Pelosi Scores Big On Insider Trading


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020
... Democrats in general lead the pack in that, of course.

"Who is trading Options?
Numerous house members also trade options. This means they are using leveraged positions on leveraged information. Please go through the info yourself.
As of December 22nd stimulus was just approved on that day. On December 22'nd, Pelosi’s Husband purchased deep ITM TSLA and AAPL calls. After Market close on December 22'nd, she voiced support for $2000 of stimulus after Donald Trump tweets the need for additional stimulus. Those same companies rally 5%, giving an instant +30 return, on Dec 23rd."


"Pelosi: On that day Pelosi bought, whales pushed hard for $TSLA. Here was the $TSLA whale from that day: $655 C 12-24 trading at $1.55 at 12:47. It runs 600% in two days. Pelosi's play, bought at 250 ask, is now up 413, or 65% on a LEAP. She is a literal whale. "


Lots of info here, download and save it before it gets cleansed from the innernetz. Those trading on virus bill info is also enlightening.
... Democrats in general lead the pack in that, of course.

"Who is trading Options?
Numerous house members also trade options. This means they are using leveraged positions on leveraged information. Please go through the info yourself.
As of December 22nd stimulus was just approved on that day. On December 22'nd, Pelosi’s Husband purchased deep ITM TSLA and AAPL calls. After Market close on December 22'nd, she voiced support for $2000 of stimulus after Donald Trump tweets the need for additional stimulus. Those same companies rally 5%, giving an instant +30 return, on Dec 23rd."


"Pelosi: On that day Pelosi bought, whales pushed hard for $TSLA. Here was the $TSLA whale from that day: $655 C 12-24 trading at $1.55 at 12:47. It runs 600% in two days. Pelosi's play, bought at 250 ask, is now up 413, or 65% on a LEAP. She is a literal whale. "


Lots of info here, download and save it before it gets cleansed from the innernetz. Those trading on virus bill info is also enlightening.
When asked if Nancy Pelosi would show her tax returns she replied only if she was running for President(of course she is above the law, because she wrote herself out of the insider trading law). Of course intelligent people know the fucking crooked bitch can insider trade all day long, but someone like Martha Stewart spent 5 years in jail, for not insider trading, as accused of, but supposedly lying to a court. Batchit Nan lies all the time to US, maybe someone can put a bullet in that empty space called her head.
Nancy has made hundreds of millions
Yes, her and her husband have made a lot of dough, is that not what one should do in life?
Yes but through Nancy’s pay to play and inside trading
Also Mitch has made a fortune illegally by the Chinese government in the shipping business ; in exchange, for being soft on China
Can you show us the law that makes it illegal for a member of Congress to invest in the stock market?
They certainly can, but they can't trade on insider information. In fact, an investigation and then law was created specifically because of Nancy P and insider trading. The law is called the STOCK Act

Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and her husband have participated in at least eight IPOs. One of those came in 2008, from Visa, just as a troublesome piece of legislation that would have hurt credit card companies, began making its way through the House. Undisturbed by a potential conflict of interest the Pelosis purchased 5,000 shares of Visa at the initial price of $44. Two days later it was trading at $64. The credit card legislation never made it to the floor of the House.

Congresswoman Pelosi declined a request from 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Kroft for an interview on the subject, but agreed to call on him if he attended one of her regular news conferences.

Here’s a transcript of the exchange during that news conference:

Kroft: Madam Leader, I wanted to ask you why you and your husband back in March of 2008 accepted and participated in a very large IPO deal from Visa at a time there was major legislation affecting the credit card companies making its way through the– through the House.
Nancy Pelosi: But–
Kroft: And did you consider that to be a conflict of interest?
Pelosi: The– y– I– I don’t know what your point is of your question. Is there some point that you want to make with that?
Kroft: Well, I– I– I guess what I’m asking is do you think it’s all right for a speaker to accept a very preferential, favorable stock deal?
Pelosi: Well, we didn’t.
Kroft: You participated in the IPO. And at the time you were speaker of the House. You don’t think it was a conflict of interest or had the appearance–

Pelosi: No, it was not–
Kroft: –of a conflict of interest?
Pelosi: –it doesn’t– it only has appearance if you decide that you’re going to have– elaborate on a false premise. But it– it– it’s not true and that’s that.
Kroft: I don’t understand what part’s not true.

Pelosi: Yes sir. That– that I would act upon an investment.

Q: I don’t understand. Why is it false? You participated in the IPO.

Leader Pelosi: Well, I have many investments.

Q: You were Speaker of the House, and there was a bill very unfavorable to the credit card companies.

Leader Pelosi: Well,
The FBI must be owned by Pelosi...she must have a strangle hold on the entire DOJ.....

They now have Garland, the AG, in their pocket; he's there to cover their asses for them while they promote hate crimes, racist violence against whites, prosecute white police officers on fake charges, destory evidence of past crimes, etc., same thing Holder did for the Obama crime syndicate.
When asked if Nancy Pelosi would show her tax returns she replied only if she was running for President(of course she is above the law, because she wrote herself out of the insider trading law). Of course intelligent people know the fucking crooked bitch can insider trade all day long, but someone like Martha Stewart spent 5 years in jail, for not insider trading, as accused of, but supposedly lying to a court.

Yep. And their stupid, doped up, criminally inclined base can't help the vermin rob them blind enough.
Nancy is the 2nd biggest crook in US history and only next to Hillary

Women are even far more crooked then men
It's her husband's money.

Bullshit. A lot of it is her own money, not just what she feeds her hubby. He's also made a fortune on government 'defense contracts outside of the insider trading. They went from a net worth of a million or so to billionaires off of her office holding. The entire California Democratic Party delegation to Congress and the senate is dirty, but they have you tards thinking they're getting the money from rich white people, so you think it's all okay, like a typical dumbass.
Nancy is the 2nd biggest crook in US history and only next to Hillary

Women are even far more crooked then men
It's her husband's money.

Bullshit. A lot of it is her own money, not just what she feeds her hubby. He's also made a fortune on government 'defense contracts outside of the insider trading. They went from a net worth of a million or so to billionaires off of her office holding. The entire California Democratic Party delegation to Congress and the senate is dirty, but they have you tards thinking they're getting the money from rich white people, so you think it's all okay, like a typical dumbass.
Yes , contacts steered from her to her fellow sleeze bag partner
Can you show us the law that makes it illegal for a member of Congress to invest in the stock market?

There certainly should be. The public comments, policies and laws politicians come up with have huge potential for impacting stock prices positively or negatively.

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