Peace Democrats

That was dumb. You keep flopping like a fish... I'm still trying to figure out anti gentilism. That was utterly stupid
anti = against
Gentile = not Jewish

I’ll check back in a couple months to see if you’ve figured it out yet.
Oppenheimer didn’t order the bomb dropped. But the truth is that very few understood the horrific power of the weapons. For a vast majority who knew of the bomb, it was just a bigger more powerful weapon. It wasn’t anything unique or otherwise game changing. It was just a really powerful bomb.

And it followed that explosives had been getting more powerful. First was black powder. Then modern gunpowder with nitrates added to the basic formula of Black Powder. Then nitroglycerin. Then dynamite. Then TNT. Composition B. Plastic Explosives. Then Atomic Explosives.

It seemed like a rational and normal progression to the minds of the era. And like children, they had to be burned by the hot frying pan on the stove to learn what it was like.

Oppenheimer realized that while the scientists understood how awful the weapon would be, the politicians and military people never would. He endorsed the dropping of the bomb because there was no way to stop it, and only by agreeing could he stay in the discussion about the future of the Bomb.

Look what happened when he opposed the development of the Hydrogen Bomb. He was called a Communist and a security risk.
The mass incineration of civilians thrilled Oppenheimer.

“At an August 6 assembly at Los Alamos, the evening of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Oppenheimer took to the stage and clasped his hands together "like a prize-winning boxer" while the crowd cheered.”

How about "a distinction without a difference?"
They Laugh at Anyone Who Parrots Their Made-Up Grammar

You're so stuck on the required misconception that the media at least know "educated" English that you intentionally misunderstand the true meaning of oxymoron, which is practically the opposite of the way your media use it. If you continue under their spell, I expect you'll say, "practically opposite is a distinction without a difference."

I've seen many other cases of their ignorance of what was said before these know-it-all know-nothings took over our language.
They Laugh at Anyone Who Parrots Their Made-Up Grammar

You're so stuck on the required misconception that the media at least know "educated" English that you intentionally misunderstand the true meaning of oxymoron, which is practically the opposite of the way your media use it. If you continue under their spell, I expect you'll say, "practically opposite is a distinction without a difference."

I've seen many other cases of their ignorance of what was said before these know-it-all know-nothings took over our language.
You stated anti gentilism, a few have pointed out to you it's made up. Don't worry about me, I certainly couldn't care less about you
There is no discrimination against Gentiles? You can’t possibly believe that.

You may be dishonest about some things, but you do appear to be sassy.
There is no discrimination against Gentiles? You can’t possibly believe that.

You may be dishonest about some things, but you do appear to be sassy.
I am fascinated. Can you provide details on the "discrimination against
Gentiles" ?
I am fascinated. Can you provide details on the "discrimination against
Gentiles" ?
I already have. You can’t absorb the information.

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I already have. You can’t absorb the information.

those ^^^^ are your examples of "discrimination against Gentiles"?----none qualify in any way. Did you pass grammar school?
those ^^^^ are your examples of "discrimination against Gentiles"?----none qualify in any way. Did you pass grammar school?
Do you think maybe mass murder of those you perceive as enemies of your ethnic group might be considered discriminatory?
Do you think maybe mass murder of those you perceive as enemies of your ethnic group might be considered discriminatory?
christian "antijapism? how about christian "antinativeamericanism"?
etc etc etc
christian "antijapism? how about christian "antinativeamericanism"?
etc etc etc
Members of a certain ethnic group were eager to see Japanese and Americans die.

I already told you. He’s a racist bigot quota beneficiary. Under-qualified and neo-segregationist.

Maybe you both would agree on the Ukraine War. Or on government surveillance.

Yeah, they just might agree, but it doesn't matter . . . Cornell is an agent of the Deep State, he is a progressive Gate Keeper.

Jimmy Dore TRIED to unite folks on issues like those in their conversation, but West would not listen to reason, he wanted to focus on race first, that is no way to run a campaign.

Go listen and watch Dore's interviews and conversations with West, he wanted to support him . . it is clear, West either doesn't know what he is doing, or is a plant by the establishment.

RoshawnMarkwees has West's true measure. Listen to him.

Tucker Calls Out The Problem With Cornel West!​

identy poltics.jpeg
Thousands of children were murdered by Israel?

You'll need a link

Links are useless to a human in denial. He refuses to confront facts that contradict his world view.

Ample evidence exists (to the curious person) showing the ongoing genocide INCLUDING CHILDREN in Gaza.

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