Pay Your Debts Snowflakes- Student Loans Just Got A Lot More Expensive


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Gee, wonder why?

They learned from their deadbeat parents who signed up for home loans only cry foul later and expect handouts.

Who says you have to pay debts you sign in your name?


Snowflakes looking to take out massive student loans for next year to fund the $50,000 price tag of their liberal bastion of choice, and maybe the occasional binge-drinking trip to Cancun for Spring Break, are about to get a little price hike. But, don't worry, you won't have to start paying on those loans for at least 4 years.

Beginning in July, interest rates on new federal student loans are set to rise by 0.69%, per data published by the Treasury, which would drive the interest cost of new undergraduate loans up to 4.45% from 3.76% for the academic year ending in June, a nearly 20% increase off an historically low base. Meanwhile, rates on some graduate loans are set to rise from 5.31% to 6% and rates on loans to parents and guardians are due to jump from 6.31% to 7%. As an example, the cost of a $10,000 loan would increase by about $400, according to an online calculator maintained by

Of course, these higher borrowing costs shouldn't be that big of a deal as some 44 million Americans only owe $1.4 trillion on their student loans, or a modest average of only $32,000 per borrower.

Student Loans Just Got A Lot More Expensive For Our Snowflakes | Zero Hedge
And in the meantime, China, South Korea, and many other nations provide free higher education to those that can qualify and have the ambition to do the work. And now China is getting more new patents than the US. And little South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are.

Yes, real Goddamned smart for this nation to not educate it's people. You 'Conservatives' are so fucking retarded.
And in the meantime, China, South Korea, and many other nations provide free higher education to those that can qualify and have the ambition to do the work. And now China is getting more new patents than the US. And little South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are.

Yes, real Goddamned smart for this nation to not educate it's people. You 'Conservatives' are so fucking retarded.

Education is the number 1 priority in China..

And for the Asians that live in the bay area... They have bought up the homes in the areas with the best schools..basically over bidding for homes by thousands and making it hard for anyone else to buy...Yep it is already happening but these dumb asses don't see it..

Schools target Asian parental expectations – The Mercury News
From what i have heard , the USA gets all the smart foreign students no matter who pays their bills . My point is that youngsters in the USA can get the same education if they just BUY it and pay for it . FREE , FREE do all the liberal 'professors' starve and live in poor housing as they educate students for FREE OldRocks ??
And in the meantime, China, South Korea, and many other nations provide free higher education to those that can qualify and have the ambition to do the work. And now China is getting more new patents than the US. And little South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are.

Yes, real Goddamned smart for this nation to not educate it's people. You 'Conservatives' are so fucking retarded.

Two key words: that qualify

They let just anybody into college these days whether they are college material or not.

It's all about making money off of them, and if they default, taxpayers pick up the tab.

It's an outrage! :mad:
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .
Related Cost Saving!:

Nowadays, as the educational level of Chinese has increased, getting into college is no longer a remarkable achievement among the Chinese students. Instead, having a degree of an ordinary Chinese university already can’t satisfy the increasingly competitive society. Chinese parents and students have begun to place a high value on overseas education, especially at top American and European institutions such as Harvard University, Oxford University, and Cambridge University, which are "revered" among many middle-class parents.[32] Since 1999, the number of Chinese applicants to top schools overseas has increased tenfold.[32][33] Much of the interest in overseas schools has been attributed to the release of how-to parenting books such as Harvard Girl, which spawned a "national obsession" with admissions to overseas schools.[33][34] After 2005, the number of overseas students from China not only showed a growth trend, but also presented a lowering trend of age. Some of the prestige of an American higher education is the result of weaknesses in the PRC's education system, which stifles creativity in favor of rote memorization.


Kim Il Sung University, founded in October 1946, is the country's only comprehensive institution of higher education offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Its enrollment of 16,000 full- and part-time students in the early 1990s occupies, in the words of one observer, the "pinnacle of the North Korean educational and social system." Competition for admission is intense.

According to a Korean–American scholar who visited the university in the early 1980s, only one student is admitted out of every five or six applicants. An important criterion for admission is senior middle school grades, although political criteria are also major factors in selection. A person wishing to gain acceptance to any institution of higher education has to be nominated by the local "college recommendation committee" before approval by county- and provincial-level committees.

Kim Il-Sung University's colleges and faculties include economics, history, philosophy, law, foreign languages and literature, geography, physics, mathematics, chemistry, nuclear power, biology, and computer science. There are about 3,000 faculty members, including teaching and research staff. All facilities are located on a modern, high-rise campus in the northern part of P'yongyang.

Other notable universities include Kim Chaek University of Technology and the University of Natural Science, which focuses on computer science and natural science related to nuclear research.[12] Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies, trains working level diplomats and trade officials, and Kim Hyong Jik University trains teachers.

Choson Exchange, a non-profit organization founded by Harvard, Yale, Wharton School and Singaporean graduate students, also runs consulting and training programs in Finance, Business and Economics with Kim Il Sung University and the State Development Bank in North Korea.[13] Their programs target North Koreans under the age of 40 and combine OpenCourseWare materials and on-site lectures to deliver year-round training.

Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), which opened in 2010, is the country's only joint venture institute of higher learning, founded, funded and operated by Evangelical Church groups and people from both North and South Korea, as well as China and the USA. It plans to recruit around 200 Master and PhD level students annually, from both Koreas, and with half of faculty hired from universities and research institutes abroad. At this university, courses will be taught in Korean and English. In addition, the Pyongyang Business School offers short courses given by foreign lecturers.[14] It was founded by the Swiss government and helps teach students business management.[15] Another economic educational institution is the Centre for the Study of the Capitalist System, established in 2000.[16]
From what i have heard , the USA gets all the smart foreign students no matter who pays their bills . My point is that youngsters in the USA can get the same education if they just BUY it and pay for it . FREE , FREE do all the liberal 'professors' starve and live in poor housing as they educate students for FREE OldRocks ??
Not at all.

Best universities in the world

Almost 1,000 top universities feature in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-2017.

For the first time, a UK university has taken the top spot; the University of Oxford leapfrogged the California Institute of Technology to claim the highest position this year.

In total, 78 countries are represented in the ranking of 980 universities and 27 of these countries have at least one university in the top 200.

Well yes, if you have plenty of money, you can do a number of things. But I have been going to school, a State university, for several years as my work schedule allows me. I see young people holding down two jobs, coming to school dead tired, and working their asses off. And not getting the education they need because they are tired.

Assholes like you are shortchanging our nation and our children. In the meantime, other nations are going ahead of us, and your kind of thinking will relegate us to third world status.
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .
Dumb ass, I am a millwright in a steel mill, and make more than most of the professors that teach the classes that I have attended. Only the very top people make lots of money. They make good money, but most do not make a lot of money. Most make extra money by consulting services, or tutoring.
Honestly given the quality of the students being spit out of our universities, /no one/ should be paying for it heh

Business folks were bitching that they can't find anyone qualified to do jobs thanks to the hot mess our schools are in right now. We should look into revamping the whole thing top to bottom.
Honestly given the quality of the students being spit out of our universities, /no one/ should be paying for it heh

Business folks were bitching that they can't find anyone qualified to do jobs thanks to the hot mess our schools are in right now. We should look into revamping the whole thing top to bottom.
In other words, the educated people in the US hold different opinion about most things than you do. Therefore their education is deficient, not your knowledge base. LOL You have an ego as big as that of the senile old orange clown.
And in the meantime, China, South Korea, and many other nations provide free higher education to those that can qualify and have the ambition to do the work. And now China is getting more new patents than the US. And little South Korea is graduating more engineers than we are.

Yes, real Goddamned smart for this nation to not educate it's people. You 'Conservatives' are so fucking retarded.
I'm sure North Korea and china don't teach their kids that being gay is okay, or if Timmy feels like a Tammy today. Go use the girls bathroom. Liberals has been teaching liberalism instead of English, math, history, and science. Liberals are producing snowflakes graduating with knowing how to read.
Honestly given the quality of the students being spit out of our universities, /no one/ should be paying for it heh

Business folks were bitching that they can't find anyone qualified to do jobs thanks to the hot mess our schools are in right now. We should look into revamping the whole thing top to bottom.
In other words, the educated people in the US hold different opinion about most things than you do. Therefore their education is deficient, not your knowledge base. LOL You have an ego as big as that of the senile old orange clown.

All the business folks who hire people, and are the reason we send kids to school, are "idiots". Got it.
Most of those that are going to be homosexual will do so whether it is approved or not. Using that as a defense for not educating our young people is just about as stupid as it gets. After all, there have been homosexuals that had very positive contributions to this nation.
poor tired widdle babies , ready to smoke dope , drink beer and have sex though . if what you say is true , well , maybe the USA will collapse right after all the older folk like ME die . My DAD got of of the military , worked on the railroad , raised , fed and clothed 3 kids [in his and my MOMS early days] on his wage and went to school back in the late 40s OldRocks .
Gee, wonder why?

They learned from their deadbeat parents who signed up for home loans only cry foul later and expect handouts.

Who says you have to pay debts you sign in your name?


Snowflakes looking to take out massive student loans for next year to fund the $50,000 price tag of their liberal bastion of choice, and maybe the occasional binge-drinking trip to Cancun for Spring Break, are about to get a little price hike. But, don't worry, you won't have to start paying on those loans for at least 4 years.

Beginning in July, interest rates on new federal student loans are set to rise by 0.69%, per data published by the Treasury, which would drive the interest cost of new undergraduate loans up to 4.45% from 3.76% for the academic year ending in June, a nearly 20% increase off an historically low base. Meanwhile, rates on some graduate loans are set to rise from 5.31% to 6% and rates on loans to parents and guardians are due to jump from 6.31% to 7%. As an example, the cost of a $10,000 loan would increase by about $400, according to an online calculator maintained by

Of course, these higher borrowing costs shouldn't be that big of a deal as some 44 million Americans only owe $1.4 trillion on their student loans, or a modest average of only $32,000 per borrower.

Student Loans Just Got A Lot More Expensive For Our Snowflakes | Zero Hedge
If You Don't Pay Students, You Get What You Paid For

Why pay the insulting loans back at all? Students who are worth anything can go to high-skilled jobs in China and other places where their debts can't be collected. The millionaire businessmen here who mandated this class-biased indentured servitude should give the few who actually belong in college the same high allowance and paid-up tuition they gave their sons or that mandate should not be honored.
no they don't work for FREE , professors work for MONEY and they work to be paid LOTS of money OldRocks and EWings .
Dumb ass, I am a millwright in a steel mill, and make more than most of the professors that teach the classes that I have attended. Only the very top people make lots of money. They make good money, but most do not make a lot of money. Most make extra money by consulting services, or tutoring.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- point is that professors make good money and are paid by students that take out the student loans that everyone is crying about . FREE COUNTRY so If professors don't like their cushy jobs and big easy money they oughta get jobs as 'millrights' Old Rock !!

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