Pay attention to what the enemy is saying.... (Transhumanism)

When God does something drastic, He tells us why He's doing it. For instance, we know why He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. He told us why.
There were probably lots of things wrong with Noah's era. Violence, drinking etc. But God told us what He thought the problem was. There were only 8 people left on earth whose human DNA hadn't been hybridized by fallen angels.
And we are at it again.
Gates is injecting us and our food with a serum that alters our human DNA.
The chip Musk is developing, to be programmed and implanted in brains, will create a tech/human hybrid.
The WEF is insanity in warp speed...

Excellent point...Wow, I was so focused on the immortality thing and their claim that we will be "like gods" (the oldest lie, as it says in Genesis 3:4-5) that I forgot about "as it was in the days of Noah". I totally agree that it's a repeat of what happened during that time, before the flood. The enemy is trying to destroy mankind by messing with our genes and creating a hybrid. Just like back then. 🤯 I mean, I know it probably sounds loony to nonbelievers, but they're openly talking about becoming "like gods" and messing with human DNA and creating cyborgs or other things that are not human. I don't think a lot of people realize what you said... even among Christians. But I believe it, because Jesus was the one who said "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man" and look at what is actually happening. I'll try to share a few clips of them openly stating what they want to do.
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I can't imagine the horror!

Glenn Beck has been talking about this for years. He played a part of a movie/book where a person had died & their consciousness had been downloaded into a computer...waking up to the computers voice was the beginning of the sound (I was listening to him on the radio)...

The whole concept really freaked me out!

I wish I could remember the name of the movie/book.
I'm fairly convinced that your soul is key to consciousness, and don't see how that part of yourself/existence could be downloaded into a computer. :eusa_think:
Excellent point...Wow, I was so focused on the immortality thing and their claim that we will be "like gods" (the oldest lie, as it says in Genesis 3:4-5) that I forgot about "as it was in the days of Noah". I totally agree that it's a repeat of what happened during that time, before the flood. The enemy is trying to destroy mankind by messing with our genes and creating a hybrid. Just like back then. 🤯 I mean, I know it probably sounds loony to nonbelievers, but they're openly talking about becoming "like gods" and messing with human DNA and creating cyborgs or other things that are not human. I don't think a lot of people realize what you said... even among Christians. But I believe it, because Jesus was the one who said "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man" and look at what is actually happening. I'll try to share a few clips of them openly stating what they want to do.
FWIW, human DNA has already been messed with sort of. We humans are a hybrid of Earth native hominids and Extra-Terrestrial hominoids; Anunnaki.
Details in this thread;
The Geminga Scenario
FWIW, human DNA has already been messed with sort of. We humans are a hybrid of Earth native hominids and Extra-Terrestrial hominoids; Anunnaki.
Details in this thread;
The Geminga Scenario

Thanks for the link. I read part of the thread, enough to get the gist of it.

Respectfully, I just disagree with that view. For a number of reasons.

There's a very old quote, attributed to Heracleitus, that goes: "Because it is sometimes so unbelievable, the truth escapes becoming known." I think that quote perfectly applies in this case.

Otherworldly beings did mix with humans, creating a hybrid. But those otherworldly beings weren't ETs, they were fallen angels. Their offspring were the Nephilim, an angelic / human hybrid. It has been said that the Nephilim were wiped out. But there's also a view (unbelievable at this may sound) that the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim remained on the earth and became what we now refer to as demons.

This could be a thread of its own... but the bottom line is, I firmly and wholeheartedly believe that the "ancient aliens" idea is a big deception, and that "aliens" are demons.

Even a number of well-known non-Christian UFO researchers have stated that after many years of research, their view is that aliens are interdimensional, not extraterrestial. Which inadvertently corroborates that "aliens" people claimed to have encountered, are demons. I could post the quotes if you want. But like I said, I don't want to get too off topic. Or get into a big debate on the origin of life on this thread.
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According to their worldview, humans will be useless....

View attachment 1066464
I believe he/they are 100% reasonable and sensible , and this is the core Deep State /WEF start position .

As you doubtless know their target is to keep world population at 500 million maximum with the bulk of those working directly for the Elite.

However , I happen to believe that the Universe is Consciousness and that we can and should only move to this position from choice and via education .
That is , as we eventually evolve in terms of Consciousness and "Spirituality " we will all choose this end result target .
Agreed . Not forced .

But of course the "Elite" need things to happen "Now" and not over the next century , say .
And their current plans are best described , imho , as Evil .

They will now continue to poison air , food and water and use Weather Control and Pandemics as other weapons .

And if enough of the Sheeple do not wake up soon , they will be effectively enslaved as a small servile group .
Why do these evil people always have names like a Die Hard villain? If his name was Hans Gruber I'd not be a bit surprised.

Get this out into the Muslim community and they would be one angry Muslim away from either being blown-up or beheaded.....And rightfully so.
Why do these evil people always have names like a Die Hard villain? If his name was Hans Gruber I'd not be a bit surprised.

Get this out into the Muslim community and they would be one angry Muslim away from either being blown-up or beheaded.....And rightfully so.
Who do you think they and Ludlum villains are based on? ;)
WHat if...when you die in a hospital...or the ambulance came to pick up your body...they download your brain & store you in memory.

Your family would never know...there would be no way to detect it or prove it.
That's only if you don't believe in the SPIRIT component of the mind. You cannot digitize the Spirit in Man
Your essence goes back to God. YOU cannot be downloaded
Thanks for the link. I read part of the thread, enough to get the gist of it.

Respectfully, I just disagree with that view. For a number of reasons.

