Patriots, Traitors Both Able to Support Their Side in Border Wall Dispute

The President should make Slush Fund Payments The Democrats set up to pay off victims of their sexual assaults public.
You can spot a Democrat by the mark on their heads (usually obscured by hair). They also have horns, cloven hooves, stick of sulfur and conduct human sacrifice.
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
You notice how dumb Democrat posters are these days?

No substance at all. Just NPC type comments. Very rarely see one post anything thought provoking
My question is why do the idiots on the right always think hey know what a democrat thinks. That is impossible for republicans to understand. They just don't have the brain power. So instead they lie their asses off, listen to propaganda radio and fox propaganda and think they know what is happening. Sorry but you don't even have a clue. Now I have an idea and that would be a compromise. Trump gets his wall and the democrats get true immigration reform and set the millions already here on a path to citizenship. That would give a huge boost to our economy solve many of the uissues we have. However I don't think you on the right have the brain power to understand how this would work as all you can see is that the immigrants have dark skin. You are so fucking shallow in thought and deeds that you are basically brain-dead letting right wing radio lie to you and make you happy. As those on the right truly believe that only white people are good.
Because you tell us what you think.

You tell us you want to take away our guns.
You decriminalize Prostitution for children as young as 13, then you promote Pedophilia in our schools as a normal healthy sexual preference. Why are you teaching homosexuality and pedophilia to our children?

I can go on and on. I could write an entire book on just your stance on illegal immigration alone.

You tell us you want gun control, yet do everything you can to stop things like Kate's law and then overturn every single charge against her illegal alien killer who was deported 9 times, so you can release him again, and no doubt won't tell ICE you just did.

Your party is disgusting.

Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation
We've been saying this forever now just like how we have been saying Democrats want to come for your guns... and they are just now starting to admit that.
We're coming for your guns, your unborn babies, your "Christianity", your right to put a junkyard on your property, your money and your family. Why? Because we Democrats are pure evil in every conceivable way. We worship Satan, we follow the dictates of both Hitler AND Mao, we drink blood and eat human flesh just for kicks. Everything Alex Jones has told you about Democrats is true! ''Twas ever thus. Just ask any producer at Fox News!

Such is the manner of thought exuded by today's idiots.
The President should make Slush Fund Payments The Democrats set up to pay off victims of their sexual assaults public.
You can spot a Democrat by the mark on their heads (usually obscured by hair). They also have horns, cloven hooves, stick of sulfur and conduct human sacrifice.
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
Is there a degree hanging along side that deer head? Ever been casually brushed by the veneer of high culture? Could you tell a Picasso from a Mondrian? Beethoven from Mozart? Downtown Anbey from a demolition derby?
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
You can spot a Democrat by the mark on their heads (usually obscured by hair). They also have horns, cloven hooves, stick of sulfur and conduct human sacrifice.
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
Is there a degree hanging along side that deer head? Ever been casually brushed by the veneer of high culture? Could you tell a Picasso from a Mondrian? Beethoven from Mozart? Downtown Anbey from a demolition derby?
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
Yeah. I wish you were here too. Start thinking for yourself and leave the conspiracy driven 'pundits' behind. What is the virtue of rampant cynicism? It divides, maligns and leads to intellectual darkness.
Is it feasible to oppose Trump and his silly wall .......

That statement just disqualified you and exposed you as an imbecile.

First of all, WALLS WORK. Ask the Israelis: GOP senator says Israel border fence cut illegal immigration

Second, the wall is only one piece of the border security structure. It also includes drones, electronics, human guards, rapid response stations at regular intervals, and more.

So, take your simplistic childish comment, wad it into a ball and shove it up your arse.

What is the virtue of rampant cynicism? It divides, maligns and leads to intellectual darkness.

Is it feasible to oppose Trump and his silly wall .......

That statement just disqualified you and exposed you as an imbecile.

First of all, WALLS WORK. Ask the Israelis: GOP senator says Israel border fence cut illegal immigration

Second, the wall is only one piece of the border security structure. It also includes drones, electronics, human guards, rapid response stations at regular intervals, and more.

So, take your simplistic childish comment, wad it into a ball and shove it up your arse.

What is the virtue of rampant cynicism? It divides, maligns and leads to intellectual darkness.

Awww! You're sweet!

But so in the pocket of the huckster buffoon you will be crushed when he is sentenced to prison.

We'll be here with all the emotional support you deserve.
The President should make Slush Fund Payments The Democrats set up to pay off victims of their sexual assaults public.
You can spot a Democrat by the mark on their heads (usually obscured by hair). They also have horns, cloven hooves, stick of sulfur and conduct human sacrifice.
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
You notice how dumb Democrat posters are these days?

