People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States

I agree with everything you're saying, but I think it's really a matter of opinion of what rights are considered a violation. I don't think having to be licensed to carry a firearm in public is violating anybody's right no more than restricting mail-in voting is a rights violation because it would be hard for some people to get a ride to the polls.

Again, my only concern is the safety of myself and family. I'd hate to get a call that some citizen gunned down my sister at a mall because a criminal was there robbing a person nearby her, but never shot a gun before in their life.

This is what they will do…..

Correct. But with no oversight on people to do that, then you can only hope those out there with a gun have done that.

Oversight doesn't make an irresponsible person responsible.
If it did, more people wouldn't die from motor vehicle crashes than gun shots.
Driving is a privilege and heavily regulated.
Gun ownership is a right.
Learn the difference unless you think Big Gov't ACTUALLY has the ability to save people from themselves.
I'll still trust people over Big Gov't when it comes to rights!
Agreed, but the only point I was making as that they don't (or can't) get training and because of that, they have no conception of what gun will do when they aim at something and fire it.
They watched tv shows and learned about guns from that. When I was kid I learned that Roy Rogers six shooter had at least a 20 round magazine.
OK...if you do not see how easily this could be abused, either you are willfully ignorant or you are playing stupid. Any requirements for CCW beyond an easily-satisfied shall-issue system are unacceptable.

We've had CCW's for over ten years and not a problem in the world.
Government regulation isn't going to change anything.

Crooks will still be crooks and dumbasses will still be dumbasses.

Government regulation will never change anything for the crooks. But what we're talking about here is government regulation for the non-crooks.
This is what they will do…..

Correct, the commie states will do whatever they can to discourage people from getting a permit. But that was before the Supreme Court ruled that states must have a CCW program in place for people to carrry. However the ruling did not address changing laws in favor of the victim. That's why even if we in Ohio had reciprocity in a state like New York, I still wouldn't carry there. If you did have to defend yourself using deadly force, you still may end up in prison like that bodega worker in NYC.
I am certified firearms instructor and range officer.

I have seen a lot of novices with firearms.

Yea, there are some dumbasses that never should be allowed to touch a firearm.

However, the great majority are responsible and you will have nothing to worry about.

I'm not worried about the majority. I'm more worried about that minority that are dumb asses.
Still, Gov't intervention will not make you safer from that minority.

Also, drive defensively.

You don't have to tell me that as a retired tractor-trailer driver for nearly 30 years, and before that drove most of my life in vans and other vehicles.

Yes, I do think government intervention kept those people from carrying a gun. Law abiding citizens in general would not carry a firearm without a permit.
My state's going in the opposite direction.

I think it's foreseeable that this will increase the number of guns everyone encounters in everyday life, and I think that's a mistake.

We already have the highest rates of homicide, violent crime, gun crime, and violent gun crime of any developed nation by far, and our states with the highest of the same stats tend to be the ones with the loosest gun laws and the most guns. For all of the micro-analyzing, it seems pretty logical in the end: More guns equals more people get shot.

For example, about a year ago this dude got robbed at an ATM in Houston. He pulled his gun out and fired at the robber, but instead shot and killed a 9-year-old girl. The robber got away with twenty bucks and, because Texas is so lenient in their self-defense laws, they didn't charge the guy. Regardless of whether you think this was right or wrong, this kind of thing is going to happen more often; stickups (or fistfights, or post-game smack talk, or arguments at a party, or whatever) become shootouts.

Source: Associated Press, Left-Center bias, High Factual Reporting.
I think it's foreseeable that this will increase the number of guns everyone encounters in everyday life, and I think that's a mistake.

We already have the highest rates of homicide, violent crime, gun crime, and violent gun crime of any developed nation by far, and our states with the highest of the same stats tend to be the ones with the loosest gun laws and the most guns. For all of the micro-analyzing, it seems pretty logical in the end: More guns equals more people get shot.

For example, about a year ago this dude got robbed at an ATM in Houston. He pulled his gun out and fired at the robber, but instead shot and killed a 9-year-old girl. The robber got away with twenty bucks and, because Texas is so lenient in their self-defense laws, they didn't charge the guy. Regardless of whether you think this was right or wrong, this kind of thing is going to happen more often; stickups (or fistfights, or post-game smack talk, or arguments at a party, or whatever) become shootouts.

Source: Associated Press, Left-Center bias, High Factual Reporting.

Let's say I have a choice. My choice is to be with 10,000 responsible Americans that have the knowledge and/or training with firearms, or be around 100 irresponsible people with no training or experience with guns. I'll take living with the 10,000 responsible Americans with the guns any day of the week.

It's not the amount of guns that are the problem, it's who has those guns. I've pointed this out time and time again. You take a nice safe middle-class white suburb, and make a law all homes must have a firearm, their crime statistics will not change. At the same time, take a low-income high crime minority city, create a law nobody is allowed to own a firearm, and their crime statistics will not change either.

Why is that? Once again, it's not the amount of guns, it's who has them.
I think it's foreseeable that this will increase the number of guns everyone encounters in everyday life, and I think that's a mistake.

We already have the highest rates of homicide, violent crime, gun crime, and violent gun crime of any developed nation by far, and our states with the highest of the same stats tend to be the ones with the loosest gun laws and the most guns. For all of the micro-analyzing, it seems pretty logical in the end: More guns equals more people get shot.

For example, about a year ago this dude got robbed at an ATM in Houston. He pulled his gun out and fired at the robber, but instead shot and killed a 9-year-old girl. The robber got away with twenty bucks and, because Texas is so lenient in their self-defense laws, they didn't charge the guy. Regardless of whether you think this was right or wrong, this kind of thing is going to happen more often; stickups (or fistfights, or post-game smack talk, or arguments at a party, or whatever) become shootouts.

Source: Associated Press, Left-Center bias, High Factual Reporting.

Nope……the people donig almost all of the actual gun murder are career criminals, shooting other career criminals, in democrat party controlled cities.

Whar is it about the truth you don’t want to understand?

Our gun crime problem is the result of the democrat party attacking the police, then releasing the most dangerous criminals over and over again.

What about those two policies do fail to understand?

Normal people carrying guns doesn’t increase the gun crime rate… never has………

I think it's foreseeable that this will increase the number of guns everyone encounters in everyday life, and I think that's a mistake.

We already have the highest rates of homicide, violent crime, gun crime, and violent gun crime of any developed nation by far, and our states with the highest of the same stats tend to be the ones with the loosest gun laws and the most guns. For all of the micro-analyzing, it seems pretty logical in the end: More guns equals more people get shot.

For example, about a year ago this dude got robbed at an ATM in Houston. He pulled his gun out and fired at the robber, but instead shot and killed a 9-year-old girl. The robber got away with twenty bucks and, because Texas is so lenient in their self-defense laws, they didn't charge the guy. Regardless of whether you think this was right or wrong, this kind of thing is going to happen more often; stickups (or fistfights, or post-game smack talk, or arguments at a party, or whatever) become shootouts.

Source: Associated Press, Left-Center bias, High Factual Reporting.

It doesn’t happen more often……27 years of increased gun carrying shows that it doesn’t happen…….,,,you just have a feeling about this issue that isnt supported by the actual real world.

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