Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

You're all a bunch of kooks. Homosexuality is acceptable because it requires to consenting individuals. A pedophile cannot act on his urges because he cannot legally gain the consent of another person, because the person he wants to act upon is not yet of age. There is something seriously wrong with those of you who do not understand this and insist that pedophiles will legally be permitted to act on their sexual urges in the future. You are dumber than rocks apparently.
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.

No chance. Not like it's never come up before.

If it were legalized in like The Netherlands, I'd reassess (already give 12 year-olds the right to choose euthanasia.) But the US would never be first to fundamentally change sex-related legislation. Pedophilia is afterall the adult sexual attraction to children under age 12. I can't imagine anyone anywhere making that legal. Holland tried years back and failed. While that might be cause for monitoring whatever lobby-movement exists for it, it's not like indicative of occuring or some groundswell thing.

I'd expect a significant revamping or uniformity to the 50 different age of consent laws, but you're not going to see us going backwards to classical Greek thinking re: pedophilia. Of course, if Islam gains power in the US, or a majority all bets are off. Not saying they're pedophilies but...
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Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.

No chance. Not like it's never come up before.

If it were legalized in like The Netherlands, I'd reassess (already give 12 year-olds the right to choose euthanasia.) But the US would never be first to fundamentally change sex-related legislation. Pedophilia is afterall [sic] the adult sexual attraction to children under age 12. I can't imagine anyone anywhere making that legal. Holland tried years back and failed. While that might be cause for monitoring whatever lobby-movement exists for it, it's not like indicative of occuring [sic] or some groundswell thing.

I'd expect a significant revamping or uniformity to the 50 different age of consent laws, but you're not going to see us going backwards to classical Greek thinking re: pedophilia. Of course, if Islam gains power in the US, or a majority all bets are off. Not saying they're pedophilies but...

A generation ago, we wouldn't have anticipated that the would be such a strong and successful movement to redefine and degrade marriage by recognizing a sick homosexual mockery of it as being at all comparable to genuine marriage; much less that the force of law would be abused to punish merchants for refusing to participate in and support this mockery. But here we are, and it is happening.

A generation ago, I don't think anyone would have anticipated that the day would come when a creepy perverted men could claim to “identify” as a woman, and on that basis, be allowed unfettered access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, but now that's happening.

Back when Bruce Jenner was becoming famous as an Olympic athlete, who could have imagined that one day, he would announce that he thinks he's really a woman, and that people would praise him for being “courageous” and “beautiful”?

And what about this poor child—a young boy, in the clutches of a pair of misandristic homosexual female “parents” who have brainwashed him into thinking that growing up to be a man would be horrible,and are having him receive hormone blockers to intentionally stunt his growth and development, in order to facilitate the sex-change procedures that they intend for him to undergo at a later time? A generation ago, this would have been rightfully recognized for all of what it is, these two women would probably be in jail, and any medical professionals who willfully had anything to do with it would have had their licenses revoked, at the least.

It's really a very, very small leap from that last example, to simply determining that children do have the “right” to consent to sexual relations, and that adults have a “right” to pursue such relations with any child who so “consents”.

Based on the sickness, madness,and outright evil that is gaining so much ground these days in our culture, I think it is pure folly to assume that anything, such as outright child molestation, isn't going to gain the same degree of acceptance that other previously-unthinkable perversions have now gained.
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Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.

No chance. Not like it's never come up before.

If it were legalized in like The Netherlands, I'd reassess (already give 12 year-olds the right to choose euthanasia.) But the US would never be first to fundamentally change sex-related legislation. Pedophilia is afterall [sic] the adult sexual attraction to children under age 12. I can't imagine anyone anywhere making that legal. Holland tried years back and failed. While that might be cause for monitoring whatever lobby-movement exists for it, it's not like indicative of occuring [sic] or some groundswell thing.

I'd expect a significant revamping or uniformity to the 50 different age of consent laws, but you're not going to see us going backwards to classical Greek thinking re: pedophilia. Of course, if Islam gains power in the US, or a majority all bets are off. Not saying they're pedophilies but...

A generation ago, we wouldn't have anticipated that the would be such a strong and successful movement to redefine and degrade marriage by recognizing a sick homosexual mockery of it as being at all comparable to genuine marriage; much less that the force of law would be abused to punish merchants for refusing to participate in and support this mockery. But here we are, and it is happening.

A generation ago, I don't think anyone would have anticipated that the day would come when a creepy perverted men could claim to “identify” as a woman, and on that basis, be allowed unfettered access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, but now that's happening.

Back when Bruce Jenner was becoming famous as an Olympic athlete, who could have imagined that one day, he would announce that he thinks he's really a woman, and that people would praise him for being “courageous” and “beautiful”?

And what about this poor child—a young boy, in the clutches of a pair of misandristic homosexual female “parents” who have brainwashed him into thinking that growing up to be a man would be horrible,and are having him receive hormone blockers to intentionally stunt his growth and development, in order to facilitate the sex-change procedures that they intend for him to undergo at a later time? A generation ago, this would have been rightfully recognized for all of what it is, these two women would probably be in jail, and any medical professionals who willfully had anything to do with it would have had their licenses revoked, at the least.

It's really a very, very small leap from that last example, to simply determining that children do have the “right” to consent to sexual relations, and that adults have a “right” to pursue such relations with any child who so “consents”.

Based on the sickness, madness,and outright evil that is gaining so much ground these days in our culture, I think it is pure folly to assume that anything, such as outright child molestation, isn't going to gain the same degree of acceptance that other previously-unthinkable perversions have now gained.

Gay marriage was a right they should have had all along since there's no civil reason to have had it forbidden. Pedophilic relationships are another thing entirely. There's no psychological or sociological reason a child who hasn't even hit puberty yet will be interested in sexual relationships with adults. That's all the adult projecting their fantasies and miscommunications onto children. So no slippery slope logic works. Things that should be legal and have legal and logical backing sure, things seen in less than 1% of the population and one-sided no.
wonder when he'll check in here
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”. | Fire Breathing Christian

10 years max and the SC will rule on this. Then we will have parents thrown in prison for killing pedophiles.


The lies of the right
They said same thing about homosexuality....see where we are now...and the pedophile crap is starting the same way...claiming they are normal etc etc.

You're all a bunch of kooks. Homosexuality is acceptable because it requires to consenting individuals. A pedophile cannot act on his urges because he cannot legally gain the consent of another person, because the person he wants to act upon is not yet of age. There is something seriously wrong with those of you who do not understand this and insist that pedophiles will legally be permitted to act on their sexual urges in the future. You are dumber than rocks apparently.

every time you point this out to them they say "thats not the point" lmao
Based on the sickness, madness,and outright evil that is gaining so much ground these days in our culture, I think it is pure folly to assume that anything, such as outright child molestation, isn't going to gain the same degree of acceptance that other previously-unthinkable perversions have now gained.

Gay marriage was a right they should have had all along since there's no civil reason to have had it forbidden. Pedophilic relationships are another thing entirely. There's no psychological or sociological reason a child who hasn't even hit puberty yet will be interested in sexual relationships with adults. That's all the adult projecting their fantasies and miscommunications onto children. So no slippery slope logic works. Things that should be legal and have legal and logical backing sure, things seen in less than 1% of the population and one-sided no.

The “slippery slope” is not always a fallacy—certainly not when it can be observed to have been in motion for some time, and when it can be observed to be currently in motion; it is a fallacy to assume that it will suddenly stop where it currently is.
Pedophiles are far less than 1% of a sample population. Yet people's willingness to talk about it is considerably more. Am wondering why. Is it simply 'trainwreck syndrome?'

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