Pay no attention to man made climate change folks

Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)
True wisdom spoken from a total Trump Toad. You haven't argued shit.

Only response required to your usual blathering, as well as the blathering of the post I responded to.
Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)
Good for you marty. 4 comments in and you manage to post a raving political diatribe carbon dioxide.
Because he's ignorant as fuck.
And yet not one single prediction by the world is ending crowd has come true.
Who is the "end of the world crowd?" Links to the people you are referring to who predicted the world should have already ended?
10 times 'experts' predicted the world would end by now

Yup no one predicted shit right?
A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." "Could be wiped off the face of the earth." :auiqs.jpg:Do you even read what you post? The guy didn't say it would end then you idiot. Read your own shit before post up bs.
Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)
Good for you marty. 4 comments in and you manage to post a raving political diatribe carbon dioxide.
Because he's ignorant as fuck.

I understand more about climate models than you do, as well as the obvious socialist overtones of the current green movement.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Stop lying... The Arctic was once tropical

"OMG!" People, did you just read what I read from this poster? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FUCKING IGNORANT? If it was tropical dunce, it's because it was tropical and not cold. Meaning, that area wasn't the "ARCTIC" at that time period in our history. We are talking about the time period when the Arctic was the Arctic. Somebody help these people learn "something", please. My God these people are clueless.
Who cares? Lied to by politicians, entertainers and media for many decades just numbs you. You Progs have so many agendas and warnings with many being approved by law and the one both sides agreed with at one time or another for decades at the Southern border is a joke to you. By the words of your masters when the scam started near half century ago, where I live at was supposed to be under water by now. With half the state gone easily.
Your problems at the border wouldn't pass as dust in the wind compared to what we are doing to this planet. And by the way, we already know you don't care. It's who Republicans really are. They do not care for others. Just themselves and it's just in the moment.
You don't know who voted for Trump. You think it was all of the most right wing people in American history. There are not that many. My party affiliation has been Dem, Independent and Repub in my life. Getting lied to by politicians builds a knack to question their motives at some point. Those problems at the border are important for our nation. When we are poor enough there will be nothing done for your green projects. I guarantee you the poorer people will be cutting down trees and finding coal and burn them in large 55 gallon drums to survive. And then you will see massive carbon vented into the atmosphere. And spouting care does not mean a Prog that lives many miles and more from a problem living in comfort while drinking his/her expensive champagne is caring that much to tell you the truth. Its just saying the right things and keeping the barbarians at the gate.
Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)

But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me

So we sell our souls to our government betters, and reduce our living standard, while said betters continue to jet about and ignore what they preach for us proles.
Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)

But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)
True wisdom spoken from a total Trump Toad. You haven't argued shit.

Only response required to your usual blathering, as well as the blathering of the post I responded to.
Boss, find yourself a hole to jump in. Your vegetable debate got old before you started.
Geoengineering is the major cause.

Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)

But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Yea, says who? You? And you are? What links can you provide to back up your claim? Oh, that's right, you can't provide any. You're a simpleton Trump voter who doesn't give a shit.
Eighteen of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, and we keep observing these highly unusual and often record-breaking high temperatures.

They won’t stop soon, but cuts to greenhouse emissions would eventually slow them down.

Thing that gets me is that we have the ability to stop this or at least drastically slow it.

Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)

But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Yea, says who? You? And you are? What links can you provide to back up your claim? Oh, that's right, you can't provide any. You're a simpleton Trump voter who doesn't give a shit.

And you use weird weather to claim GLOBUL WURMING.

Then when cold weather hits you ignore said weather because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Climate Change FEAR is used by the Left Wing Politicians to grow their political power.
They use it to herd the dumb liberal crackpots to the polls.
Better yet, they use it to expose these ignorant Trump Sheep for what they are.
Yes, by following the path of Watermelons everywhere, and embracing Socialism to tell us how to live our lives (while the elites keep their air-conditioning and jet travel, and the rest of us revert to the 1800's)

But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Yea, says who? You? And you are? What links can you provide to back up your claim? Oh, that's right, you can't provide any. You're a simpleton Trump voter who doesn't give a shit.

And you use weird weather to claim GLOBUL WURMING.

Then when cold weather hits you ignore said weather because it doesn't fit your narrative.
"OMG",people,I have hit a treasure trove of grade A pure idiotism. This poster does not understand what "Global warming" is.
But what is better to follow the all might dollar and only be concern with the balance of your checking account and ignore anything that abuse the Earth as this is the now generation and we should only be concern with ourselves. The heck with the future generation all they have to do is just deal with it.

Me Me Me me me me me me me
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Yea, says who? You? And you are? What links can you provide to back up your claim? Oh, that's right, you can't provide any. You're a simpleton Trump voter who doesn't give a shit.

And you use weird weather to claim GLOBUL WURMING.

Then when cold weather hits you ignore said weather because it doesn't fit your narrative.
"OMG",people,I have hit a treasure trove of grade A pure idiotism. This poster does not understand what "Global warming" is.

I doubt you do either.

AGW is just an excuse for more government control of more people.

And like the sheep you are, you go along with it.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Q. Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

A. On Jan. 20, 2021 if Trump and his ineptness is defeated and The Democrats take the Senate and keep the H. or Rep. Only then is it possible to protect the earth, its people and all other living creatures.
That’s rich, since they did nothing about climate change when your Messiah held both houses.
Geoengineering is the major cause.

View attachment 270510
Do you know what that concrete interstate means to our environment? What about the plastic monoculture grass that was planted there? Do you believe that no harm comes because of that? To answer those questions, you will have to understand basic Ecology and Agrostology.
That is all these self centered Dicks care about. "THE ME!"

Actually radical environmentalism is nothing but "ME ME ME"

The hubris that somehow modern living standards need to be destroyed to assuage the guilt of liberal twats such as yourself.
Yea, says who? You? And you are? What links can you provide to back up your claim? Oh, that's right, you can't provide any. You're a simpleton Trump voter who doesn't give a shit.

And you use weird weather to claim GLOBUL WURMING.

Then when cold weather hits you ignore said weather because it doesn't fit your narrative.
"OMG",people,I have hit a treasure trove of grade A pure idiotism. This poster does not understand what "Global warming" is.

I doubt you do either.

AGW is just an excuse for more government control of more people.

And like the sheep you are, you go along with it.
You are totally void of any interesting debate because you are too damn ignorant and shallow to even care, so you invent these ridiculous excuses about government control. If you had any idea of just how shallow you really are, lol, you still wouldn't give a shit. The "ME" is all that concerns a Trump voter.

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