for beheadings and mass killings.
A radical Perth preacher has praised militants responsible for beheadings and mass killings in Iraq and labelled Christians and Jews filthy rapists.

In a series of online postings and videos Junaid Thorne, 24, has called on Muslims to defend their religion.

Junaid, who spent much of his youth in Saudi Arabia, sits in front of the black flag of al-Qaida breakaway group ISIS and calls on young Australian Muslims to reject their moderate leaders.

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