Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Markets crashing is "good news" for the Democrat Party. They think that it will get their god, Biden, the Presidency. But what they are failing to realize is that people don't blame President Trump for the coronavirus and want this matter resolved. Not extended for politics. I was talking to an African American broad on Facebook today, absolutely livid that the nail salons are closed.

Right it is congress that writes law, what fucking schools did you go to?

Pelosi was faithfully negotiating with GOP congress while Mitch went around her back to put in a crony friendly bill... Why didn't join the negotiations? Why did he undermine the process...

Even Trump asked why the $500bn is been given to Corporations with no oversight...

Finally, the GOP are the guys who FUCKED this up... Played down response, rem the HOAX,..... And you want to put them in charge now... They have shown to be incompetent from the start... Fauci spends his day correcting the bumbling President...

Democrats would rather invest the money in the people... The GOP only want socialism for corporations, people can go fuck themselves...
The GOP bill is nothing but Porkulus to Corporate America while it ignores the plight of working Americans

Corporate America provides JOBS for working Americans. If Corporate America is flat on its back, they can't do that. If the government sends Welfare Checks to working Americans, they may have money , but they don't have jobs. So, as a result, the government has to continue sending them money. I suppose that President Trump could send the Middle Class "Trump Money" and provide them with Trump Phones, but really that kind of arrangement in unsustainable.

Its better to try and get people working.

Great, you believe in Corporate Cronyism rather than Social Democracy...

GOP are the ones that went behind Dems back and introducing a bill while in negotiations with Dems. It is a political stunt in a crisis...

This is $500bn with no oversight... Trump has already expressed views to give money to Hotel and Oil industry...

This all while Hospitals are not getting the money they asked for...

GOP are using there mishandling of a health crisis as a reason for crony corporate handout.

The hotel biz is really suffering as people aren't traveling. Guys like the tremendous Sheldon Adelson are taking it on the chin big time.

Mr. Adelson didn't start the coronavirus thing, but he is really suffering hugely. Shouldn't this proud senior citizen, and his old lady who is the proud recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, be reduced to poverty?

Well he did give $112m to the GOP and Trump.. Crony Capitalism, paying him back with Taxpayers money...
Sheldon is worth $14bn, this crisis could cost him a billion dollars... How could he survive...

When does it just become bribery?

Since when are campaign contributions considered "bribery"?
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Markets crashing is "good news" for the Democrat Party. They think that it will get their god, Biden, the Presidency. But what they are failing to realize is that people don't blame President Trump for the coronavirus and want this matter resolved. Not extended for politics. I was talking to an African American broad on Facebook today, absolutely livid that the nail salons are closed.

Right it is congress that writes law, what fucking schools did you go to?

Pelosi was faithfully negotiating with GOP congress while Mitch went around her back to put in a crony friendly bill... Why didn't join the negotiations? Why did he undermine the process...

Even Trump asked why the $500bn is been given to Corporations with no oversight...

Finally, the GOP are the guys who FUCKED this up... Played down response, rem the HOAX,..... And you want to put them in charge now... They have shown to be incompetent from the start... Fauci spends his day correcting the bumbling President...

Democrats would rather invest the money in the people... The GOP only want socialism for corporations, people can go fuck themselves...
The GOP bill is nothing but Porkulus to Corporate America while it ignores the plight of working Americans

Corporate America provides JOBS for working Americans. If Corporate America is flat on its back, they can't do that. If the government sends Welfare Checks to working Americans, they may have money , but they don't have jobs. So, as a result, the government has to continue sending them money. I suppose that President Trump could send the Middle Class "Trump Money" and provide them with Trump Phones, but really that kind of arrangement in unsustainable.

Its better to try and get people working.

PEOPLE need to eat, have a roof over their head
It is people getting the virus

Corporations will take care of themselves
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Markets crashing is "good news" for the Democrat Party. They think that it will get their god, Biden, the Presidency. But what they are failing to realize is that people don't blame President Trump for the coronavirus and want this matter resolved. Not extended for politics. I was talking to an African American broad on Facebook today, absolutely livid that the nail salons are closed.

Right it is congress that writes law, what fucking schools did you go to?

Pelosi was faithfully negotiating with GOP congress while Mitch went around her back to put in a crony friendly bill... Why didn't join the negotiations? Why did he undermine the process...

