Patricia Heaton, ask why any civilized human being would support the Democratic Party!

Why vote Democrat?

Protect and expand Social Security
Expand Medicare/Pre-Existing Conditions protection
Labor Protections/Overtime Pay/Family Medical Leave
Civil Rights Protections
Voting Rights -- Not Suppression
Consumer Protections
etc, etc, etc,etc
Why vote for democrats? Because this is the Republican Party:

View attachment 311284

No decent person can support the current Republicans party
So candles are okay but tiki torches are not okay? LOL
Has anyone ever suggested that you're a fool?

You’re okay with the republicans chanting Nazi slogans? You’ve confirmed you’re a piece of shit
You have the name and voting records of the people in the picture? Link?

Yeah, those were all blob supporters. Pieces of shit...every one of you

and these are all democrats.


as are these

She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get
Why vote for democrats? Because this is the Republican Party:

View attachment 311284

No decent person can support the current Republicans party
So candles are okay but tiki torches are not okay? LOL
Has anyone ever suggested that you're a fool?

You’re okay with the republicans chanting Nazi slogans? You’ve confirmed you’re a piece of shit
You have the name and voting records of the people in the picture? Link?

Yeah, those were all blob supporters. Pieces of shit...every one of you
You dont get that those folks have kind of turned on Trump because they had hopes he would have gone in a direction he had no Intention of going.

These are JEW HATING SOCIALISTS. They will likely vote Demonrat. They would be Bernie or Tulsi supporters. You see some of them posting here.
Why vote for democrats? Because this is the Republican Party:

View attachment 311284

No decent person can support the current Republicans party
So candles are okay but tiki torches are not okay? LOL
Has anyone ever suggested that you're a fool?

You’re okay with the republicans chanting Nazi slogans? You’ve confirmed you’re a piece of shit
You have the name and voting records of the people in the picture? Link?

Yeah, those were all blob supporters. Pieces of shit...every one of you
You dont get that those folks have kind of turned on Trump because they had hopes he would have gone in a direction he had no Intention of going.

These are JEW HATING SOCIALISTS. They will likely vote Demonrat. They would be Bernie or Tulsi supporters. You see some of them posting here.

That comment was fucking retarded
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get

She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics."
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get

She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics."

I agree with her.
That why we elected President Trump.
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get
If people don't vote they are handing the keys to those that do and giving corporations and special interests more influence. Whatever you think of Bernie, he wants to fundamentally change this country but his main supporters, youths, don't bother to vote. They want change and will bitch and moan online, protest in the streets, but won't vote????
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get

She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics."

Newsflash, she’s participating
She also said:

“Republican politicians are cowards. That’s why I no longer participate in politics. Philanthropy only,”
If she doesn't care about this country, she should leave. OTOH, I encourage everyone not to vote, it only dilutes mine.

Im sure she cares. I disagree with her assessment but she deserves more credit. You, me, and others who aren’t in the public eye risk very little in stating her opinion. She risks quite a bit by alienating the public who ultimately pays her salary.

Good for her.
Rather a negative position I think, giving up on America. Enough people don't vote already, we don't need to give them any encouragement.
Not sure where you get that from. Sounds like she’s encouraging participation. On the wrong side IMHO. Given that the blob lost by 3M votes last time, he needs all the help he can get
If people don't vote they are handing the keys to those that do and giving corporations and special interests more influence. Whatever you think of Bernie, he wants to fundamentally change this country but his main supporters, youths, don't bother to vote. They want change and will bitch and moan online, protest in the streets, but won't vote????
Lots of reasons the kids don’t vote in numbers.

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