No substance at all. Just NPC type comments. Very rarely see one post anything thought provoking
My question is why do the idiots on the right always think hey know what a democrat thinks. That is impossible for republicans to understand. They just don't have the brain power. So instead they lie their asses off, listen to propaganda radio and fox propaganda and think they know what is happening. Sorry but you don't even have a clue. Now I have an idea and that would be a compromise. Trump gets his wall and the democrats get true immigration reform and set the millions already here on a path to citizenship. That would give a huge boost to our economy solve many of the uissues we have. However I don't think you on the right have the brain power to understand how this would work as all you can see is that the immigrants have dark skin. You are so fucking shallow in thought and deeds that you are basically brain-dead letting right wing radio lie to you and make you happy. As those on the right truly believe that only white people are good.
Because you tell us what you think.

You tell us you want to take away our guns.
You decriminalize Prostitution for children as young as 13, then you promote Pedophilia in our schools as a normal healthy sexual preference. Why are you teaching homosexuality and pedophilia to our children?

I can go on and on. I could write an entire book on just your stance on illegal immigration alone.

You tell us you want gun control, yet do everything you can to stop things like Kate's law and then overturn every single charge against her illegal alien killer who was deported 9 times, so you can release him again, and no doubt won't tell ICE you just did.

Your party is disgusting.

Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation
We've been saying this forever now just like how we have been saying Democrats want to come for your guns... and they are just now starting to admit that.
They always tell you what they are going to do by their words and actions.

Take for Instance Planned Parenthood. They canned the head of Planned Parenthood because she wanted to minimize Planned Parenthood's stance on Abortion, and Planned Parenthood wants to PROMOTE ABORTION AS A FIRST CHOICE.

So they fired her and then tried to with hold her retirement, and healthcare benefits, and tried to force her to sign an additional non disclosure agreement.
You can spot a Democrat by the mark on their heads (usually obscured by hair). They also have horns, cloven hooves, stick of sulfur and conduct human sacrifice.
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
You notice how dumb Democrat posters are these days?

No substance at all. Just NPC type comments. Very rarely see one post anything thought provoking
My question is why do the idiots on the right always think hey know what a democrat thinks. That is impossible for republicans to understand. They just don't have the brain power. So instead they lie their asses off, listen to propaganda radio and fox propaganda and think they know what is happening. Sorry but you don't even have a clue. Now I have an idea and that would be a compromise. Trump gets his wall and the democrats get true immigration reform and set the millions already here on a path to citizenship. That would give a huge boost to our economy solve many of the uissues we have. However I don't think you on the right have the brain power to understand how this would work as all you can see is that the immigrants have dark skin. You are so fucking shallow in thought and deeds that you are basically brain-dead letting right wing radio lie to you and make you happy. As those on the right truly believe that only white people are good.
Because you tell us what you think.

You tell us you want to take away our guns.
You decriminalize Prostitution for children as young as 13, then you promote Pedophilia in our schools as a normal healthy sexual preference. Why are you teaching homosexuality and pedophilia to our children?

I can go on and on. I could write an entire book on just your stance on illegal immigration alone.

You tell us you want gun control, yet do everything you can to stop things like Kate's law and then overturn every single charge against her illegal alien killer who was deported 9 times, so you can release him again, and no doubt won't tell ICE you just did.

Your party is disgusting.

Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation
We've been saying this forever now just like how we have been saying Democrats want to come for your guns... and they are just now starting to admit that.
They always tell you what they are going to do by their words and actions.

Take for Instance Planned Parenthood. They canned the head of Planned Parenthood because she wanted to minimize Planned Parenthood's stance on Abortion, and Planned Parenthood wants to PROMOTE ABORTION AS A FIRST CHOICE.

So they fired her and then tried to with hold her retirement, and healthcare benefits, and tried to force her to sign an additional non disclosure agreement.
Andrew McCabe?
That doesn't happen until judgment day when they are all thrown in to Hell with Al Gore.

Other than that they look like the average Dem Tard Loser.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
You notice how dumb Democrat posters are these days?

