Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

Yes, absolutely.

If an attempted Coup isn't Impeachable, what is?

Ah the hate sites and their demagoguery.

The attempted coup was a year ago. Nancy Pigshit wasn't impeached and Adam Schitt wasn't executed for treason,

So fuck off.

Congress might not be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation. If Trump gets away with this, what's to stop the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress and kill them all?

The way Harris incited a mob to storm the Whitehouse in July.

You fucking traitors are such hypocritical frauds.

I guess they forget Maxine Waters telling folks to ”confront” Trump folks anywhere they see them which prompted people being assaulted in restaurants. Was she banned from Twitter? Was there any backlash from the MSM? The MSM didn’t spoon feed it to them, so it doesn’t sink in.
Practice your religion and don't try to impose it on others.


A Maoist talking about "imposing ideas on others..."

Comrade, if a church teaches that homosexuality is a sin per their Bible, should all of the congregants be arrested and sent to forced labor camps, or only the pastor?

If a child comes home after a day at the indoctrination center declaring they are a ze as their party mentor trained them, and then the parent teaches them the biological fact that among mammals there are two genders, male and female, and that there are significant physiological differences between the genders; once the child is removed, should the party send the parent to reeducation, or just to the forced labor camps?
What is American Exceptionalism? Teaching Political ...
Aug 24, 2020 · What is American exceptionalism? American exceptionalism is the political ideology that not only is the U.S. bigger and better than other countries but that it is the exception to the rule.

Ah, another democrat hating America first.

Trump hates America, fool and he's out for revenge against Republicans and Democrats..

He watched his rioters beating people with flagpoles and crutches at the Capitol .. he was excited and happy.
Yes, absolutely.

If an attempted Coup isn't Impeachable, what is?

Ah the hate sites and their demagoguery.

The attempted coup was a year ago. Nancy Pigshit wasn't impeached and Adam Schitt wasn't executed for treason,

So fuck off.

Congress might not be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation. If Trump gets away with this, what's to stop the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress and kill them all?

The way Harris incited a mob to storm the Whitehouse in July.

You fucking traitors are such hypocritical frauds.

I guess they forget Maxine Waters telling folks to ”confront” Trump folks anywhere they see them which prompted people being assaulted in restaurants. Was she banned from Twitter? Was there any backlash from the MSM? The MSM didn’t spoon feed it to them, so it doesn’t sink in.

To the Maoists, the democrats, there is no yesterday, only an eternal now in which the party is always right and enemies of the party are always evil.

Pointing out to party members that 6 months ago they were praising ANTIFA and BLM for storming the capitol and that they were attacking Trump and the Police from defending the seat of government from rioters is useless. To the Maoists, that never happened because party member exist in an eternal "now" where history is whatever the party declares at this second.
Yes, absolutely.

If an attempted Coup isn't Impeachable, what is?

Ah the hate sites and their demagoguery.

The attempted coup was a year ago. Nancy Pigshit wasn't impeached and Adam Schitt wasn't executed for treason,

So fuck off.

Congress might not be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation. If Trump gets away with this, what's to stop the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress and kill them all?

The way Harris incited a mob to storm the Whitehouse in July.

You fucking traitors are such hypocritical frauds.

I guess they forget Maxine Waters telling folks to ”confront” Trump folks anywhere they see them which prompted people being assaulted in restaurants. Was she banned from Twitter? Was there any backlash from the MSM? The MSM didn’t spoon feed it to them, so it doesn’t sink in.

To the Maoists, the democrats, there is no yesterday, only an eternal now in which the party is always right and enemies of the party are always evil.

Pointing out to party members that 6 months ago they were praising ANTIFA and BLM for storming the capitol and that they were attacking Trump and the Police from defending the seat of government from rioters is useless. To the Maoists, that never happened because party member exist in an eternal "now" where history is whatever the party declares at this second.

