Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Is it now illegal for the president to decide which foreign international agencies, nations or otherwise receive U.S taxpayer money? Pelosi says it is.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.
Jill Stein summarizes it all...

Trump: Defunds WHO in midst of pandemic to shift blame.

Dems + Reps: Gave WHO $3.5B since 2010 while pouring ~$8T into war, death & destruction.

COVID crisis is the flip side of military madness.
And yet another reason we need a party for people, planet & peace now!
The orange whore's decision to withhold funding from WHO is extremely dangerous, particularly during a pandemic when global cooperation is essential. He seems to be a very unintelligent individual who is hellbent on isolating the U.S. from the international community and destroying our country. His actions grow more and more outrageous with every passing day and his sanity is definitely at issue at this point. A nation of 330 million people simply cannot afford his antics.

Pelosi is 100% correct in going after him.
Is it now illegal for the president to decide which foreign international agencies, nations or otherwise receive U.S taxpayer money? Pelosi says it is.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

Hopefully the virus will get the venomous old witch before she can do further harm.
The orange whore's decision to withhold funding from WHO is extremely dangerous, particularly during a pandemic when global cooperation is essential. He seems to be a very unintelligent individual who is hellbent on isolating the U.S. from the international community and destroying our country. His actions grow more and more outrageous with every passing day and his sanity is definitely at issue at this point. A nation of 330 million people simply cannot afford his antics.

Pelosi is 100% correct in going after him.
Is it now illegal for the president to decide which foreign international agencies, nations or otherwise receive U.S taxpayer money? Pelosi says it is.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

Hopefully the virus will get the venomous old witch before she can do further harm.

I didn't know that the orange whore in the Oval Office is actually a cross-dresser.
Trump, from what I have read, has not 'frozen' funding, nor has he stopped funding. He initially declared the US would REDUCE the amount of funding.

(If I am wrong I apologize - I will do more digging / reading.)

Meanwhile Pelosi defends Chinese puppets and vows to continue to fund the WHO, the world's (exposed corrupt) 'smoke detector' that failed to report a fire until there was no way to hide it any longer....
Jill Stein summarizes it all...

Trump: Defunds WHO in midst of pandemic to shift blame.

Dems + Reps: Gave WHO $3.5B since 2010 while pouring ~$8T into war, death & destruction.

COVID crisis is the flip side of military madness.
And yet another reason we need a party for people, planet & peace now!
Amen. Preach!!

Did you know the American taxpayers gave several hundred million dollars to China to fund a research center in China who's job it was to identify and avoid precisely the type of China global pandemic that hit us, there was some money flushed down the toilet. If you think WHO funding is similarly being wasted you are correct.
The orange whore's decision to withhold funding from WHO is extremely dangerous, particularly during a pandemic when global cooperation is essential. He seems to be a very unintelligent individual who is hellbent on isolating the U.S. from the international community and destroying our country. His actions grow more and more outrageous with every passing day and his sanity is definitely at issue at this point. A nation of 330 million people simply cannot afford his antics.

Pelosi is 100% correct in going after him.
Impeach him - again!
Trump, from what I have read, has not 'frozen' funding, nor has he stopped funding. He initially declared the US would REDUCE the amount of funding.

(If I am wrong I apologize - I will do more digging / reading.)

Meanwhile Pelosi defends Chinese puppets and vows to continue to fund the WHO, the world's (exposed corrupt) 'smoke detector' that failed to report a fire until there was no way to hide it any longer....

What Pelosi is doing is defending our nation, our health, and our nation's international standing. Your assertion that she defending "Chinese puppets" makes no sense. Just because the orange whore wants to try to hide his incompetence and negligence by ginning up hatred against the Chinese is irrelevant to our present conditions. He's just inciting his redneck jackass fans.

The orange whore has never known anything about WHO in all of his years of smarmy existence, but he needs a scapegoat.
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The orange whore's decision to withhold funding from WHO is extremely dangerous, particularly during a pandemic when global cooperation is essential. He seems to be a very unintelligent individual who is hellbent on isolating the U.S. from the international community and destroying our country. His actions grow more and more outrageous with every passing day and his sanity is definitely at issue at this point. A nation of 330 million people simply cannot afford his antics.

Pelosi is 100% correct in going after him.
Impeach him - again!

He certainly needs to be. But maybe the virus will get him first and then we will just have to deal with the sex queerdo from Indiana. Neither has any value.
What Pelosi is doing is defending our nation, our health, and our nation's international standing.

From WHAT?

A proven biased, deceptive global organization dedicated to prevent such events yet was proven to have known about the growing global pandemic, engaged in / facilitated the covering up of the growing global pandemic, who urged nations to keep their borders open DESPITE knowing the virus could be spread through contact and that China had already ensured its epidemic would become a pandemic by refusing to halt international flights directly from the outbreak epicenter to other nations....?

Continuing to REWARD such a corrupt organization that betrayed the trust the world placed in it, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands around the world, without demanding anyone be held accountable or changes be made within the WHO as a result of its acts / deceit does NOTHING to protect AMERICAN LIVES.
--- The CDC stated if China had acted immediately instead of hiding it and deceiving the world 95% of all of this could have been prevented...



Hopefully this President's actions will FORCE the WHO to make exposed critically needed changes in its leadership and its policies / practices...and end its 'purchased' Chinese bias.
Pelosi is a traitor, again siding with foreigners against the interests of the American people.

You made a tiny spelling error and since I am a friend I have decided to correct your error because we be such good friends--

Corrected version-- Trump is a traitor, again siding with foreigners against the interests of the American people.
Trump should be tried for "treason"
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Facts are facts & this is a fact

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