Pelosi Runs To Take Personal Financial Advantage Of 'Crumb-Producing' Trump Economy

How anybody takes this woman seriously is beyond me. San Franciscans have to be some of the stupidest people on the planet.
Yes lets throw her out of office Put her in the same garbage can you put the thief trump who's making millions on HIS tax cut and which btw he said he wasn't making anything And repubs believed him lol

Trump signed and advocated the tax cut, you dipshit. Pelosi has been outspoken against it since day one, yet here she is taking part like a typical hypocrite
I know he signed and advocated the tax cut I would have too if I'd make millions from it You did notice I said HIS tax cut?
So that means your going to give up your part of the tax cut right ? #NOTMYTAXCUT.
I was born at night but not last night
you were born? Damn lucky that your mom didn't go to planned parenthood and .....
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class

so you believe though even if she was vehemently against the cuts she shouldn't take advantage of them when enacted ?? You might hate her guts but she's far from stupid
I love it when a typical dumbass liberal says that lunatic Nan is far from stupid.

You have to pass the shit , before you can see what is in the shit. Sound fucking familiar you idiot...
yes as a matter of fact it does reminds me of morons like you voting for trump
Says the moron who voted for the bitch who rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders...Bwaaahaaahhaaa, you guys are too fucking funny....
Naturally true, honest liberals (OK, oxymoron there...) will decline to accept any of the bonuses that are being handed out. the very least....donate them toward deficit-reduction, right?
Yes lets throw her out of office Put her in the same garbage can you put the thief trump who's making millions on HIS tax cut and which btw he said he wasn't making anything And repubs believed him lol

Trump signed and advocated the tax cut, you dipshit. Pelosi has been outspoken against it since day one, yet here she is taking part like a typical hypocrite
I know he signed and advocated the tax cut I would have too if I'd make millions from it You did notice I said HIS tax cut?
So that means your going to give up your part of the tax cut right ? #NOTMYTAXCUT.
I was born at night but not last night
you were born? Damn lucky that your mom didn't go to planned parenthood and .....
IDIOT not every women for CHOICE will get abortions They just believe that ass holes like you should keep your noses out of their choices
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class

so you believe though even if she was vehemently against the cuts she shouldn't take advantage of them when enacted ?? You might hate her guts but she's far from stupid
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class

so you believe though even if she was vehemently against the cuts she shouldn't take advantage of them when enacted ?? You might hate her guts but she's far from stupid

Nancy’s a corrupt 1 percenter, but she’s not stupid. She depends on stupid.
Trump signed and advocated the tax cut, you dipshit. Pelosi has been outspoken against it since day one, yet here she is taking part like a typical hypocrite
I know he signed and advocated the tax cut I would have too if I'd make millions from it You did notice I said HIS tax cut?
So that means your going to give up your part of the tax cut right ? #NOTMYTAXCUT.
I was born at night but not last night
you were born? Damn lucky that your mom didn't go to planned parenthood and .....
IDIOT not every women for CHOICE will get abortions They just believe that ass holes like you should keep your noses out of their choices
Funny that you say that, because the liberal bitch is constantly meddling in what I do all the time. In todays equal opportunity, what is good for the goose is definitely good for the gander. Don't fucking like it, MOVE to Cuba...
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class


Ever wonder why, as shown by her reports, she's worth $100 million?
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class


Ever wonder why, as shown by her reports, she's worth $100 million?
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??

You seem to suffer from the same delusion that Democrats in Congress do - that they are above the law. They are not.

Several years ago Democrats in Congress were caught engaging in 'Insider Trading'. Instead of being indicted and going to jail like 'poor ol' Martha Stewart, the Democrats expressed mock surprise, claiming they did not know the law applied to them.


Again, instead of applying justice equally, they announced that they were going to pass a bill that stated Politicians would no longer be able to engage in 'Insider Trading' and from THAT DAY forth anyone CAUGHT doing it would be published. Proving Jonathon Gruber was right about how stupid many Americans are, the majority of Americans accepted that response.

Several days later Congress quietly passed a bill stating the personal finances of Congress members were no exempt from access by the public. In short, they made it impossible for Americans / anyone to prove they had engaged in 'Insider Trading' in the future.

Self-serving, self-protecting criminals....
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class


What is

job-creating, wage-raising tax reform ?
Pelosi accused Republicans and President Trump of hiking taxes on the middle-class while slashing those for corporations. She denounced the bill using apocalyptic terms, decrying it as "Armageddon" and "like death."

At one point, she said the tax plan was a "monumental, brazen theft from the middle class," and pledged that Democrats will continue to demand "job-creating, wage-raising tax reform with not one penny in tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent."

Despite predictions that Trump's Tax Reform would end in 'Aramgeddon' for Middle class Americans, it resulted in millions in bonuses and higher wages and new / more jobs for them. Elitist out-of-touch Pelosi (brain congested :p ) called '$1,000' in the pockets of middle-class America 'crumbs'.

She continues to lie, insisting to anyone who will still listen to her that the Tax Reform is 'evil' and not good for America / Americans.....


Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway

'House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.

Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall

In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her
2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.

Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the
U.S. Census reported last fall.

Like most taxpayers, she also apparently wants to keep as much of her money as U.S. tax law allows, though she did not mention those plans during the contentious months-long debate on the GOP tax bill last fall or how it would impact her personally.'



Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

DEMS DOUBLE DOWN: $1000 Is 'Crumbs' For The Middle Class


Ever wonder why, as shown by her reports, she's worth $100 million?
It wasn't because of her body, that is for sure.....Not her brain either, she is a big time golddigger, and without her man, she would be a crack whore.
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??

