Pelosi, unconstitutional impeachment

You are the fucking retard. This is not a criminal trial. There is no due process nor is there such a thing as discovery.

So you are saying that Trump has no right to see evidence the Democrats have? LOL
So far Nancy-pants has been completely riding roughshod over the Constitution with this non-impeachment/impeachment. She, or the House, has 0 authority to expect their subpoenas to be acted upon because she refuses to bring formal charges. Trump even invited her to do so. If you don't think something is rotten in the House you are oblivious. The Democrat party has hijacked the House and are denying Trump due process in a coup attempt.
The impeachment inquiry is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president subject to the impeachment process has neither his liberty nor freedom in jeopardy.

A president ‘convicted’ by the Senate is not subject to a judicial finding and not subject to any sort of ‘punishment’ – he’s at liberty to return to his private life.

If a president committed crimes while in office, he would be subject to prosecution after he resigns as president and afforded full and comprehensive due process – separate and apart from the impeachment process.
No the inquiry is not appropriate without evidence. Hearsay whistleblower testimony from a Biased source about a phone call, the text of which is now public record is only opinion and, I might add, from a CIA operative with a record of disliking Trump. Nancy will not call for a vote. There is literally nothing there.

The fact is that what the whistleblower said has been proven true. We know that Trump was running a parallel foreign policy to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of the Bidens. He was dangling a state visit in exchange for a investigation.
The House is not voting on a impeachment. They are gathering information. The Constitution says nothing about that.

Since when is 'gathering information' called an 'impeachment'....seriously are you mentally challenged?

Pelosi has not called it a impeachment. You are the one who is mentally retarded as are most trump supporters.

See my post #119, dufus.

You are clearly a sicko dufus. This is not a dictatorship that you seem to want. Any marine who tries it should be charged with treason and hung along with Trump.
...I never said a vote was mandatory...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

...but the Constitution assumes there would be agreement among parties to start a formal impeachment...
Incorrect. The Constitution assumes that there would be agreement among parties to confirm (vote upon) a Bill of Impeachment.

...That is called a coup...
Incorrect. That's called following Constitutional Law to the letter in preparing Articles of Impeachment for a wider vote.

...Saying we don't need a vote for impeachment because the Constitution does not specifically call for it is ignorant. Without a vote it has no teeth...
Agreed. Good thing that there is going to be a whole-House vote to confirm the Articles of Impeachment, eh?

...Yet Pelosi and some Democrats want to shout 'impeachment' to better their dismal chances in 2020. Clearly, that is obstruction of justice...
Nonsense. Put down the Kool-Aid, son.

...It allows for allegations to fly with no recourse for those accused and THAT is not Constitutional.
That would, indeed, be un-Constitutional. Good thing that a trial in the GOP -controlled Senate will give The Creature his day in court, eh?

You had nothing to prosecute except what you made up. In other words a vote is required for impeachment to be viable...That's what I said. Blabbering about impeachment and refusing to call for a vote is called a coup. Trump himself is calling for a full house vote, Pelosi just wants to blabber about impeachment with the rest of her gang. Not allowing Trump the right to defend himself IS obstruction of justice. There will be no impeachment or trial because there is no evidence. The transcript has 0 evidence that can be used for impeachment. This is all a clown show.

The Constitution says nothing about any vote except for the vote to impeach. There is no coup. This is not a criminal trial so Trump has no rights. He will defend himself in a Senate trial. There is plenty of evidence that Trump pressured Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.
Where, in that text, does it say that the House needs to conduct a vote PRIOR to beginning an INQUIRY?

Where does it say that a vote is NOT to be held?
The Constitution doesn't say anything ABOUT an Inquiry vote.

Which means by definition it CAN'T be "unconstitutional"

Look at it this way, someone accuses you of a crime and goes to the media blabbing how you are guilty and starts an inquiry when tou have not been formally charged. You ok wit, dat? Oh look, funny-face buzzard had no reply! I win again! :113:

Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. Trump's freedom is not at stake. Trump has no rights. You are a loser.
Where, in that text, does it say that the House needs to conduct a vote PRIOR to beginning an INQUIRY?

