Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.

You can spot a defender a mile away, they usually go on about age of consent
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.

Well Pedo's dont count and I have yet to see one link or statement that shows this to be true. I said that on page one...7 pages later and you're still saying SOMEONE SOMEWHERE wants this.

Its like saying someone somewhere wants to make Furries normal by quoting other retarded Furries. They may be some but that number is so small its irrelevant.

Now if you are saying someone seeks to make it LEGAL then those people should be beat within a inch of their life. But you'll find that those people are also most likely pedo's too
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.
I would expect murderers and their defenders look for excuses too. As to thieves and their defenders. So, why would you take what criminals say as serious excuses?
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.

You can spot a defender a mile away, they usually go on about age of consent
I think the age of consent should be no lower than 18. Oh dear.....I just went on about the age of consent.
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Yes they did and yes they are. they arent silly. Go find anyone who is trying to make pedophilia normal and I'm betting they couldnt fill an elevator. So take a breath and stop cowering from your own strawman
Again, the American Psychiatric Association (more than an elevator-full, I'd bet) beg to differ.
But none of this would compare to the final insult the universe would deal me. I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires. It’s a curse of the first order, a completely unworkable sexuality, and it’s mine. Who am I? Nice to meet you. My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile.

Oh woe is me I was born liking little kids in a sexual manner! Hmm where have we heard this crap before? I was born liking other guys or like other girls! BULLSHIT!
They already use the accepted buzz word "sexual orientation". Go figure...
wonder when he'll check in here

The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Yes they did and yes they are. they arent silly. Go find anyone who is trying to make pedophilia normal and I'm betting they couldnt fill an elevator. So take a breath and stop cowering from your own strawman
Again, the American Psychiatric Association (more than an elevator-full, I'd bet) beg to differ.

Well thats a simple bet to find out.

A news release sent Oct. 30 on behalf of the American Family Association mischaracterized the position of the American Psychological Association with respect to pedophilia. The American Psychological Association does not classify mental disorders or publish the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, as the release incorrectly stated.

The American Psychological Association maintains that pedophilia is a mental disorder; that sex between adults and children is always wrong; and that acting on pedophilic impulses is and should be a criminal act. The American Psychological Association has worked for many years to prevent child sexual abuse and will continue to do so.

Womp Womp, Try again. Where do I pick up my cash winnings?
wonder when he'll check in here

The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.

You can spot a defender a mile away, they usually go on about age of consent
I think the age of consent should be no lower than 18. Oh dear.....I just went on about the age of consent.

Meh, you're always going on about something...your problem is I could care less
But none of this would compare to the final insult the universe would deal me. I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires. It’s a curse of the first order, a completely unworkable sexuality, and it’s mine. Who am I? Nice to meet you. My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile.

Oh woe is me I was born liking little kids in a sexual manner! Hmm where have we heard this crap before? I was born liking other guys or like other girls! BULLSHIT!
They already use the accepted buzz word "sexual orientation". Go figure...

They who? The only people who has used that word are people trying to create an alternate reality.
But none of this would compare to the final insult the universe would deal me. I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires. It’s a curse of the first order, a completely unworkable sexuality, and it’s mine. Who am I? Nice to meet you. My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile.

Oh woe is me I was born liking little kids in a sexual manner! Hmm where have we heard this crap before? I was born liking other guys or like other girls! BULLSHIT!
They already use the accepted buzz word "sexual orientation". Go figure...
They do. And that won't help them at all.....except maybe with the crowd who can't distinguish between hurting a child and what goes on between consenting adults.
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.

You can spot a defender a mile away, they usually go on about age of consent
I think the age of consent should be no lower than 18. Oh dear.....I just went on about the age of consent.

Meh, you're always going on about something...your problem is I could care less
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post to indicate you could care less. :D
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.
I would expect murderers and their defenders look for excuses too. As to thieves and their defenders. So, why would you take what criminals say as serious excuses?
When illegal, criminal, law-breaking invaders are given a pass because "they're only looking for a better life", I would hope that in the liberal sense of "fairness", thieves are given the same type of pass because, after all, they are only trying to improve their lives. Maybe a one time get-out-of-jail-free pass for everyone?
'An openly gay man was appointed head of the Army..."

--- CLOSEDCAPTION: "It wasnt liberals who did that...Society did that. You are free to fight it but you didnt..."

NO, actually it was OBAMA who did that..... After this I just ignored what you had to say, figuring it was equally as wrong.

Of course you did, how did Obama do it against the will of the people?
When has Obama given a rats azz about the will of the people? Only his will counts, and what he's done is his will. F**k those pesky "people"! Who the hell are they, anyways?
wonder when he'll check in here

The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

Again, no....No one said the same thing about Homosexuality. And no one is saying that about Pedophiles.
Pedophiles and their defenders are saying it.
I would expect murderers and their defenders look for excuses too. As to thieves and their defenders. So, why would you take what criminals say as serious excuses?
When illegal, criminal, law-breaking invaders are given a pass because "they're only looking for a better life", I would hope that in the liberal sense of "fairness", thieves are given the same type of pass because, after all, they are only trying to improve their lives. Maybe a one time get-out-of-jail-free pass for everyone?

why would you take what criminals say as serious excuses?
Hey this Meth head said using Meth makes him feel godlike.

OP's response: People think Meth heads are god!!
Ok, has anyone heard anyone say its normal like the OP said tho? We're still talking about that arent we?

Actually YES. Media reports have come out reporting how military personnel were told that the act was 'normal' and a 'normal part of this culture'. I do not think those who may have said this actually MEANT to say that the act is 'normal' but rather actually meant to say that such behavior is TYPICAL or ROUTINE for this culture...big difference; however ' words matter'...choose them carefully!
Does that make it right? Someone here is pushing the concept of protecting children from predators, I agree. Just because some "culture" accepts such practices as routine, or "normal" does not make them right. The same culture also encourages female genital mutilation, murder of people who do not follow your religious tenets, wiping your ass with you hand, etc. How would you feel if such normal cultural practices were to become the norm in this country?
Ok, has anyone heard anyone say its normal like the OP said tho? We're still talking about that arent we?

Actually YES. Media reports have come out reporting how military personnel were told that the act was 'normal' and a 'normal part of this culture'. I do not think those who may have said this actually MEANT to say that the act is 'normal' but rather actually meant to say that such behavior is TYPICAL or ROUTINE for this culture...big difference; however ' words matter'...choose them carefully!
Does that make it right?

Does his made up story make it right? um, no
Some pervert ever touches one of ours I will take my chances with a it
I felt the same way when ours were growing up.

Pedos have been pushing for acceptance as being normal for a long time. They are not normal.
Nothing new. The American Psychiatric Institute published a paper several years ago defending "minor attracted persons" as having a normal sexual attraction and calling for pedophilia to be de-stigmatized and eliminated from psychiatric diagnosis texts as a mental disorder. (I'd post the link by am having some difficulty, google it.)
I recall something about this.

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