No one has praised rioters or vandals and looters.

You idiot.. Do you even know who Mao was?

Mao Zedong - Wikipedia

Mao Zedong , also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which he ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.
Trump hates America,

Communism GOOD, Orange Man Bad, Bahh, bahhh, bahhh

fool and he's out for revenge against Republicans and Democrats..

If you believe even a word that you recite from the hate sites that do your thinking for you, you are technically insane.

He watched his rioters beating people with flagpoles and crutches at the Capitol .. he was excited and happy.

Yes, and he has horns and makes Matzo from the blood of Communist babies - depriving you of sacrificing them to Moloch at a planned parenthood temple.

Your script is well known and well worn - which is why we know EXACTLY where you are headed.

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No one has praised rioters or vandals and looters.


Fucking commies - lying scum to the last breath.


People, however, know the riots they have seen every night for days have been fomented by Antifa in a deliberate plan to instigate a revolution. They do this with the full support of Democrats in control of the cities and states where their arson, looting, and terror have been most effective.

A truncheon across the occiput followed by a Molotov cocktail is compelling as a means of terrorizing business owners and a recalcitrant populace who believe that this is still a “free country” where they have the right to defend themselves and their property.

Rioting, looting, violence, and arson can only be effective when Democrat governors and mayors force their police to stand down under the ruse of allowing protesters to “blow off steam.” Had the police enforced zero tolerance, Antifa, lacking in numbers, would have folded.

But when police are not free to police, it is as if there are no police.

It only takes only one uniformed white-boy, black-clad Antifa with his backpack, communications equipment, and expensive gas mask to break the window of a Target, or CVS. The consequent looting then appears organic.

It takes only one Antifa, trained in crowd agitation techniques, to incite a riot. Some believe, “it is fun to break shit,” run wild attacking cars, and bludgeoning the innocent.

Targeted arson doesn’t take a team. In an atmosphere of chaos, it takes one man with the right equipment, training, and a list of high-value targets. Democrats have a plan, Antifa is working the plan. After all, Antifa did not train themselves, and the choices of what to burn were not happenstance.

This was organized and supported by the left. Media can micturate down our lower extremities and preach the expurgating power of precipitation all they like, Americans know what this is.

This is an attempt by the Democrats and Antifa to overthrow the status quo and force a “new world” upon Americans.


You have waged a 10 month long Kristalnacht.

A Maoist like you is a creature of the "eternal now," there is no past, no future, only the party and those the party tells you to hate - America, Trump, deplorables.

You idiot.. Do you even know who Mao was?

Mao Zedong - Wikipedia

Mao Zedong , also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which he ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.

The democrat party of today is the party of Mao, under the tutelage of Xi Jinping, chairman of the American democrat party.
The Senate is in a pro forma session and would require unanimous consent to reconvene which is highly unlikely. They would not get the articles until it didn’t matter anymore making it purely a symbolic act by the House.

The democrats want to flex their muscles, much the way Lenin did when he slaughtered the family of the Tsar.

This is the opening salvo in a reign of terror by the democrats.
Pragmatically speaking...impeachment is a useless move by the House and will have real world consequences.

God, I hope so. I hope that Congress is sufficiently capable of self-preservation to realize that Trump can't be someone else's problem anymore.

The next guy?

Link us up to someone inciting a mob to "storm Congress and kill them all"?

Were you asleep last Wednesday?

Never mind, don't answer that.

The Democrats are not dumb. They just don't operate in the real world. While it's correct and proper to impeach the President...they shouldn't do it. Just like a landlord shouldn't evict a person the moment they don't pay the rent. They are correct and proper to do it by the letter of the law but in the real world, there are many more things to consider. Biden is taking office to a nation where 40 Million think it's cool (at least they are not saying they don't think it's cool) to invade the halls of Congress while in session to stop a duly elected president from being installed. Pelosi's actions will harden whatever % of the 40M who actually believe it was okay. Democrats live in a world where every thing is just as important as everything else. It isn't. It isn't important to impeach Trump. Censure his actions and move on. Let the nation move on.