Where does it say that a vote is NOT to be held?
The Constitution doesn't say anything ABOUT an Inquiry vote.

Which means by definition it CAN'T be "unconstitutional"

Look at it this way, someone accuses you of a crime and goes to the media blabbing how you are guilty and starts an inquiry when tou have not been formally charged. You ok wit, dat? Oh look, funny-face buzzard had no reply! I win again! :113:

Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. Trump's freedom is not at stake. Trump has no rights. You are a loser.

BISS (because I say so) Buzz off now...BZZZZZZZZZZZ
And here are the State Department officials, unconstitutionally testifying for the unconstitutional House meanies this week:

Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent is expected to appear in closed session on Tuesday.

Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State Ambassador P. Michael McKinley is expected to appear in closed session on Wednesday.

Ambassador Sondland has been subpoenaed for Thursday.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper is expected to appear in closed session on Friday.


They are paid by the taxpayers so they have a duty to testify. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. Trump is obstructing justice in his attempts to keep information the Congress has a right to. That right is guaranteed by the Constitution.
So far Nancy-pants has been completely riding roughshod over the Constitution with this non-impeachment/impeachment. She, or the House, has 0 authority to expect their subpoenas to be acted upon because she refuses to bring formal charges. Trump even invited her to do so. If you don't think something is rotten in the House you are oblivious. The Democrat party has hijacked the House and are denying Trump due process in a coup attempt.
Have you ever read the constitution, or are you being "educated" by Fox, Limbaugh and Breitbart?

Funny the things you will find in that pesky constitution. Stuff like how impeachment actually works.

Yes I have read the Constitution and, unlike you, I understand it. Would you like to be accused and not be able to call witnesses or get discovery from the prosecutor? That is what Nancy-pants is doing to Trump and it is unconstitutional. The Constitution (as I have already posted many times) presumes a bipartisan vote and to have witnesses testify in public, not behind closed doors like this Democrat clown show.

You clearly do not understand the Constitution as you clearly cannot read. You are referring to a criminal trial. This is not a criminal trial. He is not in any legal jeopardy.
And since it hasn't progress that far yet, now what? Are you going to hide under your bed covers and cry yourself to sleep? Will it keep you up all night in trembles? What happens if it doesn't get that far to go to a full vote?

And Joe Biden has ZERO input in the impeachment procedings in the House. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie.

Then it dies. Don't cry now Daryl :boo_hoo14:

Then let it die. We all would be grateful.

I agree, let the impeachment die. It is useless.

nah, let's keep it going until Nov 2020. But let's get rid of the lies. Of course, if we got rid of the lies, the impeachment would be over in about 2 weeks.

No, if you got rid of the lies, there never would be an impeachment, dumbass!

If we removed all the lies Rump would resign and so would MOST of the Washington DC Politicians.
The discovery phase happens before trial. The indictment is unsealed and defense gets all the evidence presented to the grand jury. Read the articles of impeachment are unsealed and the defense gets all the evidence presented to the House Intelligence committe, and all other committees conducting the impeachment inquiry.

At the trial in the Senate, Trump may call all the witnesses he wants. I suggest Giuliani. He'd be great!

In the past the discovery phase and the questioning of witnesses took place in public, not behind closed doors. This is bullshit and, unless you are a total Democrat tool, you know it's nothing but a clown show of propaganda. Let Pelosi call a vote.....Get this impeachment underway....But she won't because....And I repeat....There is no evidence. I already asked you guys to publish the now declassified transcript and point to the exact words that you feel support impeachment of a duly elected President. You didn't and you won't and Pelosi is playing games.

Only a Trump supporter can be so stupid. Clearly there are several reasons for keeping everything secret. A grand jury conducts it's business in secrecy and you have no rights if you appear before a grand jury. In this case, you want witnesses to tell them what they know and they are not being influenced by what other witnesses are saying. It also cuts down the grandstanding and playing to the cameras. A impeachment inquiry is already underway. There clearly was a effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden even before the call.
So far Nancy-pants has been completely riding roughshod over the Constitution with this non-impeachment/impeachment. She, or the House, has 0 authority to expect their subpoenas to be acted upon because she refuses to bring formal charges. Trump even invited her to do so. If you don't think something is rotten in the House you are oblivious. The Democrat party has hijacked the House and are denying Trump due process in a coup attempt.

