People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

So then if you want to be paid more all you have to do is make yourself a key employee.
If your current employer won't pay you more than you take the skills you learned at his expense and apply for a better job at another place

It really is that simple
Once again you miss the key issue
The problem is with 55 million poor people. 55 million people can’t be key employees
Even if they were, the pay for key employees would drop

But they can better their skills and get a better job somewhere else.

If you only ever aspire to do a shit job then a shit job is all you will ever have
Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

IDK - but what is your solution? Fewer people?
My solution is to abandon supply side policies.
They have been an abysmal failure ....
Employers just keep the money

Employers own the Company. Of course they get to keep the $$$$
So then if you want to be paid more all you have to do is make yourself a key employee.
If your current employer won't pay you more than you take the skills you learned at his expense and apply for a better job at another place

It really is that simple
Once again you miss the key issue
The problem is with 55 million poor people. 55 million people can’t be key employees
Even if they were, the pay for key employees would drop

But they can better their skills and get a better job somewhere else.

If you only ever aspire to do a shit job then a shit job is all you will ever have
Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

I have a client where workers work just enough to stay below the poverty level because they earn money and can get aid in terms of lodging, food, etc. If they earn too much that aid goes away. So they work for 6-mos or so then do under the table jobs. Win/win. Cut Gov't aid and you'll see these "poor" people suddenly do much better.
Once again you miss the key issue
The problem is with 55 million poor people. 55 million people can’t be key employees
Even if they were, the pay for key employees would drop

But they can better their skills and get a better job somewhere else.

If you only ever aspire to do a shit job then a shit job is all you will ever have
Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
But they can better their skills and get a better job somewhere else.

If you only ever aspire to do a shit job then a shit job is all you will ever have
Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty

What good will that do when out of those 55 million people, they won't take the millions of opportunities already out there? If your dog refuses to eat the brand of dog food you bought for him, what good is putting more dog food in his bowl?
But they can better their skills and get a better job somewhere else.

If you only ever aspire to do a shit job then a shit job is all you will ever have
Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
In your humble opinion. Yet you did not dispute my post. You ll be dust and no one will remember you or care. That to me is outstanding.

Like I said, guy, if your life is so miserable your greatest hope is to outlive some random stranger on the internet who made you feel bad once, that makes you really kind of a sad person.

Did the goyim kids give you a swirly when you were young?
My parents are white. Not “were”. They still had to face the the English language barrier. Do you consider Asians as “white”?

No, they're the "Good" minority... the ones no one feels threatened by...

The reality is, white immigrants got to skip over the ladder past Native Americans and Blacks... because that's what happens in a racist society.

One such incident in over 100 years but you just keep clinging to that, LOL. Shoeless Joe is not walking through that door.

It was hardly one such incident. There's a reason why the players unionized... mostly because of the abusive tactics of the owners.
In your humble opinion. Yet you did not dispute my post. You ll be dust and no one will remember you or care. That to me is outstanding.

Like I said, guy, if your life is so miserable your greatest hope is to outlive some random stranger on the internet who made you feel bad once, that makes you really kind of a sad person.

Did the goyim kids give you a swirly when you were young?
Not some random person. But you, JoeB from Chicago. The childless loner loser.
My parents are white. Not “were”. They still had to face the the English language barrier. Do you consider Asians as “white”?

No, they're the "Good" minority... the ones no one feels threatened by...

The reality is, white immigrants got to skip over the ladder past Native Americans and Blacks... because that's what happens in a racist society.

One such incident in over 100 years but you just keep clinging to that, LOL. Shoeless Joe is not walking through that door.

It was hardly one such incident. There's a reason why the players unionized... mostly because of the abusive tactics of the owners.
They unionized to make more money. No one forced them to play baseball. So now you get to pick and choose the “good” and “bad” minorities? LOL

Are there 55 million “better jobs” out there?

You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Poor people are poor due to unequal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism where those with the most Gold make the most Rules.
Rich people are only rich due to government subsidies.

Where are the Ivy League, Schools of Business Management and why are they not proposing massive profit producing public policies?

To lazy due to all of the Corporate Welfare for the Richest.
You know as well as I do that not all those people will choose to better themselves so as to make more money

If you're struck in a dead end job for 20 years it's no one's fault but your own
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities

Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Luckily we passed Obamacare with better than free birth control. Now if we could only invest in America and Americans again. The country is so desperate for Democratic control it is ridiculous..
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Luckily we passed Obamacare with better than free birth control. Now if we could only invest in America and Americans again. The country is so desperate for Democratic control it is ridiculous..
If it is desperate for it then it will happen. Tik tok tik tok
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities

Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts
There are not 55 million opportunities out there

Government support helps families survive. Taking it away does not make them better off
Comes down to opportunities
There are not many opportunities available to the poor. Minimum wage has been frozen for a decade. Those with jobs see little opportunity for advancement

You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities

Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?
You make your own opportunities if you sit on your ass and wait for opportunity then you'll be waiting a long time

“You” keep using terms like “You”

There must be opportunities for 55 million people to bring people out of poverty
No there are opportunities to bring the people who take advantage of them to get out of poverty

You assume that all 55 million people will do that

They won't

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities

Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts
There are not 55 million opportunities out there

Government support helps families survive. Taking it away does not make them better off

As I said not everyone will take advantage of an opportunity even if it is handed to them om a silver platter.

If you really want to better your position economically you can. No one is stopping you.

You seem to think that people have no control over their lives and in that you are wrong.

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