Pentagon debunks reports claiming US abandoned dozens of military service dogs in Kabul.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Boy, that’s a relief. We only left behind thousands of Americans and citizens from Allied nations.

If there is one thing I trust it is Government Bureacrats to tell me the truth about their screw ups.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing from handlers in the weeks to come.

Boy, that’s a relief. We only left behind thousands of Americans and citizens from Allied nations.

If there is one thing I trust it is Government Bureacrats to tell me the truth about their screw ups.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing from handlers in the weeks to come.

yeah i saw this floating around social media…didn’t believe it for a second.

sounded like leftist propagandist trying to water down all the actual reports with something totally unbelievable
Oh boy...souless libs are gonna lose their minds over this. Kids can lay dying in the streets, riddled with bullet but, "Somebody was mean to an animal!!??"
The military took their dogs. But the Military Contractors are the one who left some of their dogs behind. That's shameful.
We all know how Hitler loved his dog...
So does our fearless leader of surrender....
The military took their dogs. But the Military Contractors are the one who left some of their dogs behind. That's shameful.

Supposedly the Taliban are saying they're going to put those contractor dogs back in service.

Seems like the Taliban got left in a pretty good situation. Crazy stuff...

All I got out of the whole Afghan deal was the bill for it, the Patriot Act, a bunch more unconstitutional government agencies and this lousy checkpoint...

The military took their dogs. But the Military Contractors are the one who left some of their dogs behind. That's shameful.

I'm not sure who did this, but whoever did should be brought back there, slapped in a kennel and served dog food for a few years. I detest cruelty to animals. And if you have known a dog for even just one week, what does it say about a person that can abandon such wonderful critters?

One thing in any disaster that enrages me and breaks my heart s how many people leave their poor animals to die while they get themselves to safety. Never in a million years would I do that.
There really needs to be a good thread for discusion about what the real intention is for all of this nonsense.

I have my own thoughts on it. But I'm just not so sure such a discussion is possible.

Seems to me they're more interested in moving over the Afghan border into Pakistan, even though the narrative is that they're pulling out of Afghanistan.

So then there is also the why.

The electorate certainly won't be treated to that scoop by western media. Which is really only an extention of the state department.

I really wonder what kind of deal the misrtepresenttives for the US have made wit hthe Taliban to aquire their natural resources, so long as they move into Pakistan. Which renders the war hawks with a strategic view of Iran and a safe position to poke a stick at China.
I'm not sure who did this, but whoever did should be brought back there, slapped in a kennel and served dog food for a few years. I detest cruelty to animals. And if you have known a dog for even just one week, what does it say about a person that can abandon such wonderful critters?

One thing in any disaster that enrages me and breaks my heart s how many people leave their poor animals to die while they get themselves to safety. Never in a million years would I do that.

I agree, it's a terrible thing to see how many people will abandoned their critters.
I agree, it's a terrible thing to see how many people will abandoned their critters.

I gotta say- I don't shock easily, but media footage and disaster stories portraying so many... I was shocked. And pissed.

I've had to flee a couple times- at the time, I had two goofy shepard/labs, one 120 lbs and the other 160, a little ankle biter and James stupid cat. I would have duct taped them to my head and wore them out of there like a hat if need be.

Fear does terrible things to some folks.
But you apparently will give Biden and his sycophant generals a pass on this....

You are a partisan hack.

Photos circulating on social media showing 150 dogs in cages lined up at the airport are of animals belonging to a group called Kabul Small Animal Rescue, the Pentagon said. They were not military working dogs or under the care of U.S. troops. As of Tuesday the dogs pictured were still in Afghanistan.

Kabul Small Animal Rescue was founded by an American, Charlotte Maxwell-Jones, in 2018; the group helped U.S. troops bring home cats and dogs they had befriended while deployed to Afghanistan.

Sunday afternoon, before the final U.S. departure, the animal rescue group tweeted photos of some of the dogs it was trying to help, with the hashtag #OperationHercules. The post went viral. About an hour later, the group posted on Twitter again, urging people to stop tweeting at the State Department and U.S. Central Command and saying its team was handling the situation. The group's last full tweet came Monday afternoon and urged followers to "PLEASE LET THE PROCESS WORK."

But by Tuesday, photos of the canines continued to rocket across social media, along with claims they were abandoned working dogs, prompting the Pentagon to issue a denial.
There really needs to be a good thread for discusion about what the real intention is for all of this nonsense.

I have my own thoughts on it. But I'm just not so sure such a discussion is possible.

Seems to me they're more interested in moving over the Afghan border into Pakistan, even though the narrative is that they're pulling out of Afghanistan.

So then there is also the why.

The electorate certainly won't be treated to that scoop by western media. Which is really only an extention of the state department.

I really wonder what kind of deal the misrtepresenttives for the US have made wit hthe Taliban to aquire their natural resources, so long as they move into Pakistan. Which renders the war hawks with a strategic view of Iran and a safe position to poke a stick at China.

Dang, I typoed the holy bejeebus outta that post.


Pentagon debunks reports claiming US abandoned dozens of military service dogs in Kabul.​

Uh huh. I believe them. They have no reason to deceive us on this. Right?
The military took their dogs. But the Military Contractors are the one who left some of their dogs behind. That's shameful.
The hair splitting that the Pentagon and democrats are trying to use to obfuscate this issue is what is truly shameful. Those dogs were basically being leased to our military. Animals other than military owned animal were denied space on the planes leaving Kabul. Contractors being evacuated were not able to take the dogs with them and the rescue that was trying to raise 3/4 of a million dollars to get a plane, ran out of time. There was no reason that those animals that had been being used by the military were left there.


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