If you tell the same set of lies enough times does it become the truth? Nope, it's still a batch of lies.

Nancy refuses to make a formal impeachment which would allow Trump to defend himself. Where is the lie?

Rump gets his day in court when it goes to the Senate for Senate Hearings. And that is just the way it is. Live with it.

That is not the way the last two inquiries were run. Nasty Pelousy is providing cover for those who cannot vote for impeachment lest they be destroyed in the next election.

Doesn't matter how the last 2 inquiries were done. That is not binding on any House investigation.
And since it hasn't progress that far yet, now what? Are you going to hide under your bed covers and cry yourself to sleep? Will it keep you up all night in trembles? What happens if it doesn't get that far to go to a full vote?

And Joe Biden has ZERO input in the impeachment procedings in the House. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie.

Then it dies. Don't cry now Daryl :boo_hoo14:

Then let it die. We all would be grateful.

I agree, let the impeachment die. It is useless.

If there is no proof of wrong doing found, it will be. It's a little bit early for that though.

Democrats do not get to investigate, investigate, and then investigate some more hoping to find something they can pin on Trump. That's called a fishing expedition, and it happens to be illegal under our Constitution.

Where is it illegal in the Constitution? It doesn't matter because this is not a fishing expedition. They are focused on Trump's attempt to pressure Ukraine into investigating Biden.
And since it hasn't progress that far yet, now what? Are you going to hide under your bed covers and cry yourself to sleep? Will it keep you up all night in trembles? What happens if it doesn't get that far to go to a full vote?

And Joe Biden has ZERO input in the impeachment procedings in the House. If you tell a lie enough times does it make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie.

Then it dies. Don't cry now Daryl :boo_hoo14:

Then let it die. We all would be grateful.

I agree, let the impeachment die. It is useless.

nah, let's keep it going until Nov 2020. But let's get rid of the lies. Of course, if we got rid of the lies, the impeachment would be over in about 2 weeks.

No, if you got rid of the lies, there never would be an impeachment, dumbass!

You are the dishonest liar. There clearly is a solid case for impeachment.
Have you ever read the constitution, or are you being "educated" by Fox, Limbaugh and Breitbart?

Funny the things you will find in that pesky constitution. Stuff like how impeachment actually works.

Yes I have read the Constitution and, unlike you, I understand it. Would you like to be accused and not be able to call witnesses or get discovery from the prosecutor? That is what Nancy-pants is doing to Trump and it is unconstitutional. The Constitution (as I have already posted many times) presumes a bipartisan vote and to have witnesses testify in public, not behind closed doors like this Democrat clown show.

The House has sole power of impeachment.

Impeachment is analogous of indictment.

No defendant is represented by counsel during grand jury procedures. Grand juries hand down indictments.

Was it the constitution of the United States you purportedly read and understood?

The House is not impeaching Trump, Nancy-pants and the Democrat Party is doing it and behind closed doors to boot!!. She needs a vote but knows she can't get it so she has testimony behind closed doors so they can spin the leaks. For God's sake WAKE UP!
Hearing depositions as well as many impeachment proceedings are held behind closed doors in order to prevent witnesses from co-ordinarily testimony. Speaker Pelosi does not have to hold a vote to open impeachment inquiries. The constitution and the House rules do not specify a full House vote is required to open an impeachment inquiry.

Both Democrat and Republican members serve on the House Intelligence committee. The Republicans are masters of spinning leaks. Let them do the dirty work.

This is not news. These are the procedures. Why haven't you heard of them? Didn't they cover this on Fox?

Yes, it's Pelosi's impeachment. And stop with your 'do not specify a full House vote' without a bipartisan agreement (VOTE) the impeachment is nothing but a personal vendetta ...a soft coup if you will. If you really believe Trump needs to be impeached because of the transcript President Trump declassified, please point to your proof. Read the transcript, publish the hard evidence that rises to the level of impeachment. Hint: Your OPINION of what he said does not count just as the 'whistleblower' and lying Schiff's OPINIONS do not count.