You know what, guy. No. What we've seen seen is that when you let presidents get away with wrongdoing, the next guy tries to get away with something worse.

It started when Ford Pardoned Nixon so the country could "move on". Nixon faced no consequences for his actions. Then you had Reagan with Iran Contra, Clinton with Zippergate, Bush getting us into a war on a lie, and now this nonsense. Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

So what if 40 million of Trump supporters (probably less) think that this is okay. THAT'S why you punish Trump and every fucking moron who took a selfy defecating in the Capitol. To show it's NOT okay.
So, no link.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
And clearly, there wasn't a President before Nixon who had any major scandals....right?

Should Obama be impeached because he spied on reporters?

Um, no, since our security laws give him that authority if there's a legitimate national security issue, which there was. Nor is there any direct evidence he ordered it.

As for pre-Nixon scandals, most of those did not involve the President's personal conduct.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.
If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

You halfwits need to stop claiming you can read minds and listen to what is actually said.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
What is American Exceptionalism? Teaching Political ...
Aug 24, 2020 · What is American exceptionalism? American exceptionalism is the political ideology that not only is the U.S. bigger and better than other countries but that it is the exception to the rule.

Ah, another democrat hating America first.

Trump hates America, fool and he's out for revenge against Republicans and Democrats..

He watched his rioters beating people with flagpoles and crutches at the Capitol .. he was excited and happy.
Let us separate America into smaller nations. And end this.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.
When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Why not stop lying about what he said, and listen to what he actually said, Simpleton?

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.

No, but telling them to march on Congress and support the people trying to stop the certification was.

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
You have to show strength

Grab your Binky and get back under your bed, Buttercup.............:laughing0301:
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
You have to show strength,

Go climb under the bed with Citygayer, Buttercup.
No you aren’t patriotic. You want to “fundamentally change America” as you savior Obama promised. That means change from its core as in, keep no resembleance of. That is NOT patriotic.

Sure it is... if you aren't looking to change your country for the better, you aren't a patriot.

No China virus and our country would be tops in teh world economy and by a lot. It was pre-Covid and would have continued its upward projectory. Now, that will not happen. Lefty loon will bring is DOWN to the rest of the world by supporting and funding ridiculous policies like the Paris Accord and the Green New Deal. They do NOT want the US to be exceptional. That is against their ideals and what they were taught. Obama even spoke out against the concept of American exceptionalism. Astounding , but true.

Guy, the economy was going into the Dumpster before Covid Hit. I know the company I was consulting for was laying off people left and right in December and January....

And frankly, I'm not willing to kill the planet so a few rich douchebags can be richer.

Right, because nobody else gets SS. LOL. You are too ignorant to have a reasonable discussion.

You miss the point. Social Security IS socialism.

Poor indoctrinated fool. You were NEVER a Republican. You don’t believe in one tenant of their platform.

Well, not since the crazies took over, no...

The reason the government doesn’t want religion is because they want control. They want to be your God. They must have you put all your faith into them. It works on lemmings around the globe.

Actually... Government exists. God doesn't. That's the difference.
I've never even used that phrase. You're lying again.

Fuck your insatiable obsession with putting people in bags. And as I told you before I'm not at all interested in what part of my content you choose to cherrypick. That's entirely your doing.

No cherry picking here pal. Quote me a post of yours where you ever stood behind Trump or a conservative issue. And don't say you can't because Trump has been a disaster for this country. Every metric would show you wrong. Low fuel prices, stock market breaking new records several times, new high in median household income, lowest unemployment rate for women and minorities since records were kept, less government dependents, not only one, but several vaccines produced in record time, and all along you were bashing Trump and the Republicans.


Don't bother me with any more of your childish shit. You're going on Ignore. :fu:

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

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