Well the coronovirus has taken the edge off of curing cancer

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Terence Millar

Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
A mild disease (overblown by the media) over a deadly killer.

Do not let the overblown media take funds away for our cancer research.
Sadly whenever a well known person loses their battle with cancer it is merely a footnote.
What are you saying? Has the cancer research centers stop researching cancer?
No money has been diverted from cancer research. Money has been allocated
for the research of the Coronavirus.
A mild disease (overblown by the media) over a deadly killer.

Do not let the overblown media take funds away for our cancer research.
Sadly whenever a well known person loses their battle with cancer it is merely a footnote.

And we were just on the cusp of curing cancer? Let's face it, America is a death cult. A footnote like kids gunned down in mass school shootings? A footnote like all the Iraqis and Afghans we slaughtered in our illegal unconstitutional wars launched upon lies? A footnote like 22 vet suicides/day? A footnote like Midwest farmer suicides? We do this all the time, we're quite adept at it. 46K die per year over lack of healthcare, we can't see fit to deal with that, and we have no problem whistling past it.
A mild disease (overblown by the media) over a deadly killer.

Do not let the overblown media take funds away for our cancer research.
Sadly whenever a well known person loses their battle with cancer it is merely a footnote.

If all the wall money and all that extra military spending & the trillion or so spent on the Iraq war or all the money Trump spent going golfing went to cancer research......
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