No substance at all. Just NPC type comments. Very rarely see one post anything thought provoking
My question is why do the idiots on the right always think hey know what a democrat thinks. That is impossible for republicans to understand. They just don't have the brain power. So instead they lie their asses off, listen to propaganda radio and fox propaganda and think they know what is happening. Sorry but you don't even have a clue. Now I have an idea and that would be a compromise. Trump gets his wall and the democrats get true immigration reform and set the millions already here on a path to citizenship. That would give a huge boost to our economy solve many of the uissues we have. However I don't think you on the right have the brain power to understand how this would work as all you can see is that the immigrants have dark skin. You are so fucking shallow in thought and deeds that you are basically brain-dead letting right wing radio lie to you and make you happy. As those on the right truly believe that only white people are good.
Because you tell us what you think.

You tell us you want to take away our guns.
You decriminalize Prostitution for children as young as 13, then you promote Pedophilia in our schools as a normal healthy sexual preference. Why are you teaching homosexuality and pedophilia to our children?

I can go on and on. I could write an entire book on just your stance on illegal immigration alone.

You tell us you want gun control, yet do everything you can to stop things like Kate's law and then overturn every single charge against her illegal alien killer who was deported 9 times, so you can release him again, and no doubt won't tell ICE you just did.

Your party is disgusting.

Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation
We've been saying this forever now just like how we have been saying Democrats want to come for your guns... and they are just now starting to admit that.
They always tell you what they are going to do by their words and actions.

Take for Instance Planned Parenthood. They canned the head of Planned Parenthood because she wanted to minimize Planned Parenthood's stance on Abortion, and Planned Parenthood wants to PROMOTE ABORTION AS A FIRST CHOICE.

So they fired her and then tried to with hold her retirement, and healthcare benefits, and tried to force her to sign an additional non disclosure agreement.
Andrew McCabe?
You mean the douchebag who abused his position, orchestrated a COUP and committed perjury as well as committed other crimes and was fired, not for a difference of opinion but because he committed crimes, and violated ethical standards.
What's the look for a Trumpian? A tacky trucker cap and a vacant stare?
Dirt under our fingernails, a paycheck and a mortgage, and half of our income being confiscated by State, Federal and Local Governments and given to Lazy Loafers who in reality should be allowed to starve to death if they refuse to get off the damn couch and get a job.
You notice how dumb Democrat posters are these days?

No substance at all. Just NPC type comments. Very rarely see one post anything thought provoking
My question is why do the idiots on the right always think hey know what a democrat thinks. That is impossible for republicans to understand. They just don't have the brain power. So instead they lie their asses off, listen to propaganda radio and fox propaganda and think they know what is happening. Sorry but you don't even have a clue. Now I have an idea and that would be a compromise. Trump gets his wall and the democrats get true immigration reform and set the millions already here on a path to citizenship. That would give a huge boost to our economy solve many of the uissues we have. However I don't think you on the right have the brain power to understand how this would work as all you can see is that the immigrants have dark skin. You are so fucking shallow in thought and deeds that you are basically brain-dead letting right wing radio lie to you and make you happy. As those on the right truly believe that only white people are good.
Because you tell us what you think.

You tell us you want to take away our guns.
You decriminalize Prostitution for children as young as 13, then you promote Pedophilia in our schools as a normal healthy sexual preference. Why are you teaching homosexuality and pedophilia to our children?

I can go on and on. I could write an entire book on just your stance on illegal immigration alone.

You tell us you want gun control, yet do everything you can to stop things like Kate's law and then overturn every single charge against her illegal alien killer who was deported 9 times, so you can release him again, and no doubt won't tell ICE you just did.

Your party is disgusting.

Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation
We've been saying this forever now just like how we have been saying Democrats want to come for your guns... and they are just now starting to admit that.
They always tell you what they are going to do by their words and actions.

Take for Instance Planned Parenthood. They canned the head of Planned Parenthood because she wanted to minimize Planned Parenthood's stance on Abortion, and Planned Parenthood wants to PROMOTE ABORTION AS A FIRST CHOICE.

So they fired her and then tried to with hold her retirement, and healthcare benefits, and tried to force her to sign an additional non disclosure agreement.
Andrew McCabe?
You mean the douchebag who abused his position, orchestrated a COUP and committed perjury as well as committed other crimes and was fired, not for a difference of opinion but because he committed crimes, and violated ethical standards.
Ethical standards? From a Trumpian?

That's rich!
I wouldn't support either. I'm not anti-wall, but I have less faith in Trump's solitary wall than GW Bush's double fence and so I wouldn't willingly waste my money on it. On the other side, I donate to help the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter for people in need, but not Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). I limit my contributions for education to a memorial fund established for my brother at the university where he taught.
So you step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to donate and help needy homeless foreign nationals?

Charity begins at home, and if it doesn't it's not charity, it's something sinister.

It goes back to that "who is my neighbor" question. Best be careful who you're referring to as sinister.

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