Pence says ‘whoever’ is next GOP president will back national abortion ban

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
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Las Vegas, Nevada
If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

How do you figure that Vice President Pence is wrong?

The Republican Party Base is in Pro-Life.

If the GOP were to nominate an anti-life candidate for President, they wouldn't get support of the base and would get schlonged in the General Election.
Pence was just throwing red meat to the MAGA crowd.
He knows he doesn't have anywhere near the 60 senate votes to pass a national abortion ban, anymore than democrats have 60 senate votes to pass an abortion law.
Pence was just throwing red meat to the MAGA crowd.
He knows he doesn't have anywhere near the 60 senate votes to pass a national abortion ban, anymore than democrats have 60 senate votes to pass an abortion law.

Actually, it would take 67 (2/3) as that's what it takes for a Constitutional Amendment.

The settled law of the Hobbs case says regulating the Abortion Rackets is the purview of the various states.
Abortion will never be illegal nationally.... its a state issue... and that's all the court said.... so toss the blue herring back over board....
"Never" is a long time. A lot of people didn't think that we would ever get rid of Slavery either, or Roe.

Prohibition was considered settled law too, particularly after dames got the right to vote in 1920.

Will the end to the abortion rackets end overnight? Probably not, but once the tide turns , things can happen pretty quick.

The Fuckuppery of the Brandon Regime could easily get a lot of ordinary Americans the attitude to get rid of all of liberalism
"Never" is a long time. A lot of people didn't think that we would ever get rid of Slavery either, or Roe.

Prohibition was considered settled law too, particularly after dames got the right to vote in 1920.

Will the end to the abortion rackets end overnight? Probably not, but once the tide turns , things can happen pretty quick.

The Fuckuppery of the Brandon Regime could easily get a lot of ordinary Americans the attitude to get rid of all of liberalism
We can hope my friend.... :thup:
How do you figure that Vice President Pence is wrong?

The Republican Party Base is in Pro-Life.

If the GOP were to nominate an anti-life candidate for President, they wouldn't get support of the base and would get schlonged in the General Election.
And if they don’t, they get schlonged in the midterm.
GOP outside of a Trump-like member don't really want to lead your country.
Nailed it... its easier to be in the minority for old establishment hacks in the GOP.... let the dems do all the dirty work like taking down the constitution... which is a book of rules for the elected class... neither side likes having to follow rules....
If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

I doubt that Trump himself would have tried to do something like that. It's not one of the major issues we're faced with.

Pence says ‘whoever’ is next GOP president will back national abortion ban​

Welp, the picture is complete now. If there wasn't any doubt before, we can add both Lindsay and Pence to the list of RINOS now working with Dems trying to sabotage the midterms in the hopes of preserving the failed old guard do-nothing useless republican party.
The pro-life side has, all along, insisted that the question of legal abortion should reside with the state.

Fair enough.

How, then, can they move to ban it nationally without being complete hypocrites? If the federal government doesn't have the power to allow it, then the federal government doesn't have the power to forbid it, either...

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