You seem to suffer from the same delusion that Democrats in Congress do - that they are above the law. They are not.

Several years ago Democrats in Congress were caught engaging in 'Insider Trading'. Instead of being indicted and going to jail like 'poor ol' Martha Stewart, the Democrats expressed mock surprise, claiming they did not know the law applied to them.


Again, instead of applying justice equally, they announced that they were going to pass a bill that stated Politicians would no longer be able to engage in 'Insider Trading' and from THAT DAY forth anyone CAUGHT doing it would be published. Proving Jonathon Gruber was right about how stupid many Americans are, the majority of Americans accepted that response.

Several days later Congress quietly passed a bill stating the personal finances of Congress members were no exempt from access by the public. In short, they made it impossible for Americans / anyone to prove they had engaged in 'Insider Trading' in the future.

Self-serving, self-protecting criminals....

Liberals like Pelosi are lying FAKE hypocrites. She rants and raves against tax cuts while pouncing on every opportunity to reduce her own taxes.
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??

You seem to suffer from the same delusion that Democrats in Congress do - that they are above the law. They are not.

Several years ago Democrats in Congress were caught engaging in 'Insider Trading'. Instead of being indicted and going to jail like 'poor ol' Martha Stewart, the Democrats expressed mock surprise, claiming they did not know the law applied to them.


Again, instead of applying justice equally, they announced that they were going to pass a bill that stated Politicians would no longer be able to engage in 'Insider Trading' and from THAT DAY forth anyone CAUGHT doing it would be published. Proving Jonathon Gruber was right about how stupid many Americans are, the majority of Americans accepted that response.

Several days later Congress quietly passed a bill stating the personal finances of Congress members were no exempt from access by the public. In short, they made it impossible for Americans / anyone to prove they had engaged in 'Insider Trading' in the future.

Self-serving, self-protecting criminals....
easy you're turning into a demented trump like figure,,,
Liberals like Pelosi are lying FAKE hypocrites. She rants and raves against tax cuts while pouncing on every opportunity to reduce her own taxes.
blues how can you write that crap without mentioning the ah trump benefiting hugely from his tax deal?
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??

You seem to suffer from the same delusion that Democrats in Congress do - that they are above the law. They are not.

Several years ago Democrats in Congress were caught engaging in 'Insider Trading'. Instead of being indicted and going to jail like 'poor ol' Martha Stewart, the Democrats expressed mock surprise, claiming they did not know the law applied to them.


Again, instead of applying justice equally, they announced that they were going to pass a bill that stated Politicians would no longer be able to engage in 'Insider Trading' and from THAT DAY forth anyone CAUGHT doing it would be published. Proving Jonathon Gruber was right about how stupid many Americans are, the majority of Americans accepted that response.

Several days later Congress quietly passed a bill stating the personal finances of Congress members were no exempt from access by the public. In short, they made it impossible for Americans / anyone to prove they had engaged in 'Insider Trading' in the future.

Self-serving, self-protecting criminals....
easy you're turning into a demented trump like figure,,,
Ouch, Eddie, That really hurts. Your unbiased, non-partisan opinion means so much to me I don't know how I will get over that insult.

That being said, you can now return to the kids table and let the grown-ups talk.

Liberals like Pelosi are lying FAKE hypocrites. She rants and raves against tax cuts while pouncing on every opportunity to reduce her own taxes.
blues how can you write that crap without mentioning the ah trump benefiting hugely from his tax deal?

I guess that means he pays bigly taxes while you guys were complaining that he doesn't pay taxes. Have you made up your minds that he does or is this just the convenient complaint of the day?
Insider trading?? Which they all were allowed to do....Mostly millionaires in congress Who do you think benefits from the laws they pass??

You seem to suffer from the same delusion that Democrats in Congress do - that they are above the law. They are not.

Several years ago Democrats in Congress were caught engaging in 'Insider Trading'. Instead of being indicted and going to jail like 'poor ol' Martha Stewart, the Democrats expressed mock surprise, claiming they did not know the law applied to them.


Again, instead of applying justice equally, they announced that they were going to pass a bill that stated Politicians would no longer be able to engage in 'Insider Trading' and from THAT DAY forth anyone CAUGHT doing it would be published. Proving Jonathon Gruber was right about how stupid many Americans are, the majority of Americans accepted that response.

Several days later Congress quietly passed a bill stating the personal finances of Congress members were no exempt from access by the public. In short, they made it impossible for Americans / anyone to prove they had engaged in 'Insider Trading' in the future.

Self-serving, self-protecting criminals....
easy you're turning into a demented trump like figure,,,
Ouch, Eddie, That really hurts. Your unbiased, non-partisan opinion means so much to me I don't know how I will get over that insult.

That being said, you can now return to the kids table and let the grown-ups talk.

Grown up ?? Some one who twists and turns others posts a grown up ??? And jfyi I detest all the law breakers in our government Dems as well as Republicans And I also hate vile pos like the one you support
Liberals like Pelosi are lying FAKE hypocrites. She rants and raves against tax cuts while pouncing on every opportunity to reduce her own taxes.
blues how can you write that crap without mentioning the ah trump benefiting hugely from his tax deal?

I guess that means he pays bigly taxes while you guys were complaining that he doesn't pay taxes. Have you made up your minds that he does or is this just the convenient complaint of the day?
Oh Mr Hadit have you seen those returns ?? The ones he said he'd show??? He is a world class grifter and liar

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