Pelosi demanded that the salon apologize to her! (THERE AREN'T ENOUGH THREADS ON THIS!)

"Erica Kious, a single mother and owner of eSalon in San Francisco was railroaded by Nancy Pelosi this week after she released security footage showing a maskless Pelosi getting her hair done in her shuttered salon.

Kious is now a target of death threats and will have to relocate her business."\


We know Pelosi is an entitled hypocrite. But, for her to throw to the wolves the salon owner she imposed her political influence on---to get some proletarian to wash her fucking hair---against rules she supports in public for us little people----it has to be too much, even for half-wit Bolsheviks.

The world is strange right now. For this Bitch not to be EXPELLED from further public service for unadulterated hypocrisy---is amazing, and to have her blame one of the poor working Americans is just beyond toleration.


Do you REALLY think Ivanka and Melania have been cutting their own hair?
Think Ivanka is ordering her blonde bleach from Amazon and doing it herself?
Do you really think Donald is touching up his own gray roots.
LOL, idiot.

Do they live in commiefornia?

Nancy Antoinette.

Nobody deserves this awful exposure more than this craven crooked cheating old harridan. For her to come out and blame that Salon Owner--and effectively put her out of business----for exposing her as the horrible hypocrite she is makes me so angry.

"Pelosi has refused to take responsibility for her actions, claiming ignorance and concluding that she was “set up” by the salon, and demanding an apology."

Damn Nancy Antoinette.

A GoFundMe campaign set up to help the owner of the salon visited by Nancy Pelosi has raised more than $115,000 in just 24 hours.


GO FUND ME IS UP TO $178,000. Good for Sane America!
Yanno, even I think that Pelosi is screwing the pooch on this one. She should just admit that yeah, she did it, as it's caught on tape. And no, she wasn't set up. Those security cameras had been there for over 5 years.

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