Paul Ryan No Different Than McConnell: 'Then' & 'Now' - All 'Talk the Talk', No 'Walk The Walk'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ryan and McConnell have something HUGE in common: They both 'Talk the Talk' but neither 'Walk the Walk'. Case in point - the ACA. Approx 100 votes on repealing the ACA over 7 years, and in 99% of the votes the Republicans voted SYMBOLICALLY to kill the law. When it came time to vote on something that actually could have defunded it....they refused to do so. Even being given a GOP House, a GOP Senate, and a GOP President - as requested, they could not / would not keep their promise of repealing and replacing it.

Now comes DACA....

In 2014 Ryan called DACA 'amnesty' and declared it to be 'Un-Constitutional':

“First of all, it’s unconstitutional so we’re already going through the court system on other unconstitutional executive orders that [Obama] has worked on and we would add this to the pile,” Ryan said at the time.

“If he were to do that, by the way, he would put millions of people in legal limbo, poison the well for Congress, and do something that’s so blatantly unconstitutional so we’re telling the administration don’t even think about doing this,” he asserted.

“If you want to change a law, then go to Congress,” Ryan said. “You can’t unilaterally write a law as the executive.”

Ryan told Obama ... in front of the public ... 'Don't even think about it!' Pretty d@mn impressive, huh?!

Yeah, now that the Man he hated from the start is President and on the cusp of actually getting rid of Obama's law he himself called Un-Constitutional, suddenly Ryan is DEFENDING that very same 'Un-Constitutional Executive Order / Illegal Law. This time it is Trump Ryan is telling, 'Don't even think about it':

“I actually don’t think he should do that, and I believe that this is something that Congress has to fix,” Ryan said of Trump’s decision to end the Obama executive order that protects undocumented children."

Like with McConnell, Is it that Ryan was lying his ass off from the start about opposing the Un-Constitutional Act, was it that Ryan flip-flopped on the issue, was it that Ryan just hated Trump so much and did not want him to be President that he is secretly trying to undermine / obstruct the President (like McConnell), or is it a combination?

The boy can sure spew bullshit, but when it's time for action neither he nor McConnell will do what they promised to do.

I hope their constituents remember this / that fact come 2018 election time.

Flashback: In 2014, Paul Ryan Called Executive Amnesty 'Blatantly Unconstitutional' [VIDEO]
Before the rabid reactions begin coming in, know this thread isn't even really about DACA or about the ACA.

It's about the worthless word of a POS politician, and it doesn't even have to be a Republican. It can be a Democrat....but in this case it is all about the 'Republicans' Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. For a decade now these lying SOBs have been 'playing' Conservatives, going through the motions, getting their hopes up with their false promises, and then even when they have the House, Senate, and the WH they F* the Conservatives / Conservative membe4s of the GOP. They have been doing this for over a decade, but they have been doubling-down the last 7 years, specifically with issues like the ACA Repeal and DACA.

They spew what they think Conservatives want to hear, go through pointless motions, and when push comes to shove, they bury their faces between the ass-cheeks of the Liberal Progressives....only to be rewarded with re-election and house and Senate Leadership positions.

Yeah, Democrats F*ed over their constituents by rigging their primaries, engaging in election fraud, and cheating in debates to help criminal Hillary take the Nomination LAST YEAR, but the GOP has been doing this for decades to Conservatives.

If this isn't a sign / enough to make Conservatives walk away from the Republican Party and create an ACTUAL Conservative Party, instead of choosing to continue to be sheep, nothing ever will.
Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Which is part of the reason why I do not belong to any party.

Perhaps a better answer would be to strap a special bracelet that can't be removed on every politician once they take their oath of office, one that issues a moderate shock to them if / when they lie. The only problem with this plan is that 60% of the elected politicians would end up dead inside of 3 months after being elected from electrocution.

Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Which is part of the reason why I do not belong to any party.

Perhaps a better answer would be to strap a special bracelet that can't be removed on every politician once they take their oath of office, one that issues a moderate shock to them if / when they lie. The only problem with this plan is that 60% of the elected politicians would end up dead inside of 3 months after being elected from electrocution.

"would end up dead inside of 3 months"
You're being kind, I'd give em three minutes............
Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Which is part of the reason why I do not belong to any party.

Perhaps a better answer would be to strap a special bracelet that can't be removed on every politician once they take their oath of office, one that issues a moderate shock to them if / when they lie. The only problem with this plan is that 60% of the elected politicians would end up dead inside of 3 months after being elected from electrocution.

They will still do the bidding of the donor class and Wall Street, that's just your system. No remedy will come from the top down.
Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Which is part of the reason why I do not belong to any party.

Perhaps a better answer would be to strap a special bracelet that can't be removed on every politician once they take their oath of office, one that issues a moderate shock to them if / when they lie. The only problem with this plan is that 60% of the elected politicians would end up dead inside of 3 months after being elected from electrocution.

They will still do the bidding of the donor class and Wall Street, that's just your system. No remedy will come from the top down.
There is a remedy, but it would require the politicians to vote to cut off their own mega source of funding / money. Much like 'Term Limits', politicians would never vote for something that would curtail their power / money.
Continuing to vote for that party is just as silly as continuing to vote for the "other" party ain't it shoog. 'Course your "other" party once formed would be what portion of the electorate again? The usual ~25-30% batshit cray cray crowd?
Which is part of the reason why I do not belong to any party.

Perhaps a better answer would be to strap a special bracelet that can't be removed on every politician once they take their oath of office, one that issues a moderate shock to them if / when they lie. The only problem with this plan is that 60% of the elected politicians would end up dead inside of 3 months after being elected from electrocution.

They will still do the bidding of the donor class and Wall Street, that's just your system. No remedy will come from the top down.
There is a remedy, but it would require the politicians to vote to cut off their own mega source of funding / money. Much like 'Term Limits', politicians would never vote for something that would curtail their power / money.
No. The people must stop relying on the power structure to reform itself. Power always does whatever it is allowed to.
Pushed hard enough and past a certain point usually ends either 2 ways - the people cave, concede, and 'accept their new 'masters' and how things are going to be from now on' OR they rebel - revolution / violence. I wonder if it will come to this choice, and if or when - what will be the big issue / event.

Right now I see the US in the 'frog in the pot / slow boil' scenario, but lately the temperature has risen a little too fast, and people (the frogs) are taking notice....
"I think I'd make an excellent benevolent dictator." - Paul Ryan

Ah, the small talk overheard between members of Congress on their way to votes.

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