Even Trump asked why the $500bn is been given to Corporations with no oversight...

Finally, the GOP are the guys who FUCKED this up... Played down response, rem the HOAX,..... And you want to put them in charge now... They have shown to be incompetent from the start... Fauci spends his day correcting the bumbling President...

Democrats would rather invest the money in the people... The GOP only want socialism for corporations, people can go fuck themselves...
The GOP bill is nothing but Porkulus to Corporate America while it ignores the plight of working Americans

Corporate America provides JOBS for working Americans. If Corporate America is flat on its back, they can't do that. If the government sends Welfare Checks to working Americans, they may have money , but they don't have jobs. So, as a result, the government has to continue sending them money. I suppose that President Trump could send the Middle Class "Trump Money" and provide them with Trump Phones, but really that kind of arrangement in unsustainable.

Its better to try and get people working.

PEOPLE need to eat, have a roof over their head
It is people getting the virus

Corporations will take care of themselves

If corporations are *unable* to take care of themselves, then they are unable to hire people and the employees are forced to rely on Welfare checks. Ditto with the owners of the corporation, who are people too.
After the the Gov't yelled TARP......they hooked up their buddies.............with the money...............The Too Big to Fail Banks said they didn't need the bail out in they went to the Back Door of the Federal Reserve and got Trillions.

Took a Supreme Court Victory to force disclosure of it................and then hardly a peep from the Media............Imagine that.

What is needed.........unemployment for a people don't lose everything like last time.........small business affected........and ONLY EFFECTED industries within reason.

That and little other needs to be in this bill.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
H1N1 is an influenza virus. You’re confused.
If you get a wind mill out of this, perhaps it will blow the virus of your property?
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
H1N1 is an influenza virus. You’re confused.
It's not the same as the common flu virus, that's why there are two distinct numbers for deaths. You got caught cheating. Typical leftist asswipe liar.
What's really going on.........started at what 750 billion.....then a Trillion ...then 1.8 Trillion........and now 2 Trillion.

When will the bidding stop 3 Trillion.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

I've got a solution to this whole problem. We'll give every corporation a $1200 check, and a $500 billion relief fund to the American people. It will be distributed in secret by Nancy Pelosi, and she will promise not to use it for buy backs from corporate donors, and cross our herat, hope to die, none of it will be used for campaign contributions.

The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

I've got a solution to this whole problem. We'll give every corporation a $1200 check, and a $500 billion relief fund to the American people. It will be distributed in secret by Nancy Pelosi, and she will promise not to use it for buy backs from corporate donors, and cross our herat, hope to die, none of it will be used for campaign contributions.


It will help more if it goes to the people
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
H1N1 is an influenza virus. You’re confused.
It's not the same as the common flu virus, that's why there are two distinct numbers for deaths. You got caught cheating. Typical leftist asswipe liar.
Incorrect. H1N1 was just one of many influenza viruses.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
H1N1 is an influenza virus. You’re confused.
It's not the same as the common flu virus, that's why there are two distinct numbers for deaths. You got caught cheating. Typical leftist asswipe liar.
Incorrect. H1N1 was just one of many influenza viruses.
Move on. Pitiful.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

Markets crashing is "good news" for the Democrat Party. They think that it will get their god, Biden, the Presidency. But what they are failing to realize is that people don't blame President Trump for the coronavirus and want this matter resolved. Not extended for politics. I was talking to an African American broad on Facebook today, absolutely livid that the nail salons are closed.

Right it is congress that writes law, what fucking schools did you go to?

Pelosi was faithfully negotiating with GOP congress while Mitch went around her back to put in a crony friendly bill... Why didn't join the negotiations? Why did he undermine the process...

Even Trump asked why the $500bn is been given to Corporations with no oversight...

Finally, the GOP are the guys who FUCKED this up... Played down response, rem the HOAX,..... And you want to put them in charge now... They have shown to be incompetent from the start... Fauci spends his day correcting the bumbling President...

Democrats would rather invest the money in the people... The GOP only want socialism for corporations, people can go fuck themselves...
The GOP bill is nothing but Porkulus to Corporate America while it ignores the plight of working Americans

Corporate America provides JOBS for working Americans. If Corporate America is flat on its back, they can't do that. If the government sends Welfare Checks to working Americans, they may have money , but they don't have jobs. So, as a result, the government has to continue sending them money. I suppose that President Trump could send the Middle Class "Trump Money" and provide them with Trump Phones, but really that kind of arrangement in unsustainable.

