Pelosi accuses Republicans of being racist


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Pelosi suggests Republicans not acting on immigration because of race ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) - House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi suggested House Republicans were blocking action on immigration reform because of racial issues.

"I think race has something to do with the fact that they're not bringing up an immigration bill," Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference Thursday.

Referring to GOP members, Pelosi added, "I've heard them say to the Irish, 'If it was just you, this would be easy.'"
When will she fucking shrivel up and fucking go away. Her and Boxer, Feinstein, Capps, Reid, Durbin, and all of the other shameless self enriching bastards of the left. And they can take with them their fucking uneducated know nothings that vote for them.
Good Job Nancy! Way to expose the Tea Party/GOP for what they really are. This will be a golden opportunity for the mainstream GOP to take out the white-trash!
Pelosi suggests Republicans not acting on immigration because of race ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) - House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi suggested House Republicans were blocking action on immigration reform because of racial issues.

"I think race has something to do with the fact that they're not bringing up an immigration bill," Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference Thursday.

Referring to GOP members, Pelosi added, "I've heard them say to the Irish, 'If it was just you, this would be easy.'"

Oh please. Why wasn't this an issue when she supposedly heard it? Not to mention I suppose she forgot about the Black Irish. Everyone from Ireland mixed with Africans, Iberians to Spaniards, giving the Black Irish a skin tone which is not the red hair, fair skin tone. Come on Nancy, name 'them', instead of throwing out BS.
Yes, we need high-level propagandists to *expose* Republican/Tea Party racism......because otherwise, there's zero evidence it exists.

Democrats are hard core racists, and always have been. They DEPEND upon the stupidity of black, female, and other minority voters, and work hard to keep those groups ignorant of reality, and carefully brainwashed in all the precepts of progressivism.
Good Job Nancy! Way to expose the Tea Party/GOP for what they really are. This will be a golden opportunity for the mainstream GOP to take out the white-trash!

( emphasis added)

Now you're showing your nasty side throwing derogatory terms and racial epithets around. Funny how your only racist if speaking negatively about any other race than white people.
CaféAuLait;8914712 said:
Good Job Nancy! Way to expose the Tea Party/GOP for what they really are. This will be a golden opportunity for the mainstream GOP to take out the white-trash!

( emphasis added)

Now you're showing your nasty side throwing derogatory terms and racial epithets around. Funny how your only racist if speaking negatively about any other race than white people.

He hates American culture that was mostly built by whites. He calls anyone that defends it white trash!!! :eusa_boohoo:
Every time I hear the we Liberals are so much smarter then Republicans go on and on about
Immigration reform it seems they are saying.

We need to fix things because we were wrong in our immigration policies.
Why were we against people coming across the border illegally when they did it out of "love".
We are the ones that made all the mistakes.

Well I agree we did...
We didn't secure our southern border effectively.
We didn't follow up on people who had Visas that expired and the people stayed in this country after that.

And we did the Ammnesty thing with the understanding that the border will be better secured...

Now here we go again.
Another ammnesty plan.
Yes, we need high-level propagandists to *expose* Republican/Tea Party racism......because otherwise, there's zero evidence it exists.

Democrats are hard core racists, and always have been. They DEPEND upon the stupidity of black, female, and other minority voters, and work hard to keep those groups ignorant of reality, and carefully brainwashed in all the precepts of progressivism.

We don't need anyone to "expose" right wing, particularly teabagger, racism.

It's obvious.
Yes, we need high-level propagandists to *expose* Republican/Tea Party racism......because otherwise, there's zero evidence it exists.

Democrats are hard core racists, and always have been. They DEPEND upon the stupidity of black, female, and other minority voters, and work hard to keep those groups ignorant of reality, and carefully brainwashed in all the precepts of progressivism.

We don't need anyone to "expose" right wing, particularly teabagger, racism.

It's obvious.


racism = protecting American culture from extermination through integration of the rest of the world. Do you realize that most of the world is super poor and have different customs?

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