Pelosi Brags About Blocking Funding that Would Save Millions of American Jobs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the House wouldn’t be meeting again until May 4, “absent an emergency.”

“I congratulate the Senate Democrats” for objecting to $250 billion in small business"
-Nancy Pelosi

Here’s the thing. That doesn’t fly. You want to push other things? Make another bill. There was nothing to object to in this bill. If you’re holding it up, it just means you’re trying to use suffering Americans as hostages to get your agenda passed. That’s just shameful. It’s the same thing she did in holding up the original bill for a week to push crazy Democratic agenda items that had nothing to do with virus relief.

She’s not going to lose her job or be thrown out of her luxurious home.

These are the same people attacking President Donald Trump while they are in fact the ones delaying action?"

Joe Biden led the attacks on the President for imposing the travel ban, calling him a Xenophobe for doing it....before declaring it was the right thing to do. House Speaker Pelosi accused the President of 'fear-mongering' while telling Americans to go about their normal lives, herding in great numbers, defecating on Ca sidewalks, and coming to China Town.

Pelosi voided her promise not to proceed with Impeachment unless she had undeniable evidence and bipartisanship to lead an admitted House Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses...then waiting weeks to grog-march the Impeachment to the Senate where it was soundly she knew it would be.

During all that time wasted time she and the House never once held 1 single meeting on the growing pandemic...but she insists the President is the one who took action and when he did it was too late.

Speaker Pelosi, wrong from the beginning due to her hatred of the President and parroting China's and the WHO's lies, downplayed the seriousness of the virus, opposed the travel ban, and gave Americans advice that would only spread the virus.

Failing to act on behalf of the American people? Speaker Pelosi led the Democrat opposition that blocked initial passage of Stimulus Bill designed to help Americans / small businesses suffering from the economic impact of COVID-19. She played 'partisan politics' with people's lives in an attempt to secure funding for abortions and Democrats' 'the war on cow farts' Green New Deal - WHICHHAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19.


Pelosi praised fellow Democrats for blocking the bill to help small businesses and announced she and the House would not come back to work 'for the American' people in the midst of a national emergency until 4 MAY. Talk about 'AWOL During A Crisis'...'Doing Nothing'...

"Hopefully, everyone remembers this in November."

Amen to that....

Democrats really are asshole aren’t they? The bitch impeached Trump for holding funds from Ukraine but she’s willing to turn the screws on Americans.
I like the way her asshole buddie Stennie Hoyer says he won't come back to work until May 5 unless there's an emergency and Pelosi applauds him. AYFKM? We're in the greatest health and economic crisis in over 100 years, people are in jeopardy of losing their livelihoods and businesses forever, and those dickheads don't think this is an emergency? Democrats aren't fit to be Americans at this point.
Pelosi is doing everything she can think of to try and sabotage our nation before November....

I still believe she was trying to spread the virus in SF.....that's pure evil doesn't get any worse than's fun to watch her lose though....
I like the way her asshole buddie Stennie Hoyer says he won't come back to work until May 5 unless there's an emergency and Pelosi applauds him. AYFKM? We're in the greatest health and economic crisis in over 100 years, people are in jeopardy of losing their livelihoods and businesses forever, and those dickheads don't think this is an emergency? Democrats aren't fit to be Americans at this point.

Dimsocialist politicians can't have their vacations interrupted.
"Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the House wouldn’t be meeting again until May 4, “absent an emergency.”

“I congratulate the Senate Democrats” for objecting to $250 billion in small business"
-Nancy Pelosi

Here’s the thing. That doesn’t fly. You want to push other things? Make another bill. There was nothing to object to in this bill. If you’re holding it up, it just means you’re trying to use suffering Americans as hostages to get your agenda passed. That’s just shameful. It’s the same thing she did in holding up the original bill for a week to push crazy Democratic agenda items that had nothing to do with virus relief.

She’s not going to lose her job or be thrown out of her luxurious home.

These are the same people attacking President Donald Trump while they are in fact the ones delaying action?"

Joe Biden led the attacks on the President for imposing the travel ban, calling him a Xenophobe for doing it....before declaring it was the right thing to do. House Speaker Pelosi accused the President of 'fear-mongering' while telling Americans to go about their normal lives, herding in great numbers, defecating on Ca sidewalks, and coming to China Town.

Pelosi voided her promise not to proceed with Impeachment unless she had undeniable evidence and bipartisanship to lead an admitted House Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses...then waiting weeks to grog-march the Impeachment to the Senate where it was soundly she knew it would be.

During all that time wasted time she and the House never once held 1 single meeting on the growing pandemic...but she insists the President is the one who took action and when he did it was too late.

Speaker Pelosi, wrong from the beginning due to her hatred of the President and parroting China's and the WHO's lies, downplayed the seriousness of the virus, opposed the travel ban, and gave Americans advice that would only spread the virus.

Failing to act on behalf of the American people? Speaker Pelosi led the Democrat opposition that blocked initial passage of Stimulus Bill designed to help Americans / small businesses suffering from the economic impact of COVID-19. She played 'partisan politics' with people's lives in an attempt to secure funding for abortions and Democrats' 'the war on cow farts' Green New Deal - WHICHHAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19.


Pelosi praised fellow Democrats for blocking the bill to help small businesses and announced she and the House would not come back to work 'for the American' people in the midst of a national emergency until 4 MAY. Talk about 'AWOL During A Crisis'...'Doing Nothing'...

"Hopefully, everyone remembers this in November."

Amen to that....

Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not. Democrats wanted to help hospitals and governments who are laying people off.

Pelosi had more than enough evidence to move forward with impeachment. Republicans refused to act in a bipartisan manner.
Pelosi is doing everything she can think of to try and sabotage our nation before November....

I still believe she was trying to spread the virus in SF.....that's pure evil doesn't get any worse than's fun to watch her lose though....

Republicans are trying to do that. They have no predilection about putting people's lives at risk. Americans clearly put their health before the economy. Wisconsin is a prime example.
Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not.

Really? How much were Pelosi and the democrats willing to 'give' to reportedly get abortion funding and funding for the 'War On Cow farts' Green New Deal included in the COVID-19 Relief bill?

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