Its better to try and get people working.

Great, you believe in Corporate Cronyism rather than Social Democracy...

GOP are the ones that went behind Dems back and introducing a bill while in negotiations with Dems. It is a political stunt in a crisis...

This is $500bn with no oversight... Trump has already expressed views to give money to Hotel and Oil industry...

This all while Hospitals are not getting the money they asked for...

GOP are using there mishandling of a health crisis as a reason for crony corporate handout.

The hotel biz is really suffering as people aren't traveling. Guys like the tremendous Sheldon Adelson are taking it on the chin big time.

Mr. Adelson didn't start the coronavirus thing, but he is really suffering hugely. Shouldn't this proud senior citizen, and his old lady who is the proud recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, be reduced to poverty?

Well he did give $112m to the GOP and Trump.. Crony Capitalism, paying him back with Taxpayers money...
Sheldon is worth $14bn, this crisis could cost him a billion dollars... How could he survive...

When does it just become bribery?

Since when are campaign contributions considered "bribery"?

to try to make someone do something for you by giving them money, presents, or something else that they want :

It is legalised bribery, but bribery all the same..
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.
And Obama totally failed with the H1N1 virus compared to Trump.
I don’t know. Obama didn’t need a $2 trillion stimulus to deal with H1N1. Did he?
Correct. He didn't do shit. He was leading from behind. That's why thousands of Americans died.

Thousands of Americans die every year from influenza. Are you blaming him for not shutting down the economy?
Are you blaming Trump for saving lives?

I said nothing of the sort. Are you blaming Obama for not shutting down the economy?
Nope, I'm blaming Obungo for doing nothing and being responsible for over 12,000 American deaths.

Hells bells man, 34,000 people died of Influenza last year and Trump did nothing, so he’s responsible for way worse, then isn’t he?
More than that died from the flu when Obungo was President. You're hilarious
34000 > 12000 is it not?
You're confused.

Not really. You’re saying Obama failed to do anything about 12000 flu deaths in 2009 but can’t seem to say the same about 34000 flu deaths in 2018.

Why don’t you care?
You're confused. You've confused the H1N1 death numbers with influenza numbers. Try again.
H1N1 is an influenza virus. You’re confused.
It's not the same as the common flu virus, that's why there are two distinct numbers for deaths. You got caught cheating. Typical leftist asswipe liar.
Incorrect. H1N1 was just one of many influenza viruses.
Move on. Pitiful.
Im just trying to educate you. You didn’t know that H1N1 was influenza. It happens.
The bill created with bipartisan support in the senate, with many concessions made by the GOP, was shot down as Nancy Pelosi (a congresswoman not a senator) stepped in last minute with a list of demands. The bill promised 1.8 trillion in relief to individual families with a 3,000$ check, 500 billion to financially aid states and cities in need, and support for business loosing money that have been forced to shut down.

The democrat Party needs to be treated as domestic terrorists. I knew they were working with the Soros and the ChiComs to destroy America. Soros is shorting the markets and he's using his democrat Party to drive down the DOW.

Show that Soros is in contact with his democrats and you can charge them all under RICO

Arrest every fucking democrat politician NOW!
And I'm really sure you fully trust in Mnucin, the mortgage Red Line King.

This is the kind of crooked shit the Democrats are trying to block.

Trump businesses employ thousands of people. If a Trump business is effected by the pandemic, why wouldn't those businesses be able to get help like any other? Appoint an IG to oversee any participation by a Trump business. But, by what right does the Govt have to take punitive actions against Trump's business or any other if they meet the eligibility guidelines? In the future, would a President from the private sector have to agree that any business they own would be exempt from any Govt help during a National Emergency? It doesn't make sense to me. Strict oversight of course. But, otherwise, it seems kind of crazy when employees and families work and support themselves in many of these businesses.
"It doesn't make sense to me."
Makes a HUGE amount of sense. I sure remember Fat Donnie shouting out "pay for play" as a Bad Thing while he campaigned for office. Was he lying, or just talking shit about someone else?
What is wrong with this ding-dong? What do Obamaphones have to do with combating this crisis?

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