Person Of Interest...Interested?

And after a while you notice that Jim Caviezel can't actually ACT. He has about the same range as Harrison Ford.

Hey comon now I bet he put in months of hard work learning how to lower the volume and tone of his voice.

Now that he is a detective who comes completely out of the blue it further stretches the believable. Nobody but the fat fuck knows him? There may be 39,000 cops in N Y but how many homicide detectives? A hundred? So he was supposed to have been in deep under covers in narcotics? How hard would it be to check with his supposed former superiors? And NOW he is undergoing psych testing because he shot 6 people on his last 6 assignments and most detectives never use their gun on the job? Really? How long is this supposed to fly?

These new stoy lines where devised by writers that were heavy into the CRACK !!!!
And after a while you notice that Jim Caviezel can't actually ACT. He has about the same range as Harrison Ford.

Hey comon now I bet he put in months of hard work learning how to lower the volume and tone of his voice.

Now that he is a detective who comes completely out of the blue it further stretches the believable. Nobody but the fat fuck knows him? There may be 39,000 cops in N Y but how many homicide detectives? A hundred? So he was supposed to have been in deep under covers in narcotics? How hard would it be to check with his supposed former superiors? And NOW he is undergoing psych testing because he shot 6 people on his last 6 assignments and most detectives never use their gun on the job? Really? How long is this supposed to fly?

These new stoy lines where devised by writers that were heavy into the CRACK !!!!

I know that line of the story is fucked even if it is science fiction. but I watch it anyway.
I haven't really followed the show, but I saw him (Michael Emerson) a couple of weeks ago - walking his dog - as I was coming home from the gym. It was funny. At first I just saw the dog, and was about to say "cute dog" and then I looked up and did a bit of an involuntary double take as I realized who it was. He just smiled that weird way he does and kept walking. ;)
Dang it, I want my eye candy back. I don't care about next week's flashback to Detective Carter. Where's Shaw? The show kind of drags without her.

Shahi was having twins, so she had to be off for a while. So, leaving Shaw in limbo keeps the door open for her to come back if she chooses.
Dang it, I want my eye candy back. I don't care about next week's flashback to Detective Carter. Where's Shaw? The show kind of drags without her.

agreed, hopefully she will be back after giving birth to twins...i really like the show, but it was getting a tad boring until shaw joined the crew. she is awesome.
It seems they keep coming up with a new female character every week that seems almost able to join the group.

I was sure that computer geek last week would end up working with them. I sure didn't expect them to kill him.
POI has been picked up for Season 5, but for only 13 episodes.

No word on Shaw.

The Mentalist got the same 13-episode treatment in its last year, so expect this to be the last POI season. POI is the only major show in the CBS lineup not owned by CBS, so it is not popular with the CBS money men.
They're running some of the old episodes in order to re-flame the desire to watch the show.

I've seen trailers for the new season but can't remember when it will start.
I can't remember if in the flashbacks that it reflects that he had the ailment after that. For a long time I thought he really had something wrong real life but noticed in flashbacks he doesn't. I commend his acting performance though. It can't be easy maintaining that stiffness throughout the whole series
I can't remember if in the flashbacks that it reflects that he had the ailment after that. For a long time I thought he really had something wrong real life but noticed in flashbacks he doesn't. I commend his acting performance though. It can't be easy maintaining that stiffness throughout the whole series

It's been too long for me to be remember, either. I think that's where it happened, but if not, I do think they gave the reason for the limp at some point.
He has the limp yes but maintaining that stiff neck would be difficult. I thought he had arthritis. It is a hard thing to fake if you don't really have the condition

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