There's a very old quote, attributed to Heracleitus, that goes: "Because it is sometimes so unbelievable, the truth escapes becoming known." I think that quote perfectly applies in this case.

Otherworldly beings did mix with humans, creating a hybrid. But those otherworldly beings weren't ETs, they were fallen angels. Their offspring were the Nephilim, an angelic / human hybrid. It has been said that the Nephilim were wiped out. But there's also a view (unbelievable at this may sound) that the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim remained on the earth and became what we now refer to as demons.

This could be a thread of its own... but the bottom line is, I firmly and wholeheartedly believe that the "ancient aliens" idea is a big deception, and that "aliens" are demons.

Even a number of well-known non-Christian UFO researchers have stated that after many years of research, their view is that aliens are interdimensional, not extraterrestial. Which inadvertently corroborates that "aliens" people claimed to have encountered, are demons. I could post the quotes if you want. But like I said, I don't want to get too off topic. Or get into a big debate on the origin of life on this thread.
Having been raised in the Catholic Church, I've heard it all before. And many times since.
Were to read further on that thread you would see that part of 'Theory' is that our religions are product of the Anunnaki, sometimes refereed to as Nephilim, as part of a population control and manipulation device.

Note that we are looking at records of one of the first civilizations, Sumer et al, and that Abraham was a Sumerian before he accepted JHWH's covenant.

Having studied the UFO phenomena for over 50 years I have encountered that inter-dimensional aspect/explanation. The way I see those pieces fitting is that the ET have access to hyper-dimensional science and technology. Which may explain how they travel between the stars getting around 3-D physics constraint, by using 4th &/or 5th dimensional physics.

In Sumerian "mythology" the competition between the brothers Enki and Enlil are source of later "God vs. Devil" religious basis.
Enki is the one who lead the science program of blending pre-human and Anunnaki DNA. Enlil considered that a mistake, hence is portrayed as the vengeful Gawd, bring misfortune to humans.
I'm fairly convinced that your soul is key to consciousness, and don't see how that part of yourself/existence could be downloaded into a computer. :eusa_think:

I hear ya...but the knowledge (like words in a book) probably could...and then it would just be a "copy" of you in the computer...but who is really to say?

I wouldn't want that no matter what!
I believe he/they are 100% reasonable and sensible , and this is the core Deep State /WEF start position .

As you doubtless know their target is to keep world population at 500 million maximum with the bulk of those working directly for the Elite.

However , I happen to believe that the Universe is Consciousness and that we can and should only move to this position from choice and via education .
That is , as we eventually evolve in terms of Consciousness and "Spirituality " we will all choose this end result target .

Agreed . Not forced .

But of course the "Elite" need things to happen "Now" and not over the next century , say .
And their current plans are best described , imho , as Evil .

They will now continue to poison air , food and water and use Weather Control and Pandemics as other weapons .

And if enough of the Sheeple do not wake up soon , they will be effectively enslaved as a small servile group .

I agree that they want to significantly reduce the population. But why would anyone choose the end result of being a servant of the elite? Did you mean that people will choose that if it came down to being dead or alive? As for the last thing you said, I think a lot of people are waking up and realizing that something is not right. You've probably read the book 'Behold a Pale Horse' by William Cooper? He was absolutely right about nearly everything. The only thing he was wrong about (which you'll probably disagree with) is aliens, which he later changed his view on. But like I said to Stryder, I don't want to get into big debates on stuff like that, it's too early in the day for that, lol.
Having been raised in the Catholic Church, I've heard it all before. And many times since.
Were to read further on that thread you would see that part of 'Theory' is that our religions are product of the Anunnaki, sometimes refereed to as Nephilim, as part of a population control and manipulation device.

Note that we are looking at records of one of the first civilizations, Sumer et al, and that Abraham was a Sumerian before he accepted JHWH's covenant.

Having studied the UFO phenomena for over 50 years I have encountered that inter-dimensional aspect/explanation. The way I see those pieces fitting is that the ET have access to hyper-dimensional science and technology. Which may explain how they travel between the stars getting around 3-D physics constraint, by using 4th &/or 5th dimensional physics.

In Sumerian "mythology" the competition between the brothers Enki and Enlil are source of later "God vs. Devil" religious basis.
Enki is the one who lead the science program of blending pre-human and Anunnaki DNA. Enlil considered that a mistake, hence is portrayed as the vengeful Gawd, bring misfortune to humans.

"Religion" is a very broad word, and for me it's not about religion. The only thing I care about is truth. I used to be an unbeliever, so I get where you're coming from. I looked down on religion, in the same way that many atheists do. And I still dislike religion, when it's apart from what is actually true. But we'll have to agree to disagree, because I too have heard the things you're talking about, and I firmly believe it's a deception.
This guy, Yuval Noah Harari, is a transhumanist, technocrat, globalist, and has been called Klaus Schwab's 'right hand man.' He writes books that Obama, Bill Gates and others of that ilk have publicly praised and recommended. So he's not just some Joe Schmo, he's someone that is listened to by powerful people. But the stuff this guy promotes is pure evil, Orwellian and completely insane. (The few clips I'm posting below don't even get into the crazier stuff.)

But are people listening? For the most part, I don't think so. I think people are too busy being distracted by nonsense. That's why I titled this "pay attention to what the enemy is saying."

According to their worldview, humans will be useless....

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Humans are "hackable animals"

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Surveillance is now "under the skin"

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There's a lot more to be said about this topic... What's really interesting is that all this ties in with biblical prophecy. But that's a thread for another time and place. For now I just wanted to share a few things. What are your thoughts on this?

Translation, "Look at me, I'm proud Homophobic Asshole!

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