P.S. "co-ordinarily" is a meaningless term. Like this impeachment....wholly meaningless except for propaganda purposes and a last-ditch effort to save the Democrat party from its ultimate demise in 2020.

There is no coup. Trump needs to be impeached because the call was the culmination of a campaign that had been going on long before the phone call. The attempt to get Ukraine to investigate a political rival.
You are plenty fucking stupid. Pelosi has opened a inquiry. She is not impeaching Trump.

Pelosi Says Impeachment Should Stay Focused on Ukraine.

Pelosi says impeachment should stay focused on Ukraine. Some liberals say that's a big mistake.

Seriously, what the Hell is wrong with you?

What the hell is wrong with your crooked ass? There are other offenses that rise to the level of impeachment. Mueller laid out 10 potential instances where Trump may have obstructed justice. Mueller urged the Congress to conduct further investigation into these instances. Also Trump's attempts to impede a congressional investigation is a crime as well.
You are the fucking retard. This is not a criminal trial. There is no due process nor is there such a thing as discovery.

So you are saying that Trump has no right to see evidence the Democrats have? LOL

Ultimately it will be made public. Since they are interviewing witnesses secrecy is necessary so other witnesses are not influenced by previous witnesses.
Then it dies. Don't cry now Daryl :boo_hoo14:

Then let it die. We all would be grateful.

I agree, let the impeachment die. It is useless.

If there is no proof of wrong doing found, it will be. It's a little bit early for that though.

Democrats do not get to investigate, investigate, and then investigate some more hoping to find something they can pin on Trump. That's called a fishing expedition, and it happens to be illegal under our Constitution.

If I counted correctly, you are saying three investigations are too many. It hasn't been three investigations, but I didn't hear you complaining about the 10 separate investigations into Benghazi. Why didn't those bother you? If you are aware of illegal activity, you should call 911 to report it immediately.

How many Americans died as a result of Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian President?
In the past the discovery phase and the questioning of witnesses took place in public, not behind closed doors. This is bullshit and, unless you are a total Democrat tool, you know it's nothing but a clown show of propaganda. Let Pelosi call a vote.....Get this impeachment underway....But she won't because....And I repeat....There is no evidence. I already asked you guys to publish the now declassified transcript and point to the exact words that you feel support impeachment of a duly elected President. You didn't and you won't and Pelosi is playing games.
Depositions and testimony continue. Evidence is being gathered. Articles of impeachment will be drafted and voted on. The House will discuss the evidence and vote for impeachment. The Articles of impeachment will be made public. Witnesses in the Senate trial will be called. Defense will be proffered.

Nothing being done is unconstitutional, except, of course, the stonewalling by the White House. Subpoenas hold the penalty of law and ignoring such legal means constituents obstruction of justice and contempt of Congress.

The House is not involved it is only Pelosi because she refused to hold a vote, dufus. Subpoenas have no authority if there is not a bipartisan agreement. One person cannot impeach a sitting President. Just how stupid can you be? This is a coup. BTW you NEVER answered me as to where, in the actual transcript, evidence exists for impeachment of Trump. Are you going to continue to deflect and avoid?
Show me where, in the constitution or the Rules of the House of Representatives it stipulates a vote of the House of Representatives is required to conduct an impeachment inquiry. Show me where in any rule it stipulates subpoenas are invalid.

I would like you to do us a favor, though.

I disagree with your premise in the first place. I already explained to you the a vote gives legitimacy to an impeachment. You ignored it. I already asked you to publish the exact section of the already declassified transcript that supports impeachment of a duly elected US President. So far you have not provided anything other than your opinion.

Unfortunately, for you, opinions are like assholes....everyone has one and it certainly doesn't represent legal proof. Do you ever ask yourself why Trump is calling for an impeachment vote and Pelosi has refused? You can't be that fucking dumb...can you?

That's funny. As a Trump supporter, you should be the last person to complain about anything being illegitimate. Trump will never be seen as a legitimate president.

Why? He's illegitimate because he was elected in accordance with our Constitution? Are you that stupid?

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