PERFECT example of what's teaching your kids in first grade

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
Queer black 'woman' i guess, not sure, enlightening her first graders about her queerness. EXACTLY what first graders need to know. I hope she's in California. I hope she is teaching only liberal or black kids siince y'all seem to love it so much.

Professor Nalo. Professor...for first grade. She identifies as professor.

Queer black 'woman' i guess, not sure, enlightening her first graders about her queerness. EXACTLY what first graders need to know. I hope she's in California. I hope she is teaching only liberal or black kids siince y'all seem to love it so much.

Professor Nalo. Professor...for first grade. She identifies as professor.

SMH. Just shaking my fucking head. Skank trash like that makes me incredibly glad that no one I care about has children in public school. That thing is eventually going to get a hurt put on it by a parent.
Queer black 'woman' i guess, not sure, enlightening her first graders about her queerness. EXACTLY what first graders need to know. I hope she's in California. I hope she is teaching only liberal or black kids siince y'all seem to love it so much.

Professor Nalo. Professor...for first grade. She identifies as professor.

Someone "boasting" on Twitter. Sure. That qualifies as "fact".
Y-A-W-N. Woke me up when you actually have video of someone teaching it in a class.
Someone needed taught that one person does not represent what is going on with thousands of examples.
Nalo is on Youtube. Look it up if you want. SHE/he/it must have recently taken on first graders. Poor little things. Seems to me there is something in God's word about this.

Luke 17:2-3

2It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. 3Watch yourselves. If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.…
Someone "boasting" on Twitter. Sure. That qualifies as "fact".
Y-A-W-N. Woke me up when you actually have video of someone teaching it in a class.

ThanksQuote Reply JackOfNoTra

Here's just a couple and for you....not the worst.

I've seen too many without even looking for them. I"ve NEVER had to look for them. These people are so self absorbed that they cannot help making themselves the focus on their social media accounts. There's more. Look them up. They're so proud, letting their students, some very small, know about their personal lives. The narrator is right. This is why our institutions are failing. We allow these people to destroy our kids minds.
use your head Admiral as something other than a knob to put your hat on. I posted right after you so that means i'm responding to you. basic.
use your head Admiral as something other than a knob to put your hat on. I posted right after you so that means i'm responding to you. basic.
Well, except that doesn't work all the time, dumbass! Some other undereducated fool may try the same thing. Quote damn you! It's one f-ing click!

By the way, you still did not answer the question.
Queer black 'woman' i guess, not sure, enlightening her first graders about her queerness. EXACTLY what first graders need to know. I hope she's in California. I hope she is teaching only liberal or black kids siince y'all seem to love it so much.

Professor Nalo. Professor...for first grade. She identifies as professor.

You want to cancel her, huh?

And why shouldn't she teach tolerance